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Everything posted by toonpete1892

  1. Its a game where we face the southern equalivant of ourselves - we both expect too much, we are both under massive media pressure whether doing well or not, we are both shite at the moment, we both have large problems, both sets of fans are restless . . . . Not only will a victory start to erase what has been a horrid september but we get to put one past spuds, and theres nothing more satisfying than that (apart from spanking the mackems).
  2. There were too many fans who get sucked in by all of the promises and media speculation when ashley came in, so much so that they thought Newcastle would rapidly have the success of chelsea. When this success wasn't seen on the pitch, the board was an easy target. To have success there needs to be firm foundations and this is the reason why nufc hasn't seen success for many a year - too many comings and goings, too many minor scuffles blown out of proportion, too many massive promises that were never going to be fulfilled etc etc. Obviously these problems aren't all down to the fans but too many place too much pressure and expect to see results straight off rather than in a couple of years. With ashley, there was no risk that the club was going to fold in on itself in the foreseeable duration, so patience was needed to see whether the new regimes and setups would die or flower. Unfortunately, after 50+ years of nothing (or so we keep being told), we are hungry for success and feel 'our time is now'. Things were never going to change over night but after the success chelsea saw in abranovich's first season, many thought 'well why hasn't it'. Keegan's appointment helped to bide ashley with a good few months of time before the masses started to want more, time in which he could get the regimes ironed out and working. Personally I feel the summer transfer window was a success and much better than in recent years - true enough we didnt sign the likes of an owen or a martins, but we got in players that would add some excitment to what was always going to end up a small squad. Creating a bond with fans to ensure that they bought season tickets years in advance was also a positive step forward. It showed ashley that the fans were willing to give him time although some short term success would have been appreciated - maybe UEFA qualification this season. Obviously within the last few weeks/months there have been problems but these were always going to occur, no matter who was driving the ship. Having a fans favourite in keegan may have bought ashley some time but he was always get it in the neck when keegan walked/got the boot. Unfortunately within this short time, a large percentage of fans chose to ignore the positive steps forward in support for their messiah. All in all, errors were made by everyone connected to the club and if it wasn't for a lack of patience and the hunger to be succesful like chelsea from the fans, in two years time we could have been a stronger force and climbing. Unfortunately, I get the feeling that the same fans will get sucked in by any new owner, fall for the same tricks, soon become impatient and be upon their backs come two seasons time. Its a viscous loop that will continue to rotate until this football club purchasing fad passes (maybe seeing the end of many clubs) or the fans give the club's owners a bit of slack to help build foundations.
  3. I wouldn't take him back. True enough he raises the players and seems to get the best out of the weaker or under fire players but you're never sure when he may up root. Theres no arguing that he is a good manager but the club need someone to match the fans/medias/owners expectations (on recent observationbs this is shockingly high). Keegan could only take us so far and when the moment comes when he decides to leave/gets kicked out, we would have the same sort of mess seen in recent weeks. As for keegans thinking, I would hate to be thought of as a chess piece. As much as I'd love to go back and be the possible hero, there would always be something digging away inside me thinking that I was only there for club income and to keep the masses sweet.
  4. Is it me or is the reality that most of the fans didnt actually want him out, they just wanted a change to the structure and an improvement in the communication between club and fans. Too many wanting to get on tv and talk s**** rather than thinking what their actions would mean for the club in the long haul. Its evidently easy to move people on and out of the club but fans want different things from the club, something that will never be solved. A little thinking before the televised tantrums would have been appreciated! Thing is, when you saw all the stuff going on outsude Shearer's in the week building up to the Hull game, the crowd was so obviously just made up of bored school kids just joining in to try and get on TV and to have a laugh. Its very sad if the club didnt look at this and think that maybe they should try and find out what a broader feeling of the fans was. Sadly I dont think they were interested in finding out. Im sure the club would have seen the pictures but the tv channels and papers were filled of all the negative thoughts and didnt once show what a large fraction of the week-in-week out fans wanted. Theres blame due out to pretty much everyone concerned in publicing, spreading and transporting the story but at the time there wasnt enough fans speaking out. Too many decided to hide away whilst others spoke out and received a lot of shit in return. I wonder how many of the people outside the ground and participating in the protest walks last week actually had a ticket for the Hull game, because I suspect it wasn't many. As I said before, there was too many people putting their limelight first and football club second.
  5. Is it me or is the reality that most of the fans didnt actually want him out, they just wanted a change to the structure and an improvement in the communication between club and fans. Too many wanting to get on tv and talk shite rather than thinking what their actions would mean for the club in the long haul. Its evidently easy to move people on and out of the club but fans want different things from the club, something that will never be solved. A little thinking before the televised tantrums would have been appreciated!
  6. You wanted him gone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . now life with the consequences!
  7. Whats with the 'will you take 17th place if offered' and 'no owner by February 1st = relagation' threads? The season is still early and there are positives showing if people open their eyes. How many seasons have we started off poorly but come out at the end fighting? As i said the other day, grow some fucking balls!
  8. 3 weeks of horrific pain and counting . . . . . . I look forward to when the brighter days return :-D
  9. You can say that as much as you want but we've not been in this game for large periods of time. A team who turns off a lot of the time deserved to be punished, even if it is against the run of play. At times we played some great possesive football but we were not good enough for the duration of the game today and thats why its 3-1. I'd agree with the luck not going our way but we could quite have easily had a couple of pens against us, amongst other things.
  10. looks like west ham have been told to give us a bit more space. True we're attacking at the moment but as soon as we lose the ball, west ham are breaking away strong.
  11. Geremi is controlling the ball well and putting in some cracking balls. Not seeing much from the left hand side or the front two. But its looking more promising than 15 mins ago
  12. A bit of passing occuring now but still a lack of movement off the ball. Bit of a shame west ham look dangerous on the counter.
  13. On a positive, the away end looks full. It shows that despite the whole mess that NUFC is in, the fans can be relied on to turn up and support what appears is a sinking ship. Owen needs to do his captains duty and pull the players together because I've seen nothing relating to a team in the first 15 mins.
  14. I think that was a very good post, I just can't get my head around anything at the moment and I agree with the sentiment but the reason we were gelling on the pitch and the players were enjoying things again was down to the man the board have deemed pretty much as replaceable. They (the players) will get over it. We've just got to hope the board - whoever they are - appoint someone good. Considering the managers that have already said they'd fancy it, I'm relatively confident we're still an attractive club to work for. Things that occur in the board room are off the pitch so shouldnt be in the players mind. As bad as it sounds, they still have their contracts and will still get paid at the end of the week. We've got to make sure that the sense of discouragement and anger doesnt filter into their minds as a sense of not belonging, panic, anger and frustration will soon lead to transfer requests and a thin squad becoming even thinner. As with anytime, the players are the only people that could see us win things and/or get relegated. The priority in the current climate is to therefore guarentee our support and performances rather than selling the club - the club WILL move hands at some point, so in the mean time we've got to ensure the people that count know we are behind them. Screw performances off the pitch, its on the pitch where our season occurs!
  15. Ashley is a (proven) business man so I'm sure he knows what hes doing when it comes to buying and selling. He will watch all the factors, including the markets and availabilty of potential customers, then offer the prize when he feels right. The protestors got there wish, now allow ashley to sell the club HE OWNS how he wants.
  16. And we wouldnt be in half as much mess if a majority of fans didnt spit their dummies out and make a bad mess a monumental mess. Things could/may have been sorted out How is all of this the fans fault? I didnt say all of it was the fans fault. Normally its the media that blows a story out of a window but those who cried 'my life is over, keegan was everything to me. ashley and wise out' showed the club up. I can understand people not being happy (I personally was very angry) but to aim very strong abuse at the management when we didnt and still dont know what went on, is kind of out of order.
  17. And we wouldnt be in half as much mess if a majority of fans didnt spit their dummies out and make a bad mess a monumental mess. Things could/may have been sorted out
  18. Or your DOF to overrule him. Is that the DOF who's signings blew your socks off? Sadly, it takes more than 2 players. Especially when you need at least 5, and he makes his manager sell to buy any more. Some big club that is, more like Bristol City and Bristol Rovers. A smart lad like you doesn't usually ignore an overriding principle ie Keegan walked for not being allowed to manage the club in the way he should by a bunch of amateurs. Shame your infatuation with a DOF gets in the way of your judgement.. Hope your pleased, unless of course you don't take the huff with people for disagreeing with you again. Know one knows for certain what did and didnt occur. All we know is that we got a good bunch of players in during the summer, signings I believe have been better signings than recent years. *No
  19. I don't think anyone doubts that we have the qulaity of players to not even contemplate a relegation battle problem is at the moment they have no direction and the coaches have no direction from above them. To be honest I do think we are indeed "too good to go down" but are at this moment in time in serious danger that we could go down. If that makes any sense ?? The club just needs to settle down, if Ashley hasn't had any luck in selling the club in Dubai then I hope he comes back and gets on with things until someone comes along, get a manager appointed and for the fans to stop protesting as none of it is helping. 2nd that!!!
  20. We went into the hull game with 4 points from 3 games despite facing games away to both manure and arsenal. Pre-season wasn't great but that was more about fitness than anything else. The team was gelling nicely and the tactics were beginning to work. A bad result against hull and its soon the end of the world! Fair enough there has been trouble with the people who run the club/team, but we need to pick the team up and come away from west ham with at least a point - something not out of our hands. The same players are still there and the toon army will still be there, so apart from the managment, what else do we need? Another good performance and a bit of luck, we can go into the next game feeling great about the start to the season. Its still early doors for the season and things off the field will improve . . . . . . eventually. The doom and gloom merchants will soon get bored and piss off but to count the season off just 4 games in is quite honestly a joke! FFS grow some testicles!!!
  21. I wouldn't really say Ashley had appealing PR. The only reason he was constantly in the paper for negative things were when the media wanted to stir things up between him, keegan and the fans (apart from recent weeks when the witch hunt occured). I wouldn't say getting in with the fans, chatting to fans, laughing with fans and partying with the fans was bad PR. Completely the opposite really, something that I really valued in him. I'd much rather have an owner that did that than comes to the club once in a blue moon.
  22. He lunged in at the guy in an attempt to stop him from breaking free - yellow. He tackled the guy to stop him from breaking free - yellow. He was effectively the last guy (Carvalho wasn't close enough) - straight red. I don't see how it ever got rescinded. Because he plays for a london club and england. Look at how much rooney gets away with for the same reasons. Rooney doesn't play for a London club. If the "challenge" had happened anywhere else on the pitch it would only have been a yellow. Why are people on here so bothered anyway, seeing as most of you think Terry is s***? May aswell be!
  23. He lunged in at the guy in an attempt to stop him from breaking free - yellow. He tackled the guy to stop him from breaking free - yellow. He was effectively the last guy (Carvalho wasn't close enough) - straight red. I don't see how it ever got rescinded. Because he plays for a london club and england. Look at how much rooney gets away with for the same reasons.
  24. Just another excuse for another marathon media killing spree! Surprised they didn't make more of us being 'lager louts that attend games just to shout abuse at a family man and attack his children' after ashley's statement. Saying that, perhaps they did, I just havn't been sucked in to buying their pages of bullshit.
  25. You do realise youre complaining about people complaining It had crossed my mind . . . . . . no honestly it had!
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