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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. He reminds me alot of Taraabt when he was at Spurs, he then excelled after regular football.

    I'd contest that, maybe KingDawson can confirm, but in the brief appearances he made he looked just as good as he did at QPR.




    Ha! Yeah right!


    And so they decided to sell him to a Championship club for less than a million pounds.


    Sure dude. Makes perfect sense!

    That's massively misleading because they put a huge clause in there for the sell on. Nigh half I think.


    He seemed the same as at QPR on occasion ball greedy, but good close control. Like I say I can only remember 2 games for Spurs (West Ham & Chelsea away).


    Come on! Based on what he has done at QPR, a championship club I might add, you have PSG reportedly looking to pay £13 million fo rhim.


    There is no way that if he was playing that way for Tottenham, a prem club, he would have been sold. Never mind for less than £1 million.


    I don't care what clauses they put in. they valued him at less than £1 million! They could have sold him for more money and still had the same clause in.


    It was a ridiculously low fee, and clearly a mistake on their part. Besides if he was looking tha good for Tottenham, I'm sure there would have been better suitors than QPR in for him.

  2. Whats with all the negativity? He must have shown something for man united to have signed him and not being able to break into their first team does not make him ' bobbins'. He sounds like an upgrade on routledge and his arrival makes it less likely we will see lovenkrands or taylor on the right. Who exactly do some of you expect us to sign? Lennon, walcott, young?


    Like Smith?


    Like Rossi?

  3. He reminds me alot of Taraabt when he was at Spurs, he then excelled after regular football.

    I'd contest that, maybe KingDawson can confirm, but in the brief appearances he made he looked just as good as he did at QPR.




    Ha! Yeah right!


    And so they decided to sell him to a Championship club for less than a million pounds.


    Sure dude. Makes perfect sense!

  4. Call me a cynic, but if we sign Obertan, I can realistically see Jonas being on the way out.




    So we've gone from whinging about no new signings, to complaining about the signigns being rubbish, to exclaiming that it will mean players leaving.


    Don't you guys get tired of worrying.


    Give yourself a break.



  5. Obertan will be surrounded by fellow young talented French players at Newcastle, and will get a chance to play.


    If that doesn't get him comfortable and help him loosen up and express himself then nothing will.


    Seems to be a bit like Routledge. Needs to get over the hump!


    Bordeaux and Man U did have a lot more talent in fornt of him though, so this would be a real good opportunity.

  6. Cabaye, Marveaux, Abeid and Vuckic have a grand total of 0 Premier League appearances between them.


    Well they've got to start somewhere right?





  7. We are definiteley going to sign some decent players. Cool down guys.




    I'm sure you've said this every window for the last three years like :lol:


    Someone has to. Just doing my bit to counter all the negativity.


    I was blessed with a very positive outlook. I consider myself very fortunate that way.



  8. Barnetta would be textbook Ashley, in the last year of his contract and subsequently available for a knock down price.


    Like N'Zogbia?


    He'd be much cheaper than N'Zogbia, Leverkusen are only looking for around five million according to reports.




    Why even bother replying to such a silly retort.


    Just have to accept people want to be sad, angry and down about everything, so let them.


    If Jose Enrique leaves, it will be because he has been so exceptional, that better clubs have made thier interest known, and are willing to pay him a decent amount more than Newcastle are.


    As simple as that. It happens in football.




    It's not as simple as that, Enrique seems to have more ambition then the club.


    He has become good enough for a top club, and his contract is running out. That's the most important factor IMO.




    If Jose Enrique leaves, it will be because he has been so exceptional, that better clubs have made thier interest known, and are willing to pay him a decent amount more than Newcastle are.


    As simple as that. It happens in football.




    It's not as simple as that, Enrique seems to have more ambition then the club.


    Well what are these ambitions? And how realistic are they?


    The guy has been exceptional, and tbh if clubs that are further along are showing interest, then him moving on tends to be what happens in football.


    No different than Berbatov to Manu or even Torres to Chelsea.



  11. It's happening again... supporters are doing it again... We are ignoring how it got to this point and replacing it with a negative agenda spin on the individual.


    These people believe what we do about the club, they make their demands and try and force the change the club needs. It doesn't happen, they cause a storm and leave, we turn it into a greed based thing.


    It is like they cannot win with supporters, we don't want them to care and have an opinion we want them to shut up and suffer. Look at Shay Given, he left because Ashley decided to stay, Ashley had lied to him, promised spending and signings to take the club forward as he promised the fans, they didn't so Shay wanted away. Supporters turned that into f*** him, greedy b****** who is traitor.


    They fight for what this club should have. Of course there will be an element of looking after themselves, this is their occupation and career.


    Jose Enrique is now going to leave because the people he loved were sacked/sold and the club aren't spending any money to go anywhere. Supporters will come out and say bye then, f*** you, s*** body language, didn't care. Ignoring the reasons why he didn't care!


    We are constantly being shafted and all that happens is we have a quick moan then turn a blind eye and get on with things.


    If Jose Enrique leaves, it will be because he has been so exceptional, that better clubs have made thier interest known, and are willing to pay him a decent amount more than Newcastle are.


    As simple as that. It happens in football.





    Not at all. Enrique has shown plenty of signs that he would stay if the club had ambition and hadn't flogged Hughton, Carroll, Nolan and now Barton.


    What signs? Come on now. Lets be realistic.

  12. God help NUFC.

    The defeatist attitude re Ashley saddens me.

    He is a c***, who is pissing on Bobby's Grave and wiping his arse on the NUFC colours.

    Some on here are showing the symptoms of Stockholm Syndrome.


    Personaly, I think it's disgusting the way you keep harping on about Sir Bobby's grave.


    I'm sure you can get your point accross without trivialising it the way you do.


    You are an emotional wreck at the minute, and really need to get a hold of yourself.


    It's football, seriously.



  13. It's happening again... supporters are doing it again... We are ignoring how it got to this point and replacing it with a negative agenda spin on the individual.


    These people believe what we do about the club, they make their demands and try and force the change the club needs. It doesn't happen, they cause a storm and leave, we turn it into a greed based thing.


    It is like they cannot win with supporters, we don't want them to care and have an opinion we want them to shut up and suffer. Look at Shay Given, he left because Ashley decided to stay, Ashley had lied to him, promised spending and signings to take the club forward as he promised the fans, they didn't so Shay wanted away. Supporters turned that into f*** him, greedy b****** who is traitor.


    They fight for what this club should have. Of course there will be an element of looking after themselves, this is their occupation and career.


    Jose Enrique is now going to leave because the people he loved were sacked/sold and the club aren't spending any money to go anywhere. Supporters will come out and say bye then, f*** you, s*** body language, didn't care. Ignoring the reasons why he didn't care!


    We are constantly being shafted and all that happens is we have a quick moan then turn a blind eye and get on with things.


    If Jose Enrique leaves, it will be because he has been so exceptional, that better clubs have made thier interest known, and are willing to pay him a decent amount more than Newcastle are.


    As simple as that. It happens in football.



  14. Why the feck does everyone keep going on about its wrong to let him go on a free ?


    He was leaving on a free anyway at the end of season, no contract being offered and no one wanted to buy him anyway, the teams are only interested in him as he for nothing, with everything thats happened it has got to be the right thing to part ways surely, for the sake of a couple million.


    What you have to realise is people cannot look past their hatred for Ashley and Llambias in any single circumstance.


    No matter what any individual does they will claim it is right as long as it is in opposition to Ashley.


    Joey Barton and Willie McKay are clearly using this to their advantage in this situation.


    I don't know when it became acceptable to rubbish your club and behave so badly because you don't think the owner is spending enough money, or giving contracts to your mates.


    The owners have stated that this is how the club is going to be run. Support the team, and look forward to better days, whether that be a change in ownersip as some want, or a change in policy.


    Interesting to note the window has a month to run still, but people have convinced themselves that no more players are coming in, and are being fueled by this rage.


    What have Everton done this window? What of Villa? Did they not just get £36 million from the Downing and Young sales? Other than Zoggy, what?


    Senseless behaviour.


    Its got nothing to do with a blind hatred of MA/DL, man. Believe it or not, fans want what is best for the team on the pitch.


    Barton, despite all his drawbacks, was a key player last season and would in all likelihood have been as influential this year. You can w*** yourself silly over Barton's sale all you want, it won't hide the fact we're another player short going into the season.


    Can you guarantee we won't be getting any more players?


    This seems to be the root of a lot of anger on here, but ultimately there is a month of the window to run, and the fact is the majority of clubs have done nothing this window, because things haven'treally kicked off yet.


    I just don't see the point of getting so wound up over signings at this stage. There's no denying we've done pretty well so far in terms of new players.


    Let's see what happens.

  15. Probably been said, but it seems once again that Ashley not only has the local media in his pocket, but also some of the national media. The local media probably want to keep him sweet, so will watch what they say and I'd imagine that he has mate's in the national press who will look after him too. Didn't one of them used to write for the NotW? Either way, it's a sorry state of affairs when recent history is being revised to get Barton out of the door and also to get NUFC fans to turn against him. What a scummy club we currently support. Makes me ashamed to be a black and white at the moment. :( Even more so than when those knackers ran on the pitch at Darlington the other week - this is far worse.


    And again, which quality players are going to come and play for an owner who will stab you in the back at the first available sign of dissent/opportunity?


    Ben Arfa, cabaye, Ba, Marveaux?






    Most of them unproven in the PL! Ba has onyl played 12 games, ffs. And if they joined on the promise of the club pushing on and showing ambition, what do you think will happen next year when hopefully we've managed to stay clear of relegation (which is looking likely)? They will be off quicker than s*** off a shovel.


    Side point but every player in the entire league was 'unproven in the PL' as some point. Think people place too much on this.


    There's always an excuse.


    Their always injured and so they aren't good signings!


    They're unporven in the league!


    They're Frencch bottlers!


    They don't have enough passion!




    There's plenty examples of players moving about within the league and not being successful at their new clubs, which is what I think people overlook. As a high profile example look at Torres.




    Here's another thing that gets me. Players being written off, because they haven't set the world alight from the outset.


    See our very own Coloccini and Enrique. It's all related.


    Jump on any Liverpool forum and they're all clamouring for Aquilani to stay now, as he's been exceptional in pre-season. It was unreal to me how quickly he was written off by their fans and the media when he first arrived.


    No surprise to hear that idiot McKay playing the "Barton has the grit and guts those predominantly foreign teams don't have" card. People buy into this stuff.


    How can you confirm reports? You can choose to believe whatever you want given what's out there.


    So it hasn't been coinfirmed, thanks.


    No it hasn't been "coin"firmed if you are talking legal jargon. I'm not sure what coinfirmed even means unless you are writing with a New Jersey accent.





  17. Probably been said, but it seems once again that Ashley not only has the local media in his pocket, but also some of the national media. The local media probably want to keep him sweet, so will watch what they say and I'd imagine that he has mate's in the national press who will look after him too. Didn't one of them used to write for the NotW? Either way, it's a sorry state of affairs when recent history is being revised to get Barton out of the door and also to get NUFC fans to turn against him. What a scummy club we currently support. Makes me ashamed to be a black and white at the moment. :( Even more so than when those knackers ran on the pitch at Darlington the other week - this is far worse.


    And again, which quality players are going to come and play for an owner who will stab you in the back at the first available sign of dissent/opportunity?


    Ben Arfa, cabaye, Ba, Marveaux?






    Most of them unproven in the PL! Ba has onyl played 12 games, ffs. And if they joined on the promise of the club pushing on and showing ambition, what do you think will happen next year when hopefully we've managed to stay clear of relegation (which is looking likely)? They will be off quicker than s*** off a shovel.


    Side point but every player in the entire league was 'unproven in the PL' as some point. Think people place too much on this.


    There's always an excuse.


    Their always injured and so they aren't good signings!


    They're unporven in the league!


    They're Frencch bottlers!


    They don't have enough passion!



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