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Everything posted by Delima

  1. My comment wasn't directed at anyone in particular otherwise I would have addressed them directly. Paranoid tbh.
  2. Nice FM dig here, most people do that when they're losing an argument.
  3. Gerrard and Lampard still have a good few years left in their tank. If you are not confident at Gardner and Cattermole there will still be some new emerging players a few years later.
  4. The future of England National Team is very secured. Not only the team is very well stocked with defenders (Baines, Onuaha, Richards, Taylor, Wheater), it is very well stocked with the box to box future Gerrards and Lampards as well - Noble, Johnson, Gardner, Cattermole.
  5. Why shouldn't it matter? It is Newcastle United. To many, Newcastle United is just a football club they pick to support for no reason. To many others however, Newcastle United are supported due to the connection they have with Newcastle upon Tyne. It would be nice and to see local lads coming through the youth rank and flourish in the first team. Romantic reasons aside, there are many practical reasons why locality matter. The profile of the club, both first team and academy, could be raised, a lot of transfer and wage money could be saved. It is unfortunate that Peter Ramage and Paul Huntington couldn't make the grade. But with Steven Taylor far from being the finished book, there are still a lot of hopes.
  6. Current favourite Toon players, by order: 1. Given = Milner 3. Harper 4. Cacapa 5. Rozenhal 6. Taylor 7. Geremi 8. N'Zogbia 9. Martins 10. Ameobi
  7. Delima

    Graeme Le Saux

    Unhelpful environment and unbalanced upbringing?
  8. Delima

    Graeme Le Saux

    A colleague and friend of mine, who fathers 2 kids, has a mother-in-law who divorced her husband to marry another woman last year. No doubt the homophobics here would think that she gains pleasure from causing family conflicts and hence deserving the persecutions and bashings.
  9. Ryan Babel left, Yossi Benayoun right - two quality wide players.
  10. Paul Robinson Michael Dawson Darren Bent - I will give him more time and chances to prove his worth What do people think about Flamini?
  11. Delima

    Graeme Le Saux

    Sorry I think I get carried away a bit.
  12. Delima

    Graeme Le Saux

    Banter as retaliation against repeated, discreet use of a flying elbow? I didn't realise that Robbie Fowler is such a civil, polite nicety footballer who returns physical attacks with harmless well meaning banter.
  13. Delima

    Graeme Le Saux

    Unnatural, people keep talking about homosexuality being unnatural. How do you define unnatural? If it is unnatural, so what? Does unnaturality gives ground to abuse? Abuse is not right in any form, it is not right to abuse anyone because of his sexuality. It is not right to abuse anyone based on his religion; It is not right to abuse anyone base on his skin colour; It is not right to abuse anyone based on his hair colour; Actually, it is just not right to abuse anyone for whatever reason. And homosexuality is not even morally wrong, unless your moral compass is that of a religion. So far no one has come forward to say that homosexuality is morally wrong, so what allows you to abuse a homosexual? You only abuse someone because you discriminate. What ground do you have to discriminate homosexuals? Unless you think that homosexual is immoral, so far no one has told of this opinion in this thread. People keep harping about it being unnatural, so what? No animal (except human) use internet and post in forum. Does this make us unnatural? So is it ok to abuse forum posters? Even if homosexuality is a choice, so what? What is the ground for abuse? Are homosexuals responsible for the sickness of the society? Are homosexuals the culprit of robbery, war, raping, terrorism etc? In fact homosexuality and bisexuality occur "naturally" in many other species apart from homo sapiens. Ok, strictly speaking, discrimination based on sexuality is different from discrimination based on skin colour. After all, skin colour is not a kind of sexuality. But why make such fine but meaningless distinction? Discrimination based on religion is also different from discrimination based on skin colour, but these two are always lumped together in the fight against unjustified discrimination in the society. They are different, so what? Both are discrimination worth fighting against, just like the discrimination against homosexuality.
  14. Gerrard has a broken toe. And on paper Sissoko and Alonso should be good enough to outclass Pompey.
  15. Delima

    Graeme Le Saux

    everyday So you might be gay tomorrow or the day after? If i choose to be That makes you bisexual, Nobby.
  16. Delima

    Graeme Le Saux

    In the grand scheme of thing homosexuality is natural. There are many scientific recorded examples of homosexuality in the natural world, ie gay monkeys, gay penguins etc. Even gay human are natural, cos we are the product of nature, we are part of the nature. Homosexuality is unusual yes, but it is not unnatural. And there is nothing wrong or immoral about homosexuality, unless you are a religious person who follows the religious codes.
  17. How is him an average young english defender, and how is him overpaid? Ow is im an average player blud, ow is im overpaid? Thats how I read that anyway ??
  18. How is him an average young english defender, and how is him overpaid?
  19. Delima

    Graeme Le Saux

    Someone somewhere said that being gay is nothing to be shameful about, hence Graeme Le Saux shouldn't have reacted at all Well, there is absolutely nothing embarrassing or shameful in playing FM, in learning a bit more about a player via fm just like learning a bit more about any player via paper, mate in the pub, forum posts etc. So, should I just accept the accusations, and just say "Hi GeJon and Baggio the player judge duplets, I am not going to react to your comments directed at me, since I see no wrong in playing FM, and it doesn't matter if I do play FM or not"?? Maybe I should!
  20. Delima

    Graeme Le Saux

    Extremely pathetic of Paul Ince. He himself speaks publicly against racism, which is something very admirable. But he allows himself to abuse the homosexual people. Pathetic, pathetic, pathetic.
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