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Everything posted by ScottishMagpie

  1. Gotta admit I love seeing them this rattled.
  2. Fucking raging.. Switched it off after city scored and had to go and pick up son from his work. Missed everything!!!
  3. I know I'm late to this party but sure that's the first time I've see his Mrs. OMG!!!
  4. I wonder if he would have been making the same comment if PIF had bought the club from fat mike and said to him "we love what you're doing steve, we want you to stay our manager until we win the champions league. Only one small wee point though, we'd like you to move to Newcastle".
  5. That's fuckin' ace!! Never seen any of his pre-AC/DC work.
  6. That Alex from the true faith mob in that pic as well?
  7. Know I'm biased but easily manger of the season by a country fucking mile. Bet the press will try and give it to that twat from Everton for surviving.
  8. Does he still think he's working under big mike's instructions that last place outside of the relegation spots is a success? Fucking plum! Popped on that west brom forum and looked at the bruce thread. Got a sickening flashback to how this place used to be.
  9. The man is a fraud! He's just copying what our previous managers did.... Both pardew and bruce handed out a sheet of paper first thing..... Only difference was the 'king' wanted their wives contact information and bacon boy wanted the login details of their deliveroo accounts.
  10. I swear I would pay to watch Modric play football using a brick. Just a pleasure.
  11. Mind he's just "that bloke from Bournemouth" though.
  12. But but the true faith gang were saying we were gonna smash these kunts?!
  13. Could play till tomorrow and we wouldn't score here.
  14. Any snippets from interviews where he said he wants to stay beyond end of the season? Obvs he had to be boris daft not to want to be on this train!
  15. Bet you he's got hundreds of hand written letters from WBA fans thanking him for the job he's doing.
  16. Not jinxing it by looking at it just now..... anyhow, want to to wait till I'm alone and naked.
  17. Completely agree. Fucking press does my head in. Bet if that was Rafa (insert name of another) that went to West Brom they'd already be writing pieces about how he should be sacked. In this day and age with VHS and cordless phones there's no excuse for a manager to go in to a job and not have a fucking clue what he/she is getting in to. I'm quite sure bruce didn't even watch film of us whilst he was our manager let alone watching 'other' teams.
  18. I know it's childish of me but desperately want us to march in to the top 10 and for WBA to fall like a stone and for Wor Flags to make a banner with something along the lines of 'Not bad for "that guy from Bournemouth" eh Steve?'......
  19. Fucking amazing! What an effort from every one of them. Should be well chuffed with themselves. Although, sounding like a former vicar of this parish, Howe needs to do some homework on that 'collapse' in the second half so it doesn't happen again.
  20. Know it's only been one game but can't understand why villa didn't want to keep him? What's wrong with him?
  21. Imagine wasting your life away with that pish...... Screw work..... just rewatch the goal for the rest of the day!
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