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Everything posted by Minhosa

  1. :lol: These things take time but we were the last ones in the league to deal with it? Aye righto. They've shown such good will towards fans during the Ashley reign at least they've got loads of credit in the bank :rolleyes:
  2. Imagine after all this we are owned by a Qatar proxy How would Keyes feel? I know! He'd be cock-a-fucking-hoop I should imagine the hairy handed, daughters best mate shagging, politicising cretin. He’d be presenting in a toon top with a Qatari flag stitched over fun 88, telling us all how his crusade saved our club from the evil Saudis. Yep - all day long. Fucking unbearably smug. Good luck to his Philippino cleaners sorting out his gaff after the biggest tarmaccing session since the dawn of dumping on chests.
  3. Imagine after all this we are owned by a Qatar proxy How would Keyes feel? I know! He'd be cock-a-fucking-hoop I should imagine the hairy handed, daughters best mate shagging, politicising cretin.
  4. How the fuck does a dentist know so much.... Wondered that myself There's only so much gossip you can get from your client if you're a dentist, like I think he's had some info, but he seems to know everything out there. Purely believe he's feeding his own reputation at times. Don't disagree with that. He certainly gets off on the attention.
  5. A wild theory might be that Qatar picked up on some intelligence that KSA and Staveley had joined together in their bid and scrambled to create an alternative/competitor bid but were beaten to the punch by the Saudi's in that they got their deal done and up to the PL. Qatar have clearly created an unreal amount of noise around the KSA bid to essentially destablise the whole thing with a view to sweep in and pinch the club off them using Mauriss as the front man. Mauriss then sells equity to Qatar after he's been cleared. They go through the O&D test some time after but they effectively own the club any way. It's not unthinkable and there's been rumours of other interested parties for a long time. Henry Winter going on record as stating he's known about them for ages, same with Caulkin etc.
  6. How the fuck does a dentist know so much.... Fuck knows. He reckons he's known since Feb of Mauriss and there is links to the Qatar WC with it too. In fairness, Caulkin, Winter and many others have said for a long time that there's been historic interest. It's only Staveley and Co. that could get the deal signed off by the fat lad though.
  7. I’d imagine not, no. PIF would have to signal they are to withdraw the bid and remove themselves from the process before they could consider another test from another party. So this will rumble on in to next season. Depends whether there's a drop dead date woven into the deal between the buyers and Ashley.
  8. Geordie Dentist also inferring that there is Qatar money behind this yank interest/bid.
  9. This is where my heads at tbh . We won’t end up with him, he can’t afford us. Buy us with club money. Ashley tied in with advertising, merchandising etc. This is more likely that the Saudi bid going through imo. (IF it's true) Aye agreed. He's the easy option for the PL, the better option for Ashley (probably better terms) and the least positive outcome for long suffering NUFC fans. The American Donald this cunt. I wonder if Kenyon is involved somewhere.
  10. This is where my heads at tbh . We won’t end up with him, he can’t afford us. The whole thing will be leveraged to fuck, shrouded in mystery and we won't have a clue about any of it imho. We really need this Saudi bid approved. The PL, and I appreciate it's not intentional, are completely fucking with the future of the club by not reaching a decision on this by now. We need answers.
  11. 100%. I'm sceptical as fuck about this new 'bid' and it stinks of Ashley playing games given all of the journos have released this development within an hour of each other. PL need to reach their fucking verdict pronto.
  12. Not nearly as offensive as his Bruce love-in or the bloke calling him every time he opened his mouth.
  13. He's an utter bellend is Edwards. In that discussion alone, he admits to winding up the fans, admits to loving Bruce, admits to being handed exclusives and talks Rafa down. He should fuck off back to London tbh. Also, how many times does the fella hosting it say 'mate'?!? Fuck me, I started counting but stopped when I got to 3224.
  14. Agreed, he can't have the upside of all of the increased profile, clicks/exposure for his employers etc etc and then act a cunt and not recieve any of the negative too. Not the way things work tbh. Deserves all the stick he gets imho, same with that prick Luke Edwards who makes a point of taking the alternative view on almost everything NUFC just because standing out is is schtick. Pair of wankers. Does not deserve to be fired. Don't give a shit whether he is or isn't. I'm not interacting with him on twitter. Either way, he's made a rod for his own back now with the Hitler comment and it'll rightly be rammed back at him from here to eternity now. Imho, he should've written his pieces, made his point(s) and then fucked off onto a new subject as journos do. He's made it his mission now to gain more and more exposure on this takeover and, in doing so, must accept that those with an opposing view will get more and more fucked off with him. He's responded to that like an amateur. Rose to the bait.
  15. Agreed, he can't have the upside of all of the increased profile, clicks/exposure for his employers etc etc and then act a cunt and not recieve any of the negative too. Not the way things work tbh. Deserves all the stick he gets imho, same with that prick Luke Edwards who makes a point of taking the alternative view on almost everything NUFC just because standing out is is schtick. Pair of wankers.
  16. Tony Evans is well connected a Liverpool fan. I dont think we want crazy money we want a club that tries and managed to be successful. Caulkins old boss at the Times, no?
  17. Yup - it's long been my fear that all of these positive noises were coming from one source. Could easily be misguided/wrong/badly advised. Disagree they’ll have a good idea from the league’s lawyers who they’ll have been dealing with on a daily basis. Yes it has to go to the board, but this is obviously complex and I can’t see them going against the legal advice. Either where waiting for a remedy to tv situation, or they’ll just pass it based on PIF being a separate legal entity. Hmmm. Well, it's all guesswork but I'd have said if they were 'good to go' and 'expecting an announcement over the next 24 hours' and 'cans in the fridge' then I'd say they were given a bum steer by the Lawyers as that was over a month ago. The TV situation and the seperate entity argument have been there since day 1 and yet the deal still seems nowhere near being done. I'd say it's entirely reasonable to be doubting the validity of the prior positive noises coming from the buyers side tbh. I see where your coming from, but I genuinely think they were given the nod. However, that Monday news broke of further evidence being submitted. Now everything subsequently points to this being the WTO draft report. I genuinely believe it is the fact this has become so public has unnerved the board. I believe legally this has the go ahead from lawyers, however board wanted more info re piracy under pressure from Bein. Now where in a situation where solution to keep all parties happy is taking place, hence confidence of buyers. We’ve always been told it’s an ongoing discussion. I’m convinced it’ll be sorted but understand doubts. See what you're saying but if there's any way that their lawyers have either approved it or word has leaked that they can't see a reason to deny it then you'd imagine the buyers would be pressurising the f*** out of the PL who now seem keen to use the leverage as much as possible. That leverage disappears the minute the buyers know the PL cannot legally stand in their way so, for me, I'm not that confident but hope you are right obviously. Though this doesn’t give us answers, it just reinforces my belief that ongoing discussions will eventually result in a resolution. I don’t think we should underestimate Staveley and the Reubens part in this. They are influential, respected and high profile British business people. I'm hopeful but also cynical mate. There's a lot of questions about AS around if we take our NUFC coloured specs off, even more so if she loses this Barclays case. Caulkin certainly has his colours tied to her mast so to speak. His judgement would rightfully be questioned if this goes tits as he's been their unofficial mouthpiece.
  18. If Staveley was to lose the Barclays case would that reduce her credibility? I've not followed the case thoroughly or the takeover over the last few months as it's been the same news articles regurgitated into opinion pieces. However if her company was to lose the case and their evidence was frivolous maybe those positive vibes from the buyers side would also lose their credibility. Just a bit because she's guaranteed her investment in NUFC with the proceeds of the Barclays case .
  19. Why did they push out positive messages over a month ago? It wasn't even close to happening. Are people presuming the characters involved would gamble 17 Million (or whatever the deposit was) on the basis it just might squeak through? We don't know the clauses surrounding that deposit so impossible to say but in KSA terms it's the equivalent to me dropping a quid down the sofa.
  20. Yup - it's long been my fear that all of these positive noises were coming from one source. Could easily be misguided/wrong/badly advised. Disagree they’ll have a good idea from the league’s lawyers who they’ll have been dealing with on a daily basis. Yes it has to go to the board, but this is obviously complex and I can’t see them going against the legal advice. Either where waiting for a remedy to tv situation, or they’ll just pass it based on PIF being a separate legal entity. Hmmm. Well, it's all guesswork but I'd have said if they were 'good to go' and 'expecting an announcement over the next 24 hours' and 'cans in the fridge' then I'd say they were given a bum steer by the Lawyers as that was over a month ago. The TV situation and the seperate entity argument have been there since day 1 and yet the deal still seems nowhere near being done. I'd say it's entirely reasonable to be doubting the validity of the prior positive noises coming from the buyers side tbh. I see where your coming from, but I genuinely think they were given the nod. However, that Monday news broke of further evidence being submitted. Now everything subsequently points to this being the WTO draft report. I genuinely believe it is the fact this has become so public has unnerved the board. I believe legally this has the go ahead from lawyers, however board wanted more info re piracy under pressure from Bein. Now where in a situation where solution to keep all parties happy is taking place, hence confidence of buyers. We’ve always been told it’s an ongoing discussion. I’m convinced it’ll be sorted but understand doubts. See what you're saying but if there's any way that their lawyers have either approved it or word has leaked that they can't see a reason to deny it then you'd imagine the buyers would be pressurising the fuck out of the PL who now seem keen to use the leverage as much as possible. That leverage disappears the minute the buyers know the PL cannot legally stand in their way so, for me, I'm not that confident but hope you are right obviously.
  21. Why did they push out positive messages over a month ago? It wasn't even close to happening.
  22. Answered them so comfortably that the PL still haven't heard what they need to in order to approve the deal? This is now the longest ever O&D test and there's not even rumours about it being nearly done. I'd say it would be naive in the extreme to be sending out positive messages for the last two months and it not being anywhere near ready to go. Some may argue that it was intentional to pressurise the PL which has possibly backfired.
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