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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. From the club's point of view, they should either have punished him internally or released him on the spot. To have him associated with the club while able to talk s*** on twitter and appear on the radio with Robbie f***ing Savage is a recipe for disaster.


    Agreed. Should have released him outright.


    Definitely a more awkward position right now.

  2. Joey7Barton Joseph Barton

    I am on a free but the honour of wearing those B+W stripes, surpasses that



    Nice try Joey. Time to pack your bags and f*** off!

    If you really loved it here and wanted to stay you'd have kept your mouth shut


    Why should he shut the f*** up? The clubs an absolute shambles.




    Define absolute shambles?


    Your f***ing posts.


    You should learn how to express your opinion in a well thought out and logical manner.


    Ranting and raving like a caveman is neither intelligent or attractive.


    The club is not in an asolute shambles.


    That would be what Portsmouth went through recently, or what Birmingham is going through right now.



  3. Seeing some of the feeble attempts at defending the board over this is depressingly like battered wife syndrome.


    Seeing some of the feeble attempts at defending Barton over this is depressingly like battered wife syndrome.


    Well, that nasty man won't make you upset on twitter any more. 


    Let's wait and see if Ashley kicks you in the crotch again.


    Some fans want to see the players become puppets too, it seems.


    No I prefer my players to be big f***ing babies shouting about our problems in public because they haven't gotten the lucrative contract they wanted.  Much better for the club then just dealing with things behind the scenes like an adult.


    it's not just about contracts though, is it? The players are not happy with the level of ambition the club's showing.


    I don't see Arteta and them going mentalistic on twitter.


    Most of your posts are just -  :kinnear:


    Get real dude.


    The players are not happy with the level of ambition the club is showing?!


    Is the window even closed yet? Besides, is that an excuse to then do and say whatever they like damn the consequences?









  4. Joey7Barton Joseph Barton

    I am on a free but the honour of wearing those B+W stripes, surpasses that



    Nice try Joey. Time to pack your bags and f*** off!

    If you really loved it here and wanted to stay you'd have kept your mouth shut


    Why should he shut the f*** up? The clubs an absolute shambles.




    Define absolute shambles?

  5. Seeing some of the feeble attempts at defending the board over this is depressingly like battered wife syndrome.


    Seeing some of the feeble attempts at defending Barton over this is depressingly like battered wife syndrome.


    Well, that nasty man won't make you upset on twitter any more. 


    Let's wait and see if Ashley kicks you in the crotch again.


    Some fans want to see the players become puppets too, it seems.


    No I prefer my players to be big f***ing babies shouting about our problems in public because they haven't gotten the lucrative contract they wanted.  Much better for the club then just dealing with things behind the scenes like an adult.


    it's not just about contracts though, is it? The players are not happy with the level of ambition the club's showing.


    I don't see Arteta and them going mentalistic on twitter.


    Most of your posts are just -  :kinnear:


    Get real dude.


    The players are not happy with the level of ambition the club is showing?!


    Is the window even closed yet? Besides, is that an excuse to then do and say whatever they like damn the consequences?



  6. Joey7Barton Joseph Barton

    I am on a free but the honour of wearing those B+W stripes, surpasses that




    The guy is just looking to cause as much drama as possible. Ultimately he knows it won't cost him anything.


    Pathetic guy.

  7. Seeing some of the feeble attempts at defending the board over this is depressingly like battered wife syndrome.


    Seeing some of the feeble attempts at defending Barton over this is depressingly like battered wife syndrome.


    Well, that nasty man won't make you upset on twitter any more. 


    Let's wait and see if Ashley kicks you in the crotch again.


    Some fans want to see the players become puppets too, it seems.


    No I prefer my players to be big f***ing babies shouting about our problems in public because they haven't gotten the lucrative contract they wanted.  Much better for the club then just dealing with things behind the scenes like an adult.


    it's not just about contracts though, is it? The players are not happy with the level of ambition the club's showing.


    I don't see Arteta and them going mentalistic on twitter.

  8. Managers job to handle difficult players and to stand up to the board. In a years time, a la Souness, we'll all realise who the real evil ones are. Bellamy? There are no such thing as difficult players, just bad managers/bad owners. Most of the best players are difficult by definition. Would imagine Rooney would hardly have been an angel had he signed for us.


    Pardew isn't stupid, if he wanted Joey to play a role this season for him he would have told him to stfu and get off twitter. He didn't, he can't manage him and/or puppeted by Llambias/Ashley.


    Barton is a very, very good player and it will be an absolute disaster to have have lost him, Nolan and Carroll in a 6 month period and replace them with unknown French (probable) bottlers.


    Ashley/Llambias just can't sit back and let a manager do his job. Their meddling and playing real-life FM with our club is the last straw.


    Sorry for lack of articulation, am in a rage.


    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

  9. Seeing some of the feeble attempts at defending the board over this is depressingly like battered wife syndrome.


    Seeing some of the feeble attempts at defending Barton over this is depressingly like battered wife syndrome.

  10. Aye well, someone had to lighten the mood




    Have they been eating Ready Brek?




    Really was a poor effort.


    Show him up S.S.R!


    I could have gotten rid of the yellow. But at the rate disasters come at this club, it wouldn't have been relevant anymore :undecided:


    :lol: true.

  11. Aye well, someone had to lighten the mood




    Have they been eating Ready Brek?




    Really was a poor effort.


    Show him up S.S.R!

  12. No wonder Ashley don't mind keep on f***ing up. So many apologizing idiots. f***ing cringeworthy.


    No wonder Barton don't mind keep on fucking up. So many fawning worshiping idiots. fucking cringeworthy.

  13. So Joey was in the "wrong" with his tweets, that is absolutely nothing on what Ashley and Llambais have just done. They fined Jose 2 weeks wages and banned him from Twitter, they could have just had strong words with Barton, banned him from Twitter even, but to transfer list him, haahahahahah, man they really do know how to go one better don't they.


    Jose has been a model pro during his time here.


    Joey's act has finally worn thin over the years.


    This isn't exactly his first trip up is it. Besides after Enrique the players were warned over the use of twitter.


    Joey was playing for this for sure.

  14. People having a go at Barton and Enrique for coming out on twitter.


    The bigger picture is the reason WHY they have to come out.


    Every club in the country has players on twitter, we're the only one who's players speak out against the board, there is good fucken reason for that.


    Barton, Nolan, Carroll and Enrique gone, that is a significant part of how we stayed in this league.


    Using the rift between the fans and the owner to try and get a new deal. It's too convenient for them. Too easy.

  15. The players and their agents definitely play up the whole "Ashley is a terrible owner" thing everytime they want a new contract, or want to move on. Make no mistake about it.


    They're all a bunch of snakes. Looking out for their best interests.

  16. Ashley has clearly had enough of him slagging him off while paying him £50k + per week.


    Many people would be the same. I still think a punishment/fine/time in the reserves would have been better.


    With one year left they just decided to ditch him. Rather than pay him all that money for a one year holiday.


    Joey is as volatile as the come though. In a couple of weeks he could be happy again.


    And a couple of weeks after that? Mental again.


    Why bother?

  17. Ashley has clearly had enough of him slagging him off while paying him £50k + per week.


    Many people would be the same. I still think a punishment/fine/time in the reserves would have been better.


    With one year left they just decided to ditch him. Rather than pay him all that money for a one year holiday.

  18. Barton was increasingly looking like he was on a bit of a sabotage mission.


    Didn't look like he could be trusted to be focused on giving 100% and playing his best.


    Therefore he wouldn't be of any use to the team, as long as he didn't have that new deal.



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