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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Part of me thinks this is what he wanted all along.




    Couldn't even get any money for him, because he was saying he would refuse to leave.


    So had to release him now, rather than next season.


    Think this is what he was aiming for.



  2. so cabaye's replaced two players? one of which was our top scorer? and marveaux (who's got a terrible injury record) and ben arfa (who's coming back from a career threatening injury) make it alright to lose nolan and barton? what kind of crack are you smoking?


    I've blown smoke up your Mum's arse crack, does that count?


    We have three new players in midfield and we've lost two, to put it a lit bit more simply for you. IMO Cabaye is better by far than Barton and Ben Arfa will be better than Nolan. Throw Marv into that and all-together, the squad in that area is improved.


    How much have you seen of Cabaye?




    Dave's favourite question.

    I've not seen much of Neymar but I'd take him over Routledge.




    Me too!

  3. He's a good player, but no longer worth the hassle.


    Glad your not manager, you'd have got shot of Cantona and Romario cause they were no longer worth the hassle.


    I know Cantona had a bit of a punch at a fan but i dont ever remember him or Romario duffing up some teenager and going to prison.


    That's not really what's being talked about now, lets be honest it's because he's tweeting some home truths. I was all for getting shot of Barton back when everything came out but that's in the past now, he's progressed to be a first team player and better than most of what we have.


    Not to forget that Cantona and Romario also had ability way in excess of Joey Barton.


    of course but in terms of our club at this moment in time he is one of our best players.


    True, at least he has been recently.


    Agreed, which is why I was stating it was crazy to just get shot because he's tweeting some stuff that others who have left or are at the club have said already. Honestly how crazy is it, people want to sack a player for tweeting on twitter. Madness.


    He's going to be doing this all season. You can't pretend this is all just harmless stuff. It's in all the papers and is causing a big stink. Be realistic.

  4. so cabaye's replaced two players? one of which was our top scorer? and marveaux (who's got a terrible injury record) and ben arfa (who's coming back from a career threatening injury) make it alright to lose nolan and barton? what kind of crack are you smoking?


    I've blown smoke up your Mum's arse crack, does that count?


    We have three new players in midfield and we've lost two, to put it a lit bit more simply for you. IMO Cabaye is better by far than Barton and Ben Arfa will be better than Nolan. Throw Marv into that and all-together, the squad in that area is improved.


    How much have you seen of Cabaye?




    Dave's favourite question.

  5. He's a good player, but no longer worth the hassle.


    Glad your not manager, you'd have got shot of Cantona and Romario cause they were no longer worth the hassle.


    Barton doesn't even appear in my first choice starting Xl anymore. I'm not sure how this situation relates to Cantona and Romario, but well done for throwing those names out there. Very impressive.




  6. He's a good player, but no longer worth the hassle.


    Glad your not manager, you'd have got shot of Cantona and Romario cause they were no longer worth the hassle.


    Did you just compare Barton to Cantona and Romario?



  7. What a depressing state of affairs all round.




    All parties to blame here like. The club for treating certain players badly, and Barton for plastering it all over Twitter for the world to see.


    Can we just define "treating certain players badly".


    A brand new contract is not a given. It is completely the clubs perogative whether or not they choose to offer one. It is always a risk when you alllow the more established players in the team to leave, and believe you can successfully replace them, however that is the clubs perogative. It happens at every club.


    The important thing, if indeed they are going to sell Barton, is whether he will be replaced, and how well his replacement eventually performs. Same deal with Enrique.


    As fans it is difficult to see better players leave, but we can never truly know what their demands are and what they are being offered, and so it is what it is.


    Obviously if players leave and they are not replaced at all, or far lesser players are brought in, then that is clearly not good.



  8. I can see what you're saying Ian, he's obviously a self-obsessed attention seeker with the stability of a bucking bronco, we've all known that for some time but it seems to be part of the bigger problem which has unearthed itself over the past month. The unrest in the camp is palpable even if it is only caused by Jose, Barton and Routledge, I stress even, and things aren't going to settle down until Jose and Barton go. This means losing two of our best players for relatively low fees as they're in their last year here. I just don't see us replacing them with anyone that comes close. It just feels like another implosion is brewing when a month back with Cabaye arriving, that day when we woke up shocked to find out Marveaux had signed, we all thought things were turning around. There was a proper sense of optimism then and now it's fading fast


    Yeah, I basically agree about unfortunate (possible) departures of Barton and Enrique. Their replacements may well not be as good.


    I still think our prospects for the season are decent... the extreme negativity is more to do with the timing of events IMO.


    Agree completely. However, you're just wasting your breath.



  9. Exclusive: @Joey7Barton has been told he can leave Newcastle now for free? Stoke have offered him personal terms


    For real?


    Excellent display of common sense there.



  10. Joey Barton has no common sense. Therefore, he ultimately has no intelligence.


    As someone who lacks common sense I would refute the suggestion that myself and others without it are not intelligent.



  11. If he's that dissapointed in the way things are, then he should put in a transfer request and leave the club.


    Things are hard enough as it is. The last thing the team needs is individuals being on a downer all the time.


    The likes of Cabaye, Ba, Marveaux and Abeid all seemed genuinely excited to join and play for the team and we need that kind of energy.


    Can't be dealing with these moody rants everytime something doesn't go well.


    Football isn't a perfect world. The owner isn't the best, but he certainly isn't the worst either. Just do your best, and try to lift the rest of the guys as the leader you are so desperate to prove you are. Don't kill the dressing room.


    F***ing hell. Seriously.

  12. Barton was never just going to get on with it, once he didn't get the contract he wanted.


    His claims that he would run down his contract, and wouldn't agree to a move, were cleary antagonistic.


    His aim is to be as much of a nuisance as possible, and damn the consequences. Very, very selfish person.


    He's then attempting to pass this off as him being some sort of martyr for the fans.



  13. Barton really fancies himself as some sort of revolutionary hero of the people.


    Complete moron. Talk about an inflated opinion of ones self.


    Then again the way the way some of you have been fawning over him on twitter it's no surprise.


    The whole twitter thing is just a disaster. Giving these undeserved idiots a forum to utter any thought that comes into their thick heads is just tragic.

  14. Being strongly rumoured that Spurs will sign 2 players from Real Madrid, one permanent and one on loan.


    The popular guesses is Lass on permanent deal and Higuain/Benzema on loan.  Part of the "deal" is for Real to have first option on Modric in 2 years time for a figure set now.


    No idea how accurate this is, be interesting if Spurs sign a player or two from RM in the next month or so, especially if one is permanent and the other a loan.



  15. Kev was just being buttered up to ensure he kept performing for the team.


    Once staying up was guaranteed they showed him what his true worth was in the contract offer.


    Pretty shady behaviour, yes. However, at the end of the day, Nolan didn't deserve a contract better than that.

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