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Everything posted by Delima

  1. Darren Bent for £16.5 million is not an absolute joke. Fernando Torres, the Spanish version of Bent (a more skillful one) cost 7M more. Everton apparently offered 12M for Yakubu, and Bent has a better record past 2 seasons. Darren Bent's 16.5M is expensive, but not extraordinarily expensive.
  2. not really surprised you don't understand the make up of the team and how they played when you hardly saw it, if at all [although I have never said Bramble was a major player anyway, Taylor yes, but not Bramble] I see you are still obsessed about the old board ie your sig, and still read the utter s**** in the Guardian 's So Ameobi played more regularly for us than Bramble? Yeah I read the Guardian, better that you reading Alan Oliver's exclusives, and better than you licking someone's ball. He is lying on the bed now you know, flaccid and impotent I would guess. Softer, and easier to suck I would imagine too! And now he is lying low on the bed, you being a bitch could reach the desired height more easily! Bla bla Bla I miss Freddy Shepherd !!!!
  3. Actually, apart from being thin up front Everton has got depth everywhere else. Moyes' obsession with utility player means that they have Phil Jagielka who could play adeptly as centre back, defensive midfielder and right back, Phil Neville who has played everywhere across the back, and Joleon Lescott who could play left back and centre back. In midfield they have Arteta who could play everywhere, Tim Cahill, Leon Osman (winger at both sides). They are apparently confident of landing Manuel Fernandes, a midfield talent who could play as winger and central mid. Last season they managed fine with Andy Johnson out for a while. True that they have lost James Beattie now but Beattie was invinsible. Now they are bidding for Yakubu. It is unfortunate for them that James Vaughan is injured yet again. They have a small squad, but their players are very versatile.
  4. Every team has impressed, except West Ham and Tottenham. Defeated teams like Middlesbrough, Wigan, Fulham and Birmingham all didn't go down without a thorough and entertaining fight.
  5. Live on internet I mean
  6. they say they are showing MOTD live this season
  7. No , I mean MOTD on BBC
  8. Anyone knows how to watch MOTD online
  9. west brom is black and white!
  10. Delima

    Today's Games

    Rooney off injured - Ferguson's miscalculatoin
  11. Coming from someone who said Bramble is a valuable and worthy member of the squad. Coming from someone who said a Newcastle United defense marshalled by Titus Bramable doesn't need much strengthening
  12. Excellent read. My admiration of Sam goes up a level. Bits and pieces I really like
  13. Delima

    Today's Games

    Found this on the famous video sharing website, title - "Everton 2007/08 Season Prospects" Can someone make a similar video on Newcastle United? Moyes has really slowly assembled a team of talents - Howard, Lescott, Yobo, Baines, Jagielka, Arteta, Pienaar, Cahill, Johnson and hopefully Fernandes - without spending much, without too much fuss. I really think that it will be between Newcastle United and Everton for 5th and 6th.
  14. Just seen the stats on Skysports. We only had 36.9% possession? I know it means nothing as we won the game 3-1. But isn't this figure quite low?
  15. Delima

    Today's Games

    Do people really think that Liverpool was good? I thought that wasn't much difference between Aston Villa and Liverpool, apart from individual talents (which could be bought). I think Liverpool will struggle to make meaningful challenge on the title. And Benitez needs to ditch his obsession with playing full back as winger. Perhaps it is only the first game of the season and safety first is the priority. Gerrard's freekick was excellent, and Martin O'Neill will be gutted that they lost a match they could have drawn.
  16. Delima

    Michael Chopra

    And your first attack on me a reply to my bla bla bla rant? Bla bla bla bla, fool, ha ha ha ha! The Seol being greatest player ever thing has nothing to do with me, and has nothing to do with "certain championships players could make it in Premiership". If anything, Seol, after a full season in Premiership (your criteria) has proven that he could cut it in Premiership. Bye bye Gejon. I am not interested in continuing this arguement anymore. It is a waste of my time and energy, surely a waste of yours as well.
  17. Delima

    Michael Chopra

    For heaven sake, please don't create a bogeyman in your brain, then name it Delima and box him at will? When have I "come onto the forum with a list of reasons why everyone is not fit to lick your shoes after one game"? Why should I expect sticks when I have not done anything wrong, least of all from you? What has Seol to do with me? Who suggested that he was the greatest player ever, and better than Martins? Or are you hallucinating again? And what is your point? I am afraid I am not the one who looks a silly tw@t, but you, someone who indulges in false accusations.
  18. Delima

    Michael Chopra

    COULD, not WOULD. Are you really not the stupid one? And trying to divert the topic with your "Spanish 3rd division under 18 bla bla bla"? You know, I am very happy if someone could counter my points, and it has happened few times before on N-O. But save your snide, childish irrelevant remarks to yourself.
  19. Delima

    Michael Chopra

    More like it just goes to show how stupid some fans are when they are harping on about a player like he has proven everyone wrong ONE game into the premiership McClen had an excellent game against Arsenal once upon a time! How is praising Etuhu for his performance in one match = I have proven everyone wrong ? How stupid are you?
  20. Delima

    Today's Games

    I thought Kaboul was good. Why didn't Bale play? Was him injured?
  21. Delima

    Today's Games

    1. Sorry for the exaggeration Just wanted to stress my point that Rocha isn't a reliable player you could trust 2. I actually thought that Jenas isn't that shiite by his standard today. Spurs was going for a win so it was only natural to substitute defensively minded DM with a more offensively minded DM. 3. I thought they were both anonymous. Maybe they weren't that shiite, but Norsworthy and McShane played very well. Sorry for taking the piss I am overjoyed that Spurs lost
  22. Delima

    Michael Chopra

    Yea i thought he was pretty good And Nyron Norsworthy was very decent too.
  23. Delima

    Michael Chopra

    I have to say well done to Etuhu too. Some very energetic break up play. Shades of Sissoko. Even similarly shiite and erratic in distributing balls and forward play. And to think that he wasn't even the outstanding CHampionship player last season. Just goes to show that how ignorant some posters are here by automatically dismissing suggestions that certain Championship players could make it in Premiership.
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