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Everything posted by ScottishMagpie

  2. I'm not gonna criticise the subs yet.... I was halfway through typing a post laying in to Longstaff and he set up the goal so I'm staying quiet.
  3. I see the stats are weighed in their favour but that felt thoroughly underserved.
  4. does that not get reviewed automatically like?
  5. C'mon Tindall.... stick the head on the fucker!
  6. So Klopp ya kunt.... which team is it that likes to constantly break play up?
  7. Keep pinching myself saying damn, we're actually a decent team now.
  8. This was the first thing I thought as well. Hope we never end up like that.
  9. After all, we wouldn't be here today without Wood.
  10. Would you look at that grass..... proper lush!
  11. Done. Though, being based up north I found some questions non-applicable. Maybe not the target demographic.
  12. On the iron horse heading down. Haven't been this excited for a match in years
  13. Had a quick read over that thread on RTG....... just realised, he wasn't put on this earth to be a good football manager.... no, he was put here to unite fans across the Tyne/Wear divide.
  14. This. Might be complete stupidity on my part but do all managers have each other's number in their Contacts? or is it like Pep's "people" got in touch with bruce's "agent aka local kebab house"? Like others have suggested I think it's more them wanting him back cos it's 6 points guaranteed each season. Or they're just being polite. I seem to recall, around the time of his sacking, other managers getting asked about the 'terrible treatment' those clueless geordies are dishing out to a proper legend etc. and them saying a few words. I'm sure if they were being completely honest they'd be more like "really? what took them so fucking long? He's shite!".
  15. Was in a good mood, looking forward to heading down for the game tonight, and went and read that.
  16. No big Joe on Friday? FFS! that's it, I want a refund!
  17. Apparently, according to the commentary, we travel to Italy next to play Atalanta next. Might need to rethink my travel plans for Friday.
  18. Idiot I am. Watching it with just my left earphone in. Commentary coming in the right.
  19. only been watching not long before their goal and just noticed that there's no commentary. Prefer it. Football commentators add fuck all these days.
  20. whatever..... never win anything with 11 Kraft's in your team.
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