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Everything posted by Minhosa

  1. Minhosa

    Alan Pardew

    Harsh on Minhosa that like.
  2. Minhosa

    Alan Pardew

    Agreed, I just don't think we were unfortunate, I think we got what we deserved, nothing. I think any neutral watching that second half think's we've got to come away with at least a point from the game. First half, certainly not.
  3. Minhosa

    Alan Pardew

    Hopefully that completely removes all ties and agenda's and the papers can actually report interesting stuff instead of towing the line. The club has used its weight for far too long. Wishful thinking really. Ryder will continue to tickle Pardew's balls and regurgitate the shit we already knew. Even he's been a bit more on the critical side lately, certainly over the last few months, after the humpings. The gloves should be off though now they've been banned. Suppose it's a question of who needs the other the most? The club needing the press or the papers needing the club. Local press could cause a real shitstorm if they put their minds to it.
  4. That's funny, I thought it came from a stupid foul and a once in a lifetime goal from a donkey. Give over man, once in a lifetime. It won't even make the MOTD top ten at the end of the month. He'll not score many/any better. He's shit. He shouldn't be beating Krul from there.
  5. Minhosa

    Alan Pardew

    The last time we smashed them we actually had a go at them, coincidence? Cultural. You either get it or you don't. If you don't you have to match them as best you can for the inevitable onslaught and let them tire themselves out, beating them technically. We could have done that today if Anita was brought on imho. I felt we were unfortunate. There's no shame in having a different opinion Mick.
  6. That's funny, I thought it came from a stupid foul and a once in a lifetime goal from a donkey.
  7. Minhosa

    Alan Pardew

    Hopefully that completely removes all ties and agenda's and the papers can actually report interesting stuff instead of towing the line. The club has used its weight for far too long.
  8. Minhosa

    Alan Pardew

    The same new manager bounce they had last week when they let 4 in without reply? That's a joke of a reason and it doesn't hold water. English core, what difference has that made before? It's only used if we lose and isn't when we win with the same mix of players. An English core is bollocks, we had more of an English core than against a much better Liverpool side but we weren't up for this game. As for home game, isn't it the only home game they've actually won this season. Why hasn't home advantage helped them before today? Must win game, it should have been for both teams. A kid at centreback, OK, we did have but he was 1 player out of 11. If we'd played more to go at them instead of starting slow that wouldn't have even come into it. Pardew tried to be clever up front and he isn't good enough to do that, he's clueless. First home game for their new manager in a derby. They were always going to come out at 110mph. The last time we played them with an english core we smashed them. Coincidence?
  9. Minhosa

    Alan Pardew

    Holy s***. Was their coverage at all scathing of the regime? Nope they just reported it was happening. notice how the club doesn't ban the nationals, Bullying cunts. Didn't realise The Telegraph was a NE paper.
  10. Minhosa

    Alan Pardew

    Wow. Thats not gonna end well. This is obviously because of the increased negative reporting from the EC etc of the Ashley regime since the back end of last season. Noticeable shift in stance/policy imho.
  11. Was waiting for the MoM shouts in here tbh. "We've lose the derby? Better get on the internet and troll people!" Stopped reading at "We've lose".................. You've picked your moment well tbf, unlike the other coward WUM's who'll be along in a few days. Labelled a WUM for not slagging AP off for once in 2 years. Wowza. Pass the happy pills.
  12. Was waiting for the MoM shouts in here tbh. "We've lose the derby? Better get on the internet and troll people!" Stopped reading at "We've lose"..................
  13. Minhosa

    Alan Pardew

    Maybe that's because Douglas is a cunt. . That was fishing. I'll stop now for fear of being slung into the outcast basket.
  14. Minhosa

    Alan Pardew

    Are we not allowed to start a derby at 110mph? Are we not allowed to have our players motivated enough to have a go from the start instead of bottling it? As for the game itself, we were clueless for most of it. Does anybody other than Pardew think our front 3 which started today were in the positions which suit them? I hope not. We weren't in the game kick off against one of the worst teams to play in the division. We should have been at them from the off instead of letting them get a goal before we were pushed into doing something. We shouldn't have been needing to go for a winner late in the game, we should have been in a better position by then. There are some undeniable coincidences Mick that don't happen in normal games. - New Manager bounce. Again. - English core. Meatheads up for it. - Home game. - Must win game. - We've got a kid at CB. I don't think we were ever going to match them for sheer aggression. That's not what this squad is about (some may say sadly). Where (imo) we should have won the game was when they were out of steam, which was the 2nd half (pretty much all of it). Personally, I'd have played Anita to keep the ball ticking over and in our possession. Just throwing forwards on wasn't the answer but at least they were meant with a positive intent. The same Manager last season would've probably stuck Sameobi on at right back.
  15. He was on the Spurs radar. Wish they'd signed him.
  16. Minhosa

    Alan Pardew

    We started like we were unprepared and barely created anything against a horrific side. Sunderland today were as poor as they always are and will still get relegated. Accept the first half was awful. I said as much in the match thread. They were never going to sustain that tempo (and they didn't) and AP loaded the game with attacking subs to get the equaliser and then look for a winner. We were caught on the break with a screamer from a monkey who'll never score another like it. The very least we deserved today was a point and that would have been a good result. It's massively disappointing, of course, but the anger aimed at AP is imho, for once, unwarranted. And I hate the c***. PS: I f***ing knew Poyet would do this. So typical of him/his sides. We'll now have 'him' hanging over us for every derby until he f***s off or AP's contract expires. Having read this post, fwiw - I get your entire view point. Its valid...I don't agree with unwarrented anger towards AP b/c he's once again lost the derby and its compounded, imo, that they are the worst team in the league. Wasn't meaning to have a go at you in this thread as well...my AP anger was being incorrectly angered at my posts with you. I'll shut the fuck up now.
  17. Minhosa

    Alan Pardew

    We started like we were unprepared and barely created anything against a horrific side. Sunderland today were as poor as they always are and will still get relegated. Accept the first half was awful. I said as much in the match thread. They were never going to sustain that tempo (and they didn't) and AP loaded the game with attacking subs to get the equaliser and then look for a winner. We were caught on the break with a screamer from a monkey who'll never score another like it. The very least we deserved today was a point and that would have been a good result. It's massively disappointing, of course, but the anger aimed at AP is imho, for once, unwarranted. And I hate the c***. PS: I f***ing knew Poyet would do this. So typical of him/his sides. We'll now have 'him' hanging over us for every derby until he f***s off or AP's contract expires. As i said in the match thread. A defensive ball winning holding player in Tiote (Yes he had a good game) vs a possession based calm player in Anita who could impose our quality on the floor. Ben Arfa on the left so we're not exposed down the right when hes clearly more of a direct threat there. Fair enough if you try it & the left back has the better of him, dont start with the negative presumption ffs. It says it all for me that at 1-0 down you had Cabaye make 2/3 ridiculous tackles, Tiote throwing a guy off for holding him & players launching shots from 35 yards out. No composure, no calmness. Pure panic. The manager is the one who puts the ethos into the side. We absolutely s*** ourselves against the worst side in the league & we never come back to win a game from behind. We couldnt be more affected by the slightest hint of doubt for a long time now. Its Pardew. I also said in the match thread that Anita would have been my choice to come on, just before half time. That said, Tiote was probably our best player today.
  18. Minhosa

    Alan Pardew

    We started like we were unprepared and barely created anything against a horrific side. Sunderland today were as poor as they always are and will still get relegated. Accept the first half was awful. I said as much in the match thread. They were never going to sustain that tempo (and they didn't) and AP loaded the game with attacking subs to get the equaliser and then look for a winner. We were caught on the break with a screamer from a monkey who'll never score another like it. The very least we deserved today was a point and that would have been a good result. It's massively disappointing, of course, but the anger aimed at AP is imho, for once, unwarranted. And I hate the c***. PS: I f***ing knew Poyet would do this. So typical of him/his sides. We'll now have 'him' hanging over us for every derby until he f***s off or AP's contract expires. Bringing off your top goal scorer and replacing them with one player who is just a total pank and another player who is totally out of form/shit and you say he can't be blamed howay man!!! A total plank who's scored more times against Sunderland than anybody in our history, Milburn aside. He see's Cisse everyday in training, maybe he thought he was ready to make an impact.
  19. Minhosa

    Alan Pardew

    How exactly did Poyet have his number today? Did he mindtrick him into being beaten by a wonder goal having had all of the second half? We lost. That's how. f*** off. Poyet's Jedi mindtricks sticking one in the top corner from 30 yards. Wish we had a manager with those powers. Has it f***ing processed yet that we lost the derby again? You think I don't understand the significance of the derby, being born and bred in North Tyneside? Must mean a lot more to a local like you. So you're happy enough to give Pardew the benefit of the doubt b/c of a wonder goal and we lost to the worst team in the league? Fair enough then. Ok then.
  20. Minhosa

    Alan Pardew

    It's not like, it's totally warranted. We face a team starting the game at 110mph. They score due to having to play a kid at CB. Up against all of that, we came into the game second half, scored and should have gone on to achieve at least 1 point. They score a screamer on the break and all of a sudden the baby is thrown out with the bath water. If Cabaye had scored that, AP would be getting all of the plaudits for having shown some balls and thrown caution to the wind. It's a game that is changed in matters of seconds. Nobody saw that coming. It did. We were unfortunate and that's it. He's going nowhere and I'm pleased he's showing some will to attack games, albeit we started shit.
  21. Minhosa

    Alan Pardew

    How exactly did Poyet have his number today? Did he mindtrick him into being beaten by a wonder goal having had all of the second half? We lost. That's how. f*** off. Poyet's Jedi mindtricks sticking one in the top corner from 30 yards. Wish we had a manager with those powers. Has it fucking processed yet that we lost the derby again? You think I don't understand the significance of the derby, being born and bred in North Tyneside? Must mean a lot more to a local like you.
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