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Everything posted by toonpete1892

  1. I disagree. The total lack of football seen in the second half on Saturday was down to the players and the coaching staff alone. We were playing some great football up until half time and despite getting back into the game, we crumbled on a massive scale. No 'pick me ups', man management, encouragement etc etc etc was evident despite 25 minutes still to be played of the game. And the sad thing is this game was not alone in a 2nd half crumble. If we go down, it is down to the spinless players and coaching staff that can only last half a game. The squad we have now includes more promising players than anytime within recent years and although there is many carriers, the squad should easily be enough to be above Fulham, Wigan and West Ham. Blame is everywhere and it is easy to target the big man but hes not the one who can score, concede, give fouls away, change the game, motivate the players, give inspiring team talks . . . . .
  2. It is still in our own hands AND those games aren't unwinnable!!! That mentality deserves Championship football To be fair though, thats just it, it has now gone out of our hands and we are relying on other results. No it hasn't. There are 3 teams below us, 2 of which we have to play and the other is 6 points behind. Looking above, we play 3 of the 5 teams immediately above us.
  3. I can see us achieving 4 points in the next 3 matches and thats without a win on Saturday or me jumping on the bank wagon after the Manure performance. Belief is a key thing, it can also be very annoying.
  4. It is still in our own hands AND those games aren't unwinnable!!! That mentality deserves Championship football
  5. I'd take 1-1 at half time. Up until the 30 minute mark it seemed as though there was no midfield evident for either team as all the play was in the opposite final thirds. We've broken VDS's record, now lets push on and see what we can do!
  6. Bassong very fortunate there! Obviously been taking lessons at the Saylor School of defending.
  7. I admire your optimism, pete, but it going to be very, very tough to get anything from our next 3 home games. By the end of those, who knows where we could be. Yes, we've beaten Man Utd before but that was about 6 or 7 years ago when we had a team capable of finishing in the top 3 and one of the finest managers in football. True, if we organise right and fight like dogs we can give the big boys a run for their money.....but thats the problem: we dont have a proper manager (or coach in our case) who can make astute tactical changes, we dont have the players to do that, and we dont have the character in our side to fight and stand up and be counted. We're a spineless team. We've been missing (good) luck for the past 40 years, what makes you think we'll get it on Wednesday night, or in the coming weeks? I agree that it probably won't happen but if you go into a game expecting to lose, then thats the only real outcome. It's getting to that stage in the season where those teams at the bottom put behind their problems and start to put succesful runs together (west brom and west ham in recent years). As much as a win or even a draw against Man Utd seems far off, a good performance could see us put down foundations for such a challenge. Obviously there are problems with leadership and tactics but the amount of players open to select is increasing all the time. We can't afford to wait for those slightly 'easier' games to come along because by then, those teams may well be on runs themselves and we could be cut off at the base of the table. As far as I see it, you can either be optimistic OR accept relegation now. The sad thing is we can't change anything, as much as would like to!
  8. I had originally said there was a slim chance bu that is increasingly becoming greater after watching game after game of wasted chances and failier to commit. Saying that, I believe we have NO games left where a result is not obtainable. All we need is the right tactics, the right mentality in the team and a little luck (ok, maybe not that). We've got to that stage in the season where we can't afford to label games as 'so what if we get beaten'. Man United this week is going to be a tough game but we have beaten them before and can beat them come Wednesday. Same with Arsenal. Theres no point talking about 'those' 5 games as being the games we need to win to survive - 3 points against anyone is 3 points, even a point in the other games will see us move upwards. So what if we get beat 9-0 on wed? If we go out an compete and at least look interested, you never know what can happen. We went down to Old Trafford at the beginning of the season thinking 'Here we go again' and looked what happened there. I stood at the end of the game today and honestly thought this was the point of no return. Reactions by a couple of the players showed exactly what I was thinking - hands on their heads, motionless and more disappointment than just another lose. I've had a little time to think and we still have plenty of games left, our future is STILL in our hands. Obviously we need a rocket fired behind us but no game is out of reach. We must go into every game thinking 'Yeah, we CAN and WILL win this'. It may not be in our (the fans) hands but I'm not giving up on the team just yet. Until it is confirmed, I won't accept it!
  9. I didn't watch the game and am only viewing the post match via SSN but it looks like Man United are REALLY enjoying another cup final victory - receive the trophy, quick photograph, pop the champaign, quick lap and off down the tunnel. Even the fans are just standing there. It must be an easy/care free life winning stuff . . . . . . . .
  10. Exactly my thoughts when I was typing my reponse as it could go a long way to destroying the large divide in fans.
  11. A great post and nail plus head spring to mind! Many supporters will agree on several points you've made there, whether they're backers of ashley or not. We need to pull together as one (despite our different opinions) because its the only way the club can come out of this hole. Shame it would take a bedsheet the size of the Leazes to get this view across to the fickle media . . . . . . .
  12. St James' Stadium of Shite x3 Smogside x3 Hillsborough JJB x3 Anfield x3 Goodison Ewood Park x2 (+1) KC Stadium Old Trafford x2 Maine Road City of Manchester Reebok Stadium x2 Villa Park St Andrews The Hawthorns Mollineux The Emirates Craven Cottage St Marys Pride Park x2 Walkers Stadium Vicarage Road Wembley Old Wembley New Millenium Stadium Gateshead Stadium Whaddon Road Vistoria Park ONO Estadi x2 DSB Stadiom Phillips Stadium Kingston Park Amsterdam Arena (for a tour) Probably a couple more but whos counting. All memorable trips, even the defeats!
  13. Best corner I've seen by a newcastle player for 2+ season - exactly where wanted it! (who was it? I couldn't make it out)
  14. Yes. Not a lot. A few questions to be passed onto the club and lots of anti management talk. No discussion of supporting a team in much need of a full, positive stadium like last Sunday! Have you been listening properly? One of the major points raised tonight was that we need to support the side during the games for the remainder of the season. But no mention of how we can create a positive atmosphere such as on Sunday. You'll have the vocal support at away games but the singing section (a thing Ashley brought in) doesn't offer enough at some points during games. When we are on the back foot, it goes deadly quiet too many times. We don't want media focusing on tshirts in the crowd and angry fans outside. I'd much rather watch MOTD and have them talking about 3 points rather than the hype outside the ground. Protest if they want but keep it away from matchdays because the anger WILL travel inside the ground. Matchdays should mean matchday excitment and doing as much as we can do to support the lads. Any nerves should be blown away with verse after verse of songs (or an alternative). There was very little (if any) of how the fans can come together as one!
  15. Yes. Not a lot. A few questions to be passed onto the club and lots of anti management talk. No discussion of supporting a team in much need of a full, positive stadium like last Sunday!
  16. What are they actually doing to the club? Wheres the long term plan in all this? Supposing they get there way and Ashley leaves - then what? I havent heard them mention once what happens after that. If Ashley just "leaves" and takes his £100m loan back and refuses to underwrite the clubs debts for the next accounting period then the answer is easy, the company that is NUFC is technically insolvent (unable to pay its debts when they fall due) and would with need to bring in administrators. And point deductions!
  17. What are they actually doing to the club? Wheres the long term plan in all this? Supposing they get there way and Ashley leaves - then what? I havent heard them mention once what happens after that. The next person comes in with their own ideas and it goes tits up again. Look at Man City. They have a mega rich owner but still some of their fans aren't happy. Whatever club you go to, fans will always oppose one another as they all have different needs from the club. There is no set view and therefore no set answer.
  18. Years and years of mismanagement is destroying Newcastle, the fact the club is bleeding money hasn't even been mentioned(i don't think). Because thats not in the hate-ashley angenda.
  19. When is the anti-ashley part of the discussion ending because as far as I'm aware, NUSC stands for Newcastle United SUPPORTERS club? How about discussion a way of bringing the fans together? I've witnessed fights and heated arguements between fellow supporters on my last 4 games and thats not what the club is about. A positive team performance and positive support are the two ingredients that are going to see us survive this season.
  20. If people really don't like Ashely, why not attack Ashley's pocket and not the club? Newcastle United is a hole in his pocket as much as he is concerned and mild protests will only see a further few quid fall from his pockets. Ashley's main business assests and therefore areas of income are away from NUFC. Protests will only damage our club, not Ashley. The guy has lost more in the last few months than the club will lose him in years so whats the point of not buying stuff, refusing to buy tickets etc? The team and the fans make the club and right now we need to pull together to make a unit. This unit is far too good to be fighting relegation. So summing up, yes people can protest but damage will only be done to the club and not Ashley!
  21. Just when I thought the return of Barton meant we had some live reinstated back into the team . . . . absolutely gutted! I honeslty felt he was the difference between our survival and the un-mentionable. Fingers crossed that the incoming players have the same grit and determination to show we can come out and fight for the cause.
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