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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Liverpool really trying to sign Jay Rodriguez instead? Horrendous if true. That guy is not that special at all. Did well last year, but miles off Remy. Laughable.

  2. Man, Remy's stuck at QPR now for sure. They won't reduce his fee based off of that medical, no chance.


    Bet he thought he was so clever when he signed there for the big bucks, thinking he'd be off somewhere else after one season.



  3. Are you lot comparing Arsenal's history in the top 4 to Man City's? Come on ...


    Here this! The novelty is over for Man City. The hunger is gone. Remember I was the guy that called it.


    All the glory will be mine, and mine only. I thank you.

  4. I just didn't think it was that convincing.


    Chelsea had no striker, Arsenal had major injuries and still lacked enough quality,while Man U had Moyes.

  5. Isla is far more than a defensive winger IMO. Fantastic going forward. He is a winger/wing-back. If anything he doesn't always defend with discipline. More a forward thinking player, than a defensive one. Though he will certainly put in the work tracking back as needed for sure.





  6. So do we believe our press or theirs? I say it a canny bit on here but something like that is a bit specific and random for a Chilean media outlet to make up.


    The detail was extraordinary. Full page spread and everything. Seemed very specific ... let's party!



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