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Everything posted by Delima

  1. TBF. Theres a little poll running here about Sexy football vs trophies. Seems some people dont care about sexy football. And others dont care about winning. So he would be a happy medium. You make my day Doc Spec
  2. In a prediction Kaka vs Ronaldo thread before the semi fianl, someone here who claims to have ITK Man United info had said before the AC Milan game that Ronaldo was carrying an injury, so he would not expect Ronaldo to play well. It turned out to be true. Although not widely reported by the media, I have also read interviews mentioning Ronaldo was carrying an injury that game. Even if he was injury free that night and he simply didn't perform, he had played excellently on other important games such as World Cup. A bit unfair to pick on this match.
  3. Who would you prefer then? Graeme Souness sort of graft and grit players who rely illegal body check, shoulder check, hacking, rugby takling, start-from-knee-end-at-heel tackling? I do not like the divings Ronaldo does. But I feel that such diving has been exaggerated and emphasised to too much an extent.
  4. This is very unfair to Big Sam though. Everyone has an opinion. SBR knowing that Geremi's legs are gone is just like SAF knowing Mclaren will make a very good manager. If Big Sam signs a player, I trust that he has all the information he needs. He may have made the wrong judgement, but I don't think one could fault him for lack of homework.
  5. I miss you Sir Bobby Robson. Great article.
  6. I am thinking, and thinking, and thinking. Perhaps I am stating the obvious, repeating the redundant, but ... Cristiano Ronaldo is really phenomenal. I think his first touch and technical ball control skills are overrated. This is not to say that his touch is not good. More often than not he uses his strength and his sheer speed, and not silky silky ball playing ala Hleb, Messi etc to beat a player. Critisism as this is, it only emphasises the next point I really want to make. What an intelligent, intelligent player Ronaldo is. Top notch vision, top notch running, peerless positioning. He knows where to place himself, he just knows when to play the winger, when to play the striker. 22 goals already this season, and it is only beginning of January. If he could maintain his performance this season, he really should be the player of the year worldwide. If he could maintain such performance for just a few years, he will be one of the very few elite footballers who change the landscape of football. Makelele changed the landscape of English football with the "Makelele role". C Ronaldo may as well leave a lasting football legacy wiht his "goal scoring winger" role. Every coach worth his salt should tape his movement and coach his wingers to position himself like how Ronaldo would. Credit also to Ferguson and Queroz for bringing and coaching the best out of Ronaldo. Shame that he played today.
  7. I just come to realise that: 1. Even though I believe that Big Sam should be given more time because he is a good manager, it is right for Ashley to sack Big Sam NOW. Sam was not Ashley's candidates and he was given benefit of doubt and trust after the takeover. Now that after half a year there is not any visual encouraging signs, it is only right and logical for Ashley to part way with Big Sam. At least Big Sam is a given an opportunity (a short one). 2. The reason why Harry Redknapp suddenly becomes Ashley alledged favourite is Paul Kempsey, the ex Tottenham Hotspur vice chairman (or similar position). He was the one who strongly wanted Harry Redknapp to replace Martin Jol proper when things went pearshape beginning of the season. The media did not report this story but our very own resident Martin Jol repeatedly made this ITK claim. Now Paul Kempsey has come out in public to voice supports for Ashley's sacking of Allardyce, and he claims to be big pal of Ashley. Paul Kempsey is very likely to be the person who brainwash Ashley with the name Redkapp. Else, there are quite a few better candidates around. Why are we not linked to them, but only to Redknapp?
  8. I shuold have said in the first post that: I want Shearer and NOT Redknapp. I would have prefer Lippi, Mourinho, Flores etc.
  9. I would like to update the list of my managerial candidates Out - Paul Simpson - I was very dissapointed when he blamed the players for his sacking. He is a manager and he needs to manage people. I probably will get sticks for my comments on Keane.
  10. Ebank-Blake signs for Wolves for 1.5m. I don't know what to make of it - 1. I was partially right that Ebank Blake was worth a bet, or 2 Wolves is rich
  11. Manuel Fernandes signs for Everton (loan). Great, great signing by Everton, if only it is a permanent deal and not a half season loan!
  12. I don't like Redknapp, I think he is waay overrated (by the people who rate him!). Search Youtube "Stand Up If You Love Shearer" Well if Ashley and Mort sacked Allardyce because they "listened" to the "Allardyce Out"-er, I hope if there are enough people who prefer Shearer over Redknapp to make the board realise that there are significant number of Newcastle United supporters who are against the appointment of Redknapp. Redknapp in Bournemouth - Nothing extraordinary Redknapp in West Ham - Good but nothing special Redknapp in Portsmouth - So so Redknapp in Southampton- Unable to save a them from relegation Redknapp in Portsmouth- Nothing extraordinary, considering the money he has spent. Why Redknapp? I prefer Shearer, at least he is an unproven person who still has massive potential, whereas Redknapp is a proven manager with proven limited potential. Give us our hero back. Search Youtube "Stand Up If You Love Shearer" Shearer! Shearer! Shearer!
  13. I think you are wrong about Ferguson. Ferguson didn't win anything in Man Utd for a while and with Man Utd being a bigger club than Newcastle United the pressure will only be more.
  14. Look at David Moyes and Everton. David Moyes is not an outstanding manager. But the board is wise enough that if they could not realistically attract a top class manager, they might as well persist with a competent manager who will get better gradually with time. So it is not very wise to sack Sam only to replace him with another one who has been the game longer, had both time and fund but achieved nothing significantly better than Sam.
  15. Inferior of what? Feeling inferior of not knowing how to waste money stupidly like former NUFC chairman? Feeling inferior for not able to bring myself calling woman dogs? Feeling inferior of calling a local football hero Marry Poppin? Feeling inferior of missing out great managers like Graeme Souness? Or feeling inferior of not having Shepherd b*ll*ck suckers arse rimmer like NE5 as fellow fans?
  16. Or unrealistic ambition, fuelled by self-grandeur delusion, flamed by self-righteous arrogance?
  17. Jussi is showing signs of aging. For someone with Spurs aspiration Jussi is not good enough. Very good value for money as a No 2 but not No 1
  18. I thought Daniel Cavalho has signed an agreement with Inter Milan to join them this summer. In the news I read that when he was asked if it is a risk signing a player who has proven himself only in Russian league, Roberto Mancini further comments that he has no reason not to trust the club scout who has been doing brilliant jobs for the club past few years (Maxwell, Figo, Ibrahimovic, Jimenez, Maicon, Viera, Chivu, Suazo) I hope I didn't read this news in one of my weirder dreams.
  19. This is a very unfair critisism. You can't acquire flair if you don't learn it when young (bad pun). C. Ronaldo was most certainly encourage to indulge in his trickery and showboating, and see the rewards now! MON being a manager of discipline would not let Young try a trick too many without his permission. I think MON is encouraging Young to express his creativity. When Young gets older he will naturally learn to find the balance between creativity and effectiveness. You could learn effectiveness with experience, you can't with flair.
  20. I didn't add Gardner because O'Neill seems to mistrust him, Cahill as well. in hindsight I should have put them in if I was going to put Vassell in Citeh squad. Not only Everton players are grafters, some of them are artists too. Arteta, Cahill, Lescott all have both flair and graft in them. Pienaar and Yakubu have now had hardwork ethic drilled into their brain. This is the benefit of giving a manager sometimes to get the required players. When you look at Moyes track records, he has made many mistakes and he has changed and evolved. This is the benefit of giving some time to a manager, so that he is allowed to learn and change without worrying that he must produce instant dramatic results. Costly s*** signings -> Loan with permanent deal in sight; Too conservative -> More offensive now; All graft and no flair -> Every single player bought in this & last season all have quality in them. How long does it take Moyes to finally produce such a team, with a strong young spine of both graft and flair? 5 years. And Everton are in much better financial health now as well. I wish some Newcastle fans will be more patient to Sam Allardyce.
  21. My apologies I must have mistaken you with someone else
  22. Are you still in the anti David Moyes camp To be fair Moyes changed after the booing last season against someone I can't remember now. He has been a lot more offensive minded and it is good to see him playing 2 strikers now where possible.
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