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Everything posted by Numbers

  1. simpson is not s***. He's clearly much worse than shit. Same as the majority of last season then, average performance good result.
  2. We need a new RB asap. It's fucking painfully watching Simpson daydreaming.
  3. Numbers


    He's a 34 year old crock who has been let go by 2 clubs in a year and upto now he's signing to be their main striker. Good signing indeed.
  4. Numbers


    34 year old sick note, you couldn't make it up. No doubt they will see it as a master stroke by Marty.
  5. i bet you 15 quid debuchy has looked on here! :lol:
  6. Numbers


    Sunderland will be lucky to sign anyone tbh, they're a fucking repulsive team and play horrible football. Their town smells like it has a permanent gas leak and it features fuck all of interest...the only useful thing i ever found in Sunderland was Quickstitch when i had burned a hole in my 501's years ago, they made them look like new for 3 quid. Oh and O'Neil would turn up to contact negotiations in a Track Suit with his bottoms tucked into his socks, tramp.
  7. Just over 10 minutes to play, watching for his body language
  8. Two canny goals from Altidore .
  9. Gameweek 1. 1. 1-0 2. 0-1 3. 1-1 4. 0-2 5. 2-2 6. 1-0 7. 2-1 8. 0-2 9. 4-1 10. 1-2 11. 2-0
  10. Hardly like its been spammed with Sunderland stuff. They're idiots. We get it. Ok boss, I promise not to post anything unless it's an exact match to the thread title. I don't want to upset the forum police. Just put things in the right thread so I can ignore the boring stuff Anita will be incredible. He'll be our Edgar Davids. Not as long as that ducks in your signature
  11. Hardly like its been spammed with Sunderland stuff. They're idiots. We get it. Ok boss, I promise not to post anything unless it's an exact match to the thread title. I don't want to upset the forum police.
  12. Hardly like its been spammed with Sunderland stuff.
  13. Catts and Gards for me like... Idiotic comments, surprising that. All I'm saying is, fill your squad full of French and Dutch lads, make sure you don't upset them or there will be hell on. Players on strike by October... first derby game we'll be facing the lads from their shite academy. Read more: http://www.readytogo.net/smb/showthread.php?t=721365&page=4#ixzz23LFFOZVZ They are fucking mental like...grasp grasp grasp...
  14. Anything you do,i do the opposite. You would fall into a bucket of tits and come out sucking your thumb.
  15. Yep nothing more infuriating than a manager telling you the team was unlucky/played well etc when they were shite. Souness was canny good at it like.
  16. Numbers


    Amusing isn't it? Can Catts play up front?
  17. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-2142413/Premier-League-pre-season-fixtures-results-2012.html We aren't the only ones that have had a patchy preseason, as people have said the incoming transfers is more of a concern, hopefully we can get a few in before the window slams shut.
  18. Definitely going down after today's shambles. Chelsea going down with us after Brighton bummed their full strength team 3-1. And Man City too, they got bummed by Oldham. f***ing shambles this Premier League like.
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