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Everything posted by toonpete1892

  1. When/If the takeover ever happens, what realistic goals are you expecting from the new owners? 1. Immediate 2. To the beginning of the January transfer window 3. Actions during the January transfer window 4. The rest of the season 5. The 2/3+ seasons after
  2. I've been saying since leaving Villa Park that I couldn't wait. The summer has been totally shit (more than predicted) but as soon as I walk into the Hawthorns, I'll be back to what I know. For me the actual game is only a fraction of the weekend - anticipation, nerves and excitment for the days leading up, meeting my mates/family on the day, then the laughter and banter that follows. Despite how bad the game and results get, this is what I enjoy about the footy and thats why I continue to attend. In comparison, the summer break is agony because everything is out of my hands. Very little is actually fact and despite trying to hide from all the stories, hope inevitabily builds up. Its been crap after crap this time around and its going to get worse before it gets better. The least I can do, is to go to the footy and enjoy the factors that I can control.
  3. I'll be there. Got a few days holiday to waste so heading back home to catch up with a few mates and the match is a good reason to head out and meet them. Hoping that its going to be the first appearance of the new ball too.
  4. Fucking SSN having a field day. We lost a pre-season game, so what? Means we've won 3 from 4. If we did that this season then I'd be more than happy.
  5. How about one that has black and white strips? Show our support ....
  6. But it's not his job. Effectively, it'd be like me turning up and going 'Right lads, let's start with the sprints...' He has no rights at all while unhired, and why should he take little/no salary? I wouldn't. I know it's not his job but if quotes are to be believed, he has the respect of the coaching staff, hierarchy and most importantly the players. Theres been a lot of talk coming out of the squad that they are unhappy and want out. I'd agree with allowing some gone but in this time where it looks like we won't be getting any players in for at least another 3 weeks, we need to hold on to as many as possible. Shearer himself would benefit. The experience would be good for his coaching badges and he would gain a lot of respect from those fans who are still undecided about him. I'm not saying he is the answer but we need some positive feeling in the people who can make the difference come the beginning of the season, the players. A major problem last season was everyone waiting for one person to do his action instead of getting on with their own highly paid roles.
  7. Just a thought, but if Shearer really wants the role and clearly no-one can make the decision to sign him up (Ashley is on his way out and doesn't want to hand the role to anyone due to future consequences and new owners aren't in place yet etc), why doesn't Shearer just go to the training ground and take training etc? I highly doubt he would get turned away .... Or he speaks to whoever is in charge and says he'll agree to a low/no salary and fill in the gap. He chatted about it being his club and he would do anything to help the cause, so why wait for the club to come to him? As I say, I doubt anyone would say 'Piss off Alan otherwise we'll set the dogs on you'.
  8. Personally no, but if I remember right, its the same as last year with the addition of the silver detail as on the Newcastle ball. The standard design (including the silver overprint) is the same for all clubs with the crest, and two colours of the design changing. The exception would be teams with only one colour on the ball and this would be seperated with a thin keyline the same colour of the ball. When doing this ball, I considered having black/black amongst other colourways but the black/blue appeared the strongest and in my opinion the nicest looking. The SPL balls do not have the silver overprint but have a hatching instead. The only changes for these balls from last season are updated colours. Unfortunately nowhere, with it being up to the club to decide to order/sell them.
  9. Not being an expert on the Nike ball, I'm fairly certain that the Nike ball (Adidas definately) do not use stitches and instead use thermal bonding to bond the panels. All other factors (weight/size/rebound etc) have to be within tight FIFA guidelines and therefore do not change dramatically between competitve balls. Thats one less excuse the players can use. Im pretty sure I can see stitching on that Ball picture? Forgot to confirm Mitre do use stitching.
  10. Not being an expert on the Nike ball, I'm fairly certain that the Nike ball (Adidas definately) do not use stitches and instead use thermal bonding to bond the panels. All other factors (weight/size/rebound etc) have to be within tight FIFA guidelines and therefore do not change dramatically between competitve balls. Thats one less excuse the players can use.
  11. Not sure if they'll sell it in the club shop with it not being Adidas. As I stated in another thread, Mitre do a replica club shop range (varying qualities) where the same design is used but with the clubs strong link with adidas, I doubt it will happen. Unfortunately I've been told I can't even get one for myself, gutted!
  12. Its been mentioned in a couple of other threads but I’ve been it holding off until I had a decent image of the completed ball. I had thought of doing a panel by panel reveal but fortunately the ball arrived in the office today so here is the official Mitre Newcastle United Championship Matchball for the 2009/10 season … http://img37.imageshack.us/img37/5936/side2m.jpg http://img509.imageshack.us/img509/9485/side3.jpg As part of my placement at Mitre, it has been one of my roles over the last 6 months to work alongside the Football League and the individual clubs to create all 72 (and several possible relegation/promotion teams) ball designs for the forthcoming season. Unfortunately that meant creating the designs of our ball way before the season ended. Come Villa Park on the last day, obviously I was hoping for Premiership survival but seeing the club I support using the ball I designed came a close second. Whilst others had to face piss taking work colleagues on that Tuesday morning, I had the responsibility of finalising the design and seeking approval from the club. Not great! On another note, Sky Sports have chosen to run a specific feature about the Newcastle ball and this should be aired within the next few days – further details will follow. And unlike the Chronicle’s story on the ball the other day, this will actually be about the right matchball, the Mitre Revolve. I hope you like it!!!
  13. It depends if Newcastle want to sell them in the shops. The club will get a certain number of matchballs due to Mitre's contract with the FL for use in training (currently using generic ones due to the fact relegation was only confirmed on the last day) and matches. Despite Mitre offering a club shop replica range, where the balls look the same but vary in quality, I doubt the club will take them up due to the connection with Adidas. I could be wrong but there has not been an order as of yet. Bit of a shame because I think the balls look very nice (even if I can say so myself) and would fly off the shelves.
  14. Is almost the correct answer!!! The blue used is slightly darker and the design now has silver stars on it but that photshot job isn't too far away at all. And before anyone asks 'How do you know?' I'm the guy who has designed it (along with the other 71 FL clubs) ...
  15. At least we would avoid back to back relegations ...
  16. If they are serious then there are lots of factors such as their crowd control. Somehow they've got away with any serious punishments despite allowing the unwashed past the advertising boards and onto the pitch during several games (England and Newcastle games to name just a few). FIFA would simply look at this and put a big cross against their name. As for ground comparison, hasn't SJP now has the required number of hospitality facilites and are only failing due to the number of hotel rooms within a certain distance of the ground? I'm not an expert on the SOS but I doubt the mini SJP meets the requirements.
  17. As with the other decisions, I guess he no longer has to decide. Probably more the case of the new owner to decide IF they ever show up. It would say a lot if any of the spineless bastards decided to!
  18. Same for me. I wear this one regularly...and I look damn good. Always wished I would've bought one. Me too. Anyone know where I could get my hands on one other than ebay?
  19. I really like it, I couldn't wear it, but I really like it! I personally think the back will look ok (pale yellow patch replacing the white patch on the home). Black numbers and letters to match stripes, adidas logo and northern rock?
  20. Its like asking would you give Ashley a fresh start? Both have fucked up and neither should be allowed back to run our club. Anyone thinking maybe or even yes should just look back at the threads from a couple of years ago. Alright he brought in big names but at whose expense? Freddy was just as bad as Ashley in a lot of ways. As you can probably guess, I'm a definate no!
  21. Don't know where we're going, got no way of knowing, supporting the team wherever they go, Singing for a living, hoping that we're winning, filling grounds wherever we go, And we don't take shit from anyone, the only thing we want is to do is have some fun, We're white and black, black and white, the geordie boys are up for a promotion fight. (although the last line needs a bit of work on)
  22. Direct quotes from Ashley in the Sunday Times suggest it's true. And you believe everything in the papers? I can't believe you're still defending this lot. I'm not defending this lot, I'm simply waiting until its confirmed before everyone starts having street parties.
  23. Direct quotes from Ashley in the Sunday Times suggest it's true. And you believe everything in the papers? You don't think there might be some legal issues if they just completely make up an interview with Ashley where he says he's gonna sell the club? No I don't believe everything I read in the papers, but I believe the believable stuff. Do you disbelieve everything you read in the papers? No, which is why I'm waiting for some official wording from either the club or whoevers selling the club before condeming Ashley to NUFC history. Simply believeing one paper after reading the amount of newspaper shite we've faced in recent years is like listeneing to a poster who spoke to one of the 'insiders' at a golf day.
  24. Direct quotes from Ashley in the Sunday Times suggest it's true. And you believe everything in the papers?
  25. I'll believe it when its official as I honestly believe its Sunday morning paper talk at a quiet part of the year. Any story related to NUFC sell papers, fact! IF this is true, it means more people coming in and changing everything to do it their way. They will inherit someone elses (and many different peoples) styles of management, ownership, hierarchy, players etc. Even with all of the problems this was a chance to rebuild on the foundations that have been happening. I'll be very disappointed and wary if this ever becomes official. I personally hope it doesn't. Funny how its not all over SSN with the normal camera trucks recording the 'We got what we always wanted' mongs outside SJP.
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