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Everything posted by ScottishMagpie

  1. Blaze - that's me sent payment. Let me know of any issues.
  2. Let me know details and I'll get money to you right away. Top man for doing this!!
  3. Done (I think!). Bloody luddite that I am!
  4. Happy to transfer money. Just let me know details. Ps. many thanks for taking care of all this! Looking forward to it would be an understatement!
  5. Just clicked on this linked and viewed the options available...... might be showing my age here but what the fuck is a pornstar tree? I know what a tree is and I damn well know what a pornstar is but WTF? The mental images I'm getting are quite disturbing!
  6. Don't think you need me to tell you you have one special lady there! Should have seen the 'negotiations' here with my Mrs just to get the Sunday/Monday "off".... and I'm just 100 miles up the road!
  7. Surely there must be some law that prevents this?
  8. is the chef Tom Kerridge on co-commentary on the BBC?
  9. Count me in too! Trains and hotel are booked. Just no idea where to watch the match itself.
  10. My thoughts exactly. Got a birthday approaching and I just now me maam is gonna be getting me something from that range.
  11. I call him 'lad'... he'll be turning 23 a week before the final. Gonna take some effort from me to keep up with him drinking wise. Bulletproof at that age... little shit!
  12. The lad and I are coming down to Newcastle for the day/night. Trains and hotel just booked. So excited it's like it's the 1st of December and Santa's on his way! Win and it will be some fucking party, loose and at least I'll be around like minded folk. Will take any recommendations on where best to view the game itself. Ta in advance!
  13. Bloody typical! I had left it alone thinking nothing was going to happen and basically ignored everything related to it and was focusing on the mighty mags! Went on social media after the match and all hell was breaking loose.
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