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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Why the feck does everyone keep going on about its wrong to let him go on a free ?


    He was leaving on a free anyway at the end of season, no contract being offered and no one wanted to buy him anyway, the teams are only interested in him as he for nothing, with everything thats happened it has got to be the right thing to part ways surely, for the sake of a couple million.


    What you have to realise is people cannot look past their hatred for Ashley and Llambias in any single circumstance.


    No matter what any individual does they will claim it is right as long as it is in opposition to Ashley.


    Joey Barton and Willie McKay are clearly using this to their advantage in this situation.


    I don't know when it became acceptable to rubbish your club and behave so badly because you don't think the owner is spending enough money, or giving contracts to your mates.


    The owners have stated that this is how the club is going to be run. Support the team, and look forward to better days, whether that be a change in ownersip as some want, or a change in policy.


    Interesting to note the window has a month to run still, but people have convinced themselves that no more players are coming in, and are being fueled by this rage.


    What have Everton done this window? What of Villa? Did they not just get £36 million from the Downing and Young sales? Other than Zoggy, what?


    Senseless behaviour.

  2. Probably been said, but it seems once again that Ashley not only has the local media in his pocket, but also some of the national media. The local media probably want to keep him sweet, so will watch what they say and I'd imagine that he has mate's in the national press who will look after him too. Didn't one of them used to write for the NotW? Either way, it's a sorry state of affairs when recent history is being revised to get Barton out of the door and also to get NUFC fans to turn against him. What a scummy club we currently support. Makes me ashamed to be a black and white at the moment. :( Even more so than when those knackers ran on the pitch at Darlington the other week - this is far worse.


    And again, which quality players are going to come and play for an owner who will stab you in the back at the first available sign of dissent/opportunity?


    Ben Arfa, cabaye, Ba, Marveaux?





  3. We as fans are a soft touch. We always have been. We should of ran the other 2 out of town when they called us idiots, and called our women dogs. And now Mr Ashley.


    Why will there be more protestd against the owners by Manchester united fans than us? Manchester United wouldnt let them get away with this. Neither would Liverpool fans.


    We are soft fuckers, hence why the boycot Mike Ashley thread, which was the best on here was blocked. You get what you deserve in this game, and NUFC deserve f*** all.


    You're certainly soft in the head.

  4. Orders from above Pardew's head? I never had Ashley down as the type of owner to dictate set-piece takers. :lol:


    If he did he's freakin' brilliant!


    Cabaye's set pieces were class.


    Whipped in with glorious precision and not that floaty light stuff Barton was peddling.


    Were you at the game or did you pay £11 to see it? Just out of interest.



  5. Orders from above Pardew's head? I never had Ashley down as the type of owner to dictate set-piece takers. :lol:


    If he did he's freakin' brilliant!


    Cabaye's set pieces were class.


    Whipped in with glorious precision and not that floaty light stuff Barton was peddling.


    You're a parody, right?



  6. Just think how different it might have been has Chris Mort remained as Chairman, I think a lot of this has to do with what Lambias has to say on club dealings.


    How I wish we had a Chairman like maybe David Dein




    Definitely come full circle now. Pining for Chris Mort.




    Sad aint it..




  7. Orders from above Pardew's head? I never had Ashley down as the type of owner to dictate set-piece takers. :lol:


    If he did he's freakin' brilliant!


    Cabaye's set pieces were class.


    Whipped in with glorious precision and not that floaty light stuff Barton was peddling.

  8. Just think how different it might have been has Chris Mort remained as Chairman, I think a lot of this has to do with what Lambias has to say on club dealings.


    How I wish we had a Chairman like maybe David Dein




    Definitely come full circle now. Pining for Chris Mort.



  9. Still confused why people can still explain away why he wasn't offered a new contract which he said he'd sign on less money. He only kicked off after this, when he realized the people in charge had absolutely no clue whatsoever.


    How do you know he wasn't offered a new contract?


    After 22 years of following English football, in this day and age I'd take the player's word of our owners any day of the week.


    Did Barton ever claim he was never offered a contract?


    Willie McKay:


    "I had a meeting with Newcastle managing director Derek Llambias and club secretary Lee Charnley. They indicated Joey will not be offered a new contract.


    "Joey will continue to be a Newcastle player next season and then he will leave on a free transfer.


    "He'd have loved to have extended his stay but unfortunately it is not to be. He's loved his time there and nothing will change his commitment next season."


    Willie Mckay?, he's f***ing worse than Ashley!!


    Also he doesn't say Barton has never been offered a contract.  They could have already offered him a deal, he rejected it and they told him he wouldn't be offered anything more.  Why on earth would they not offer him any kind of contract?, that makes no sense.


    Sorry I hadn't realised Willie McKay was proven in court to deliberately mislead fans/customers and to lie openly. Please point me to where it shows McKay is less honest than this.


    And Mackay isn't the one ruining Newcastle United.


    Exactly! Joey Barton is!

  10. Huge over reactions on here.


    Barnetta is far more pacy and tricky anyway.


    You're spot on, everything's fine and we're not going to struggle at all this forthcoming season, oh no.


    Yeah everything's gonna be fine,

    Ben Arfa going to recover to be 100% of what he was an not get injured again whatsoever

    Demba Ba is going to relive his purple patch of 5 months with West Ham for the whole season for us

    Cabaye going to make Scholes look like a blind Vinnie Jones in centre mid

    Tiote going to single handedly nullify every single midfield player in the Premier League, and he won't get any second season syndrome at all

    All our players going to get on and squad will feel unified after the "bad boys" have gone, there won't be a group of french, group of spanish speakers, and  a group of english players



    I think this is plausible, yes.

  11. :lol:


    You guys need to chill out a bit!


    Says the guy who was losing his s*** over a players tweets alluding to Mike Ashley not being a saint


    My shits are still intact thank you very much.

  12. Huge over reactions on here.


    Barnetta is far more pacy and tricky anyway.


    Scraping the barrell here like arent we? Theres not gurantee's we'll sign Barnetta and even so, Barnetta simply isnt as good as Barton, nor will he such an integral part of the team as Barton is/was.




    Barnetta is class bruv!


    Have you seen what he dun against England?


    Joey weren't even on the pitch for Englamd fam! Weren't good enuff.

  13. Makaye (spelling) on talksport sounds like a right Dick.

    Saying barton wanted to stay but was offered no contract.


    Willing to sign a new contract for less money.


    Upset that he never took  a set piece at Leeds.


    Thinks pardrew never had a say.


    Thinks barton will play for a top 4 team.


    :lol: :lol: :lol:


    Seriously? That's outrageous.


    Serious playa hatin' on Cabaye.


    That's weak Joey!

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