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Everything posted by toonpete1892

  1. How the hell did they get two 20+ ft poles strong enough to hold up that banner into the ground? As for 'trophy virgins' ........ come on sevilla!
  2. Some lovely touches being shown from our lads at the moment. Nice to see them with some confidence and positivity .... even if they don't all come off.
  3. Sunny, clear skies and not even a sign of a frost in Loughborough (10 miles north). Very chilly though.
  4. Fuck the board, fuck Keegan, fuck the media wanting a story and fuck those fans who just want to protest, I'm going to the match to support my team. Hopefully there'll be enough like minded fans doing the same to concentrate on getting 3 points and getting the club back to where it belongs! BLACK AND WHITE ARMY
  5. No. When you have so many who adore a person for being a person and not a manager it is always going to get messy when they leave. The whole Keegan saga has shown that short term the appointment was the right thing to do as it brought a broken club back together. Since however, the club has been divided again and not focused on the main thing, supporting the lads who can make the difference. Obviously the verdict has shown Keegan had reasons to leave but would the reaction have been as bad had it been Fat Sam or Roeder? A similar reaction occured when Shearer wasn't kept on despite poor performances.
  6. Discount on a tshirt that aims to raise money for chairty? Whatever next?
  7. In my opinion, keeping ahold of the majority of our Premiership standard first team meant alot more than selling them and replacing them with Championship standard (or less) replacements. Obviously the squad is looking a bit small but we can add loanees and fee agents after the deadline so how much does the 5pm cut off mean to us? We've dropped 2 points this season despite being having no new owner, no manger or no major signings. Fair enough we haven't made some million pound signings but we easily have a strong enough squad (with the inclusion of a loanee or two) to compete at this level. If we had lost more of the first team it would have been a different story but I'm pretty happy with this window.
  8. He was clipped by Almunia, totally different from the Eduardo situation. So a "clip" constitutes Rooney hurling himself to the floor and ultimately a penalty? I agree with you there, but players have to go down these days. If Rooney had've rode the challenge but lost the ball the ref would've given nowt. I've only scene the decision once but I doubt if Usain Bolt could have retrieved the ball as it was already in the stand before Rooney went down. There was no way he had the ball under control when or if the collision was made but he probably made the decision to simply shift the ball as soon as he saw the rapidly advancing (and unstoppable) keeper.
  9. That'll will do me as long as it isn't the monday night game. Travelling down to uni (30 mins away) on the Tuesday and may get my Peterborough supporting flatmate to drive us to and from.
  10. The game was always going to erupt into violence so why wasn't it pushed forward? Nothing will have stopped the violence outside the ground but I would hate to be in the area/leaving the ground at the normal finishing time of around 10 let alone 11. It wasn't like people were able to leave early and avoid the trouble. Anyone with kids must be scared shitless. Our recent derby games have been moved from 3 to 12 to give the Police a little more control both pre and post match and year on year the Police state it as a success. It isn't like all of the games have to played at the same time ... just a thought anyway.
  11. He started pointing the sky as he got a bit closer to the corner flag. Think he wanted to do a SBR tribute thing but no-one else caught on. He dedicated the win/hat-trick to Bobby after the match, didn't he? Only seen the replay once but I think he was pointing to his black armband. Nice to see the two finger (almost shushing/smoking gun) celebration from the Champions League era too!
  12. .. is the one of the reasons why we fucked up last year.Things went wrong and instead of the highly paid players doing what they should do, they sat back and waited. We can't afford to carry passengers and there are lots of eager kids eager to make an impact (LuaLua for example). Those wanting away should be performing to gain interest whilst the others will try and correct the wrongs of last year. A new season equals renewed hope! Negative attititudes will get us nowhere.
  13. Emotional pictures! Gutted I can't be back home to see it for myself so extremely thankful for the images that have been posted up on here. I'm sure you could waste memory card after memory card capturing all of the images without getting anywhere close to the true emotion that is being shown. Was up at Dundee on Sunday and joined in with the various tributes of affection. Likewise I'll be down at the game tomorrow and am keeping my fingers crossed that the current mess of NUFC is put aside and we can join WBA in the celebration of a true legend. Thanks for the memories Bobby!!!
  14. Living away from home at the moment but is there any talk of buying the away strip and getting the third strip half price like they did a couple of years ago? I'm very tempted on getting both!
  15. Predictions? I'm going with a 2-0 despite the defensive horror show we saw the other day. That or a wash out.
  16. Is this a piss take? As others have implied, they probably showed more respect for Bobby by staying away. Apart from owning and directing Newcastle United, do they have a connection with Bobby? Didn't see all of the players that played under Bobby there, surely these have more of a reason to attend?
  17. Whilst entertaining a few international partners at the recent conference, the conversation moved to NUFC once they found out I was from Newcastle. Preparing myself for a torrent of overseas abuse, I was surprised to hear both the South African and American claimed Newcastle were their second team (neither had another English club as their first). Asking them why, their responses were to do with the ease of catching English games but also the international fan base Newcastle have. Furthermore, they said they would continue to pay attention to the results despite the relegation. Now they weren't active supporters but they did go out of their way to find out the results. Surprisngly they seemed to have a lot more sense then those that I half hear whilst out in town. Their summary of the current situation, without the inclusion of paper talk, was interesting listening and I found myself agreeing to a lot of what they said.
  18. Great entertainment. Shearer scoring once again at the Gallowgate was one thing, but seeing Bobby smile after Shearers penalty made the night.
  19. Thats the first time I've seen the home side score a free kick at SJP for a very long time! Great entertainment
  20. Nice to see him cracking his trademark smile there despite his evident weak and fragile state.
  21. Haven't seen the Gallowgate but I'd guess the attendance before the expansion, around 36,000.
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