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Everything posted by ScottishMagpie

  1. Don't love these 'concept' pics but don't hate them either. In my mind we've had a lot worse in recent memory. Must say I do like the collars on them but I'm always partial to a v-neck.
  2. Apart from the odd snippet here and there this is the first time I've actually read the two documents on the CAT website relating to our case.
  3. I went from just thinking it was a question of how many would England score to actually being a bit disappointed we didn't win that. What the fuck were you lot up to? Better hope that proves a wake up call to Southgate.
  4. If Luke or Alex is reading this can I ask you to check with bacon boy that his mobile is fully charged and not on silent?! Considering how good a job he's done here he should be having to hire a PA to handle all the clubs calling.
  5. Why's he not championing his boy Brucey for the job? Keys should be banned from this forum along with Edwards and Jacobs. kunts.
  6. I hope the "team" the PL had working on this are the same that's working on the arbitration/competition cases. Would make me a lot more optimistic in takeover happening.
  7. I'm of the same opinion but can't envision how that plays out..... PIF can't just "return" and the PL just applies o&d test and it's passed. That would raise some eyebrows. Surely there would have to be some kind of pretence where it's "disclosed" that PL were after abc evidence and PIF were like "oh, we thought you meant xyz, no probs, here you go" Like i said, don't see how the PL save their reputation here. Maybe they don't. personally i would love to see the fuckers burn.
  8. That reminds me...... Is operation hunt the mole still ongoing?
  9. 99.9% of me couldn't give a flying fuck about this match. Was going to say 100% but the .1% is obvious by me being in this thread but that .1% is fading fast. I'm at home, got nothing pressing to get on with now works out the way and I still think I'm going to give watching the match a miss. Unless a takeover happens over the summer I doubt I'll be watching any games next season. Gutting to feel this about my club.
  10. should be on the Trust's board!
  11. Quite rightly gets pelters for being dog shit but credit where it's due. Corker of a penalty.
  12. I'm thinking it's the True Faith podcast 'crew'.
  13. But the kunt gets a round of applause from the minions at the sheff u match. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. Wish I hadn't read those quotes.... That another sly dig at Rafa? i.e. 'not much difference between him and me, he just speaks posher'. Aye fuck you're not, bet he had the party fire engine, bouncy castle and dj booked. What the fuck needed changing man?!!!! You were gifted a team to all intent and purposes was ready to make a run on a europa league spot and see what you've done with it?!!! Arrghh!! the constant lowering of expectations. Does my head in!!! At least Alex Hurst will be there cheering on Brucies Boys. Plum!
  15. I was channel hopping and went to SSN and along the bottom of the screen it had 'Steve Bruce confirm.......' thought it was going to say '...confirms he's leaving the club at end of season' but naw. That would be something nice happening. We don't get nice things.
  16. My heart jumped there when I saw the yellow bar on SSN. FUCKING HELL!!!!
  17. I don't listen to talkshite or follow our glorious leader's media engagements that closely but find it strange he appears on radio shows after the team's best performance under his "guidance". Weird he wasn't on last Monday.......
  18. Hope this means that regardless of the Leicester result, that when fans are allowed back in they give this fucker all the abuse he deserves!
  19. Apologies if this has has been asked before..... So we have pretty daming evidence in our hands, why wasnt this used/handed over for use in arbitration process?
  20. I was about to type a post begrudgingly giving the fat sack of shite some credit for this but I'll hang fire....
  21. 4 fucking nil against this lot and ASM has had quiet game. Who'd have thunk it?!
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