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Everything posted by ScottishMagpie

  1. Not clicking on their website to read the article but the small blurb under it says 'ashley is prepared to give bruce time'. Doesn't say he's point blankly backing his manager. Suppose how much time is question? I think the answer to that is at what distance do we keep Fulham away from us. If Fulham close the gap or possibly overtake us by the end of the month then I can see that time being down to zero. Ashley wants/needs us to be a premier league team for the sake of the takeover.
  2. Eh? and have the possibility of a 2nd relegation (with the same club!) against his name! IF the FCB did get shot of bruce it would 100% be Jones as replacement, officially until end of the season. He'd be hoping we'd stay up, takeover done and he'll have his cash and bolt. If it plays out like this but no takeover we'll be relegation certs under Jones next season. Anyhow, apologies, not much optimism.
  3. "Too many first contacts". ...."That's something we'll look at." Get him trying to sound like he has a fucking clue!!!
  4. That picture is fecking class!!! That's not the way you look at someone that was somehow involved (apparently) in the decision to bring you to work at your boyhood club.
  5. He agreed we were shite against Sheff U. What more do you want?
  6. Let me get involved, let me get involved, erm..... get stripped Andy. Jones had already just given him instructions and then Bruce starts harping on after ... just watch Jones face right when Bruce starts chiming in Yeah saw the daggers from jones I was howling man Damn. Missed this. Hope there's clips online later.
  7. The target he'll have set in his head, and probably communicated to the team is zero points, GD taking a 2-3 goal hit, no injuries, get out of the big smoke with a stop off at the chippy and it's a good days work.
  8. Was going to applaud Midds for summing it up perfectly but then read Candi's post. Both cover it.
  9. I haven't seen the thread/conversation where this statement from Mr Curtis developed from but a few thoughts spilling out: a) what's stating that he's a Newcastle fan got to do with the matter? is this like the "I'm one of you guys" speeches so trust what I'm saying? b)what's the apparent fact that he's a nice bloke got to with it? What? If he wasn't a 'nice guy' or 'top bloke' then it's all okay to wish him ill harm? Heck, I'm a nice guy but you wouldn't want me in charge or your multi-million pound assembled football team c) he has categorically NOT done an "incredible job" at his previous clubs. That's just a barefaced lie. Not even open to debate. d) again he is 100% not doing a good job 'now' or anytime that he has been at NUFC. He was given a team all set to stake a claim for a Europa league spot and here we are 1.5 seasons later and look where we're at. e) "Circumstances"..... what circumstances? f) "give him a break"? Why? Just why?!!! Is he calling on fans of other clubs to give their under-fire managers 'a break'?
  10. I'm a big enough guy to take criticism and admit when I'm wrong BUT we lost the last 15 games of the season because the players got caught up in the emotion of the cheering fans and some keyboard warriors were demanding that we win games so we pushed on leaving us open at the back resulting us wrapping up goals and gifting them to the opposition with a nice wee thank you card that I personally signed I'll have you know!
  11. so all the postal mail that gets (and signs) is all supporting him but online it's all death threats? Fookin tool!!
  12. Always thought he would love to manager us (under new owners obviously). If things continue to go south at spurs and takeover happens towards the end of the season, he'd have is agent on the blower to Amanda pronto. Just imagine, if you think the press and other fans would hate us under a takeover with Rafa....it would go to whole new level with Jose. Maybe we can get the pair of them in together.
  13. Has this fucker not been shot yet?!
  14. Momentum So what the cabbage faced knut is basically saying is we need the opposition to be depleted for us to be optimistic of winning.
  15. Fucking lol!! I'm sure he would love to "get forward"...but tell you what kid "we're one goal down and it's the 65th minute, to help I'm gonna bring on big joe and move you to right back, okay?"
  16. The wifes videod changing rooms over the top! Oh it's not changing rooms Mike, it's ground force. Lol!!! Shelvey turns up next game carrying bag o shite and not wearing a bra.
  17. The zebra man reckons that if arbitration fails the club and buyers will pursue other legal routes via the courts. We could have two or three more years to look forward to. There's no way that's happening. No way arbitration 'fails' or no way we'll have to wait years for court cases?
  18. Another BT sport one? Fuck me. Is that not like the last 3/4 games on the bounce they've got? Dunno why I'm complaining.... saves me from viewing bruce-ball.
  19. Do you think that's why they got Jones in? i.e. he brought his own ball with him?
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