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Everything posted by ScottishMagpie

  1. Just finished watching the game again. Nowt new to add, just thought this lad was fucking brilliant! He's raised the quality of this team massively. Hope he holds other players to his standards.
  2. Think I'll take a mosey on in to the relegationometer thread.......
  3. Amanda looking well chuffed. Mehrdad is in for a good night.
  4. I know very little about the Mendy case bar the headlines but my first reaction to reading that is who the fuck is pitching up to his gaff for a party after he's been arrested for that? Who were these 21 people and what the hell was going on in their heads?
  5. Both brummie teams and now WBA?!! Does he have like a football Costa loyalty card that he wants to get fully stamped? Working towards a Boys Brigade collectors badge or something?
  6. I'm gonna be the first to admit I've not got one iota how these things work but could the player "buy" himself out of the last 6 months of his contract? And then we sign him to a short term contract till the end of the season but with a stonking sign-on bonus which covers what "he" paid to extract him from the red scum?
  7. "I can exclusively reveal that steve bruce is currently working furiously on his world-wide address book to bring in much needed quality that matches his brilliance as he tries to save the basket case club in in the armpit of the north from dropping in to the championship which is were I'm sure you'll agree they've always belonged and should have just been grateful to be in the same league as Burnley for this long. All this despite him being 'shafted' by the club hierarchy who promised him a Sports Direct loyalty card with hundreds of points on it which he thought could be redeemed at any football club for an Andy Carroll. What a guy! Lucky to have him so they are!"
  8. Don't get the first bit either to be honest. As if this is just a 'Manchester' problem.
  9. Aye....me too. Didn't fully look at the previous before clicking on it. Horrible little cunt. Give me 5 mins with him please!
  10. Does he have a skin condition that I'm not aware of but WTF is going with his facial hair/beard? Looks like he's just come off the pitch at Twickenham!
  11. ScottishMagpie

    Lucas Digne

    I was thinking along similar lines. What on earth has Rafa seen in Longstaff recently that makes him think there's a premier level midfielder there? I knew the Longstaff's had been completely destroyed by our previous bacon muncher but didn't realise how much. I thought once we got rid of bruce then Sean would be reborn but hasn't turned out that way.
  12. for the sake of humanity will somebody just pull the plug at twitter HQ.
  13. Terribly sad to hear if accurate. Thoughts and prayers with his family and friends.
  14. I haven't received tickets for this yet.... should I be worried?
  15. Oh no!!! What the fuck has he done?!!! Just poked the bear. Think we should apologise right now.
  16. Would like to think so but will probably be a Lascelles like shrug of the shoulders and walk away.
  17. I may be being way too simplistic but this is the main thing going around my head just now.
  18. Everton fans walking out already? Bet the sympathy cards will be out in the press for them tomorrow. Long suffering wankstains. Lets have a collection for them.
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