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Everything posted by toonpete1892

  1. Going into tonight I thought 'yeah lets have them', but after watching that I'm feeling dissapointed and cheated. The only offensive moves we offered were passes across the box and two shots that went high into the stands. There was little play infront of runners, movement into spaces and strength to nudge someone off the ball. If the shite come and push us off the ball within the first 10 minutes, we do not have the mental power to stand up to them and do it back. Too many times tonight we jumped out the way of late challenges and stood up after late knocks. We not only need tactics to move forward but cleverness to utilise the opposition. After being at the game tonight, I fear the worst in what is a must win game. As someone has previously said, this game could and quite easily decide our fate for this season :-(
  2. How did Mikes attendance go down? Support on a whole was pretty bad tbh. Just got back to where I'm living for the moment and looking back on the game, only a handful were singing in the lower section. Couldn't hear the upper tier partly because I was underneath the overhang but there was too many standers and not enough singers. It seemed as though the place was full of 'united' supporters because the only reaction was when they scored. I only heard one anti Mike Ashley chant but surprisingly the fans (who were willing to sing at least) quite easily overpowered this with support for the team. Other than that one chant midway throught the first half, there was nothing. As I say, a very quite and unvocal away support. Quite embarrasing if it wasn't for the persistant odd singer. The supporters have had the life knocked out of them this season. Its just been six months of s*** on and off the pitch. Were going through the motions? It's a miracle they turned up at all. Some almost didn't due to the bad traffic around the ground. Save to say that wherever we end up come the summer, the vast majority of supporters will continue to support (even if they try their hardest to pull themselves away) because thats what we do. Its an addiction that many will never shrug off!
  3. You've got to look at the people who can actually make a difference and the players on and off the pitch tonight were shocking. Shout at Ashley and Co as much as you like but the players/coaching staff we have are spineless and bottleless. We have no drive to push on, no forward thinking and no chance of getting out of the mess we are in unless we make this shower perform. Ashley can flash his cash as much as possible but we offer nothing for any incoming player, no guidence for any current player and a laughing for ex-players. Things need changing but these can't be done mid season. Hopefully the summer will bring Premiership confirmation and much needed changes, whatever they may be!
  4. How did Mikes attendance go down? Support on a whole was pretty bad tbh. Just got back to where I'm living for the moment and looking back on the game, only a handful were singing in the lower section. Couldn't hear the upper tier partly because I was underneath the overhang but there was too many standers and not enough singers. It seemed as though the place was full of 'united' supporters because the only reaction was when they scored. I only heard one anti Mike Ashley chant but surprisingly the fans (who were willing to sing at least) quite easily overpowered this with support for the team. Other than that one chant midway throught the first half, there was nothing. As I say, a very quite and unvocal away support. Quite embarrasing if it wasn't for the persistant odd singer.
  5. The atmosphere yesterday was mixed to say the least. The first half saw only brief seconds between each chant and was generally continuous encouraging noise. The second started in a similiar fashion but as soon as the penalty was given and the team seemed to throw in the towel, it soon got nasty. Negative chants, booing, insults etc started arguements between fans and made the whole afternoon (besides the football) rather nasty. I personally didn't stop supporting between the first minute and the penalty, and then continued to support until it was evident there was no plan to go forward and we were happy to sit at 2-0. A couple of strong comments from me to the bench to encourage some fight / a change in tactics was met by a very heated one-way arguement with 3 blokes infront of me. I was verbally abused and accused of not supporting the team. I did the wise thing of not replying and settled to at least looking pitchwards as I endured more minutes of further insults. With 20 minutes left to go in the game, I was left scared of opening my mouth and/or moving away from where I was. As the insults continued to fly my way, surrounding supporters helped to try and diffuse what was a very ugly scene. Luckily the 3 'supporters' soon walked out (once they'd made a point of tapping their Henry Lloyd jackets) around the 75 minute mark leaving the sinking team they encouraged me to support, and me physically shaking. I stood for the remainder of the game in silence and concluded the game by applauding the players off. I understand that my comments to the bench may have differed from their opinion but my support to the team up until that point was positive and continuos. I did not boo any player, shout insults or call someone 'shit' but simply made a couple of comments to encourage a more forward thinking sub. At the time, we were 2-0 down and needed goals to get back into the game. Moments later I'm getting verbally abused. I sat down last night but instead of giving a shit about the poor performance, I relived the events that took place off the field in the second half. What right did those blokes have to call me a shite supporter? What right do they have to tell me to piss out from the ground? What right do they have to verbally abuse me and make me feel physically threatened? This is a very dark and frustrating time for everyone associated with NUFC with many questioning why they bother. I attended yesterdays game knowing that a draw was probably the best result we were ever going to achieve but came away fearing other 'supporters' instead of what the rest of the season involves. The result itself was a bitter pill after the amount of possession and chances we had up until the goal. Despite this, the day was spoilt by what a would have called fellow supporters. We the fans make the club and are therefore allowed to voice some negative opinions if appropriate. Its yet another game where we were on top only to find ourselves behind, and lacking any forward thinking to get back into the game. Once it went to 1-0, the ball did not enter their half until the last 5 minutes when we found ourselves clinging to a 3-0 defecit. Although the majority of chants sang in the second half were knee-jerk reactions, similar tactics have failed to produce anything of late. There may have been a lack of positive chants from the 70 min mark but the majority did not stop applauding good passes and remained inside an otherwise very quiet Ewood Park until the end. This may not have been vocal support but it was support nevertheless. These are dark times for the club, and yesterday was probably the darkest day I've had to endure as a NUFC supporter. Despite this, I will continue to spend my hard earned money attending games and will continue to support the people that can make a difference. I won't (and can't) give up!!!
  6. The club isn't progressing though. If anything, we're going f***ing backwards. And no support of the board/manager is going to change that. I havn't at any point said we are progressing. There are too many fans with too many different views on how to move forward. Until someone comes in and doesn't care if they annoy the vast majority of fans (whilst receiving offensive chants, protests, threats), too many fans will disgaree because it is not 'their way of thinking'. Until indiviual fans sit down and think what they personally want from the club, there will always be problems.
  7. Totally agree. It is the worst I have known and I go way back to the second division days. It's like the clubs been hijacked by a bunch of people who do not give a f*ck about the club or fans. They have no understanding of the this club, it's history and it's fans. Why would they? A fat cockney t*at who could not give a s*** about the club. The guy is clueless. As soon as I saw him posing as a fan with his top on i just thought this fat tw*t is going to be trouble. Shepherd made mistakes but I think he cared about the club and at least had a plan. He communicated with the fans. This bloke and his cronies never speak, never say what the vision is for the club. Why should a player like Shay Given stay at this club in it's present state. He owes us nothing. He should get him self to decent club where he might win something. We are a massive club with great fans being run by a bunch of cockneys who do not give a f*ck about the club. It is the complete ineptitude and ignorance of the fat b**tard running this club that scares me. Trust us to get the clown taking us over. Thanks for your view, but I disagree with pretty much everything you just typed. Thats just my view!
  8. The majority fans to stop shooting themselves in the foot. A glimer of hope - exaggeration An unlucky result - knee jerk A new approach - not willing to give it a chance A backwards step - mass fan protests etc We the fans are slowly killing anything that is worth clinging on to. Until people comprimise their beliefs and aims, the club will never be allowed to progress. We the fans make NUFC, we can also demolish it!
  9. Aye, but the biggest problem is this happens alot now, FA Cup or not. We could have won the West Ham game, we could have won the Stoke game, we could have won the Wigan game, we could have won the Man City game....etc... My complaints tonight aren't about going out of the FA Cup. It's about yet another situation where Newcastle have failed to see off a team that if they'd taken their chances, they could have been high and dry by half time. It's worrying now. Thats a point I've been making for several weeks now. We could quite easily be sitting a good 10-12 points higher than where we are now if a handful of those games went our way. Apart from spurs, I can't really think of a game that we have perhaps stolen. If teams do it to us, why can't we do it to them? It only takes a swing of the foot/head.
  10. Beye was an Allardyce signing. "The system" has brought us Bassong, Guthrie and Jonas while failing to adding more bodies to a threadbare squad. Thats still 3 key players in ouour starting 11. These three players have meant the likes of cacapa, geremi and butt (previous automatic picks) become stand ins. Unfortunately, injuries have meant these weak players have had to step in, meaning the bench is full of youngsters. I would argue more but I can't see the point.
  11. Why are you people making Hull out to be some really awful team? Have you not been paying attention to what they've done in the league this year? 1 win in 12?
  12. Wonder why we're playing a s*** excuse of a team, with all those great summer signings The System has provided us with? The system that has given guiterrez, guthrie, beye etc. If it wasn't for the 'toys out of the pram' protests, we could have had a real manager in with a real aim in mind. Instead we have JFK on a temp contract. Give all the money you can give but who would want to come to a club that is in pieces, going nowhere, fans who will jump on your back immediately, barely surviving and up the shitter? Look at kaka and man city. Newcastle united is not the attractive club it once was, and that is not all down to Ashley.
  13. f*** off - I can't see how this is mikes fault. We're playing a s*** excuse of a team and I can't remember having a single shot on target! Good times . . . . Booooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo er 2 weeks in and no signings? Still a handful of capable players at the club. Its hull not barcelona for fucks sake!
  14. Fuck off - I can't see how this is mikes fault. We're playing a shit excuse of a team and I can't remember having a single shot on target! Good times . . . . Booooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
  15. Wonder how many are ST holders that get it for free? I can think of some more exciting things to be doing. It's not like they've paid for it. I'm a season-ticket holder who gets the game for free. Needless to say, I'm watching Masterchef. Point proven. On the otherhand, you've got people like me who havn't paid anything but continue to listen to what sounds like a crap game. What exciting lives we all live!!
  16. Wonder how many are ST holders that get it for free? I can think of some more exciting things to be doing. It's not like they've paid for it.
  17. The question is, are any of these half timers, going to hit the bar?
  18. It's worse than the 'ice cream commentary' offered on 5 live at the weekend, and I thought that was bad.
  19. I don't think anyone is defending the guy who Keith ended up punching, but you can't use that as an excuse for what Keith did. It's simply unacceptable, particularly towards your FELLOW NUFC supporters. Oh I agree, there is no excuse for physical violence, but why does someone think its ok to get into someone's face and call them abusive names over a banner? Because people simply don't appreciate the fact that it is being aired to the world - If I'd seen it, I would have stood right infront of it to block it out. I don't mind that people have an opinion on the matter and want their voices heard, but they've had their time and the point has been made. I'm sure if I created a banner supporting ashley and co, there would be a similar reaction. We the fans will NEVER agree, even if we are winning trophies after trophies.
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