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Everything posted by toonpete1892

  1. People on this forum are really getting on my tits - you complain over the continuing support for alladyce then complain when 'yet another manager gets the sack', you complain when he didnt get anyone in immediately, you complain when keegan didnt pick up results, you complain about the high wage bill, you complain about any chance that may see NUFC progress, you complain about ticket prices, you complain about ashely until he sacrifices and agrees to his own slaughter then complain when he names his price. Next you'll be complaining when he sells to some fucker who wants to play an over the top game of football manager and complain when yet another regime has problems. Theres never any pleasing some people!
  2. I for one is gutted. The whole keegan debacle has demolished any hope our club had of securing a future! Ashley was willing to invest in the club but needed it to be stable before the big changes were made. Things needed to be changed after the dark days of sheperd (money being spent before it was even there, the spending of major sponsorship deals intended for 5 years, giving big names massive contracts just to win fans over, etc). He took a gamble buying NUFC and could and would have had more success elsewhere but he saw the potential and faith that the toon army has I wouldnt be surprised if he runs the club into the ground before leaving, the treatment and insults he has been given for at least trying to save a rapdily sinking ship is childish! Thank you mike for giving a ticking bomb some hope - it was good whilst it lasted. Good luck to whoever takes over is all I can say! and good luck to the club for its survival in ten years time, because once the fashion of buying clubs and players is over there wont be clubs like newcastle united, man citeh and chelsea.
  3. - Bringing in players without the manager's knowledge - Failing to even try to land any of the manager's own targets, and offering no explanation why - Attempting to sell players behind the manager's back - Allegedly putting the whole squad up for sale - Making a net profit on transfer dealings - where's all the TV money? Season ticket cash? - Not adequately communicating with the fans at any stage - Dismissing the manager's concerns by letter - Owner leaving the country at a critical stage for the club - Backing a horrible little cockney s*** against a local hero Apart from not being in the country and a lack of communication with the fans, is there any proof to the rest of these points? (SSN, setanta, newspaper aren't proof!)
  4. As I said in another thread - a new regime along with an old mentality was never going to mix. Comprimises were needed by both parties and unfortunately it appears this didn't occur.
  5. Yeah of course selling the club to someone who will put good players on the pitch will be a disaster. To be fair, the players are the least of our worries. The processes of obtaining and keeping players would still be problematic, as would the communication between manager and owner = nothing new! I'd much rather have a club that is united, sustainable and distinctly average than having this s*** year in, year out. I'm sorry I can't share that vision. I accept your point however. Of course winning things would be great but I like going to matches, travelling the lengths of England and Europe only to come home pointless, having a good old sing song with fellow minded fans, having a laugh with other club fans and receiving all the crap in return, walking around in my toon shirt announcing to the world I'm proud to be a newcastle fan, living the ups and downs that being a newcastle fan includes, having the excitment of walking through the turnstiles only to sit in the freezing cold, going to work on a monday morning wishing the weekend to arrive etc etc etc . . . . rather than being stuck in a silent ground of plastic corporate glory hunting fake fans. Give me the success of man united, chelsea, barcelona and real madrid, but I'd much rather be a average newcastle fan having fun!
  6. Yeah of course selling the club to someone who will put good players on the pitch will be a disaster. To be fair, the players are the least of our worries. The processes of obtaining and keeping players would still be problematic, as would the communication between manager and owner = nothing new! I'd much rather have a club that is united, sustainable and distinctly average than having this shit year in, year out.
  7. f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5
  8. If/When Ashley goes I'll be slightly gutted. The man has come in and saved us from inevitable championship football, whether that was through relegation or point deductions due to shocking finances. With Chris Mort along side him, he restored some order in the place and got the good feeling back. The appointment of keegan may have been an attempt to please the fans but I doubt he would have turned up each week to listen to the crap some supporters come out with if he didn't give a fuck about the club. No-one knows exactly has gone on within the club but to automatically jump on Ashleys back is stupid. In my opinion the right man was there but the regime wasnt. He came and tried something that is working in the modern game but appointed a manager that believed in the old system. I'm not really supporting either party but comprimises have to made and no-one is bigger than the club. Errors have been made and mistakes have occured but to actively attack one of the better things to actually happen to the club is recent years is frankly suicidle. If people want, get rid of ashley, sell the club to some foreigners who will bring in big names with massive pay packets to create a club that isnt financially sustainable. These owners will fuel the club with cash but won't sit or even listen to the fans - the real newcastle united! There are no proven football millionaires capable of taking over the club so whoever comes in will be new to it and will therefore bring problems of their own. We have done a hell of a lot right in the last 18 months so to chuck it out of the window now would be a waste. We have moved forward for the first time in years, so we need to stick together and iron out these problems otherwise the club that we thought we loved and lived will be no more. The anger and frustration will pass (eventually) but newcastle united WILL NEVER BE DEFEATED!!!! keep the faith
  9. The hope I had at half 1 is slowly falling off a cliff - still awaiting the confirmation before going mad . . . . . . . if I can make it that long!
  10. This is one loooooooooooooooooooooooong meeting! Keeping the faith . . . . .
  11. I bet theyre all just sitting up there having a pro-evo session with a few beers.
  12. Nowt i havnt heard before! You would think with robinho going to citeh and berbatov headin to manure that the tabloids wouldnt need to fill columns. Just another twat trying to stir up some shit i bet (and hope)
  13. The san siro shot of the newcastle fans - cant find it though!
  14. Why isn't there a New Years day league fixture?
  15. I suppose getting 2 hard games out the way in August is alright... It means the papers have a more guarenteed story than normal - 'Newcastle struggling at the start of the season, fans get on managers back, how long until he gets the sack blah blah blah'
  16. Placing a penalty in the top corner the last time we played Citeh at Maine Road. It may have been against their mascot 10 minutes before kick off and in a small goal but having the strong geordie away section cheer as though we'd scored properly was class. Getting back to my seat and having random blokes going "get in Pete" then actually seeing my first away victory capped off a great day. As for proper football, it would probably have to be one of Robert's peaches against spurs. He had no right to score either but somehow did.
  17. As the away fans are now placed against the glass at one side of the Leazes, does that mean the ground capacity will increase? its currently stated as 52,347 but thats counting two lots of segragation (unsure how many rows there are up there but the normal segragation is between 5 - 10 seats wide).
  18. I thought that. It is indeed - I'm obviously too old . . . . . . . .
  19. To the tune of 'i am the music man' - a few people have been singing it since the beginning of the season but obviously big sam got replaced to keegan: My name is keegan, i manage newcastle, but who shall I play? who shall i play? il play . . . . enrique ... enri enri enrique, enrique, enrique, enri enri enrique, enrique My name is keegan, i manage newcastle, but who shall I play? who shall i play? il play . . . . nicky butt ... nicky nicky nicky butt, nicky butt, nicky butt, nicky nicky nicky butt, nicky nicky butt My name is keegan, i manage newcastle, but who shall I play? who shall i play? il play . . . . obafemi .. oba oba obafem, obafem, obafem, oba oba obafem, oba obafem My name is keegan, i manage newcastle, but who shall I play? who shall i play? il play . . . . michael owen ... michael michael michael owen, michael owen, michael owen, michael michael michael owen, michael michael owen My name is keegan, i manage newcastle, but who shall I play? who shall i play? il play . . . . etc etc etc etc Its amazing how many first team players can fit to this song!
  20. Has anything actually happenend this second half? SSN havnt mentioned it once.
  21. can someone photoshop this to black and white with the newcastle logo on? I think the newcastle kit would look superb in that design. Quick and dirty... http://img88.imageshack.us/img88/3431/nufc1np2.jpg Looks too like the lasses top from last season or the season before.
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