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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. As much as Dunne got all the plaudits for his goal and being an ex Citizen, I thought James Collins was outstanding tonight. He made probably over twenty or thirty crucial blocks and interceptions and dominared aerially.


    Lots on here said he was average when MON signed him, he's had a good start to his Villa career from what I've seen of him.


    Two good, solid defenders. Have fashioned a really strong partnership right off the bat. Warnock, although not spectacular is also solid and has been an upgrade for Villa at that position. Their defence is going to be one of the best this season if they all stay fit.

  2. Thought both teams looked decent, Man City need someone to direct their defence a bit (like, say, Dunne instead of Toure) but had loads of possession and eventually broke them down, Villa looked better than I've seen them this season. They're not the prettiest side in the world, but got players behind the ball and pressed quite well. Their defence looks solid, but I can wind my Villa wife up by asking her which set-piece they're going to rely on for goals in any given game. Still pretty one-dimensional.


    Tevez just didn't work for City, but Bellamy looked canny, as did both left-backs. Dunne and Collins did well, and I thought Milner was fine, he knows his limitations and just gets on with it. Agbonlahor is still the thickest player I have ever seen.


    Agbonahor can be very frustrating, agreed.

  3. So I'm sitting here watching this match and finding it hard to believe that someone who frequents this board has claimed Dunne is the worst defender in the premiership. Absolutely laughable really. Not to mention this same person has claimed Darren Bent was incapable of playing upfront with a strike partner and he could only play alone upfront ... I'm not even sure what that is supposed to mean.


    Also, Milner is still unspeakably average. I mean seriously ... the guy is almost painful to watch the majority of the time.


    Then you're borderline retarded. What bit of that is hard to understand?


    Wow Dunne's having a good game, what does that prove?


    Why resort to personal insults? I'll tell you why ... it's because you're feeling a bit embarrassed about the silly claims you made in the first place. Retarded? Really? Please ... that's weak.


    Darren Bent is arguably the most in form striker in the premiership this season and has been outstanding alongside both Kenwyne Jones and Fraizer Campbell. Just because he was leaving Tottenham you tried to make out he wasn't that good and he could only play upfront alone, which is such a silly thing to say really.


    You claim Dunne is the worst defender in the premiership ... I mean I don't even have to say anything else to that. It's that silly. Check out their defensive record and get back to me. He is well above the average level of centre backs in the league. It's an outrageous claim on your part.

  4. So I'm sitting here watching this match and finding it hard to believe that someone who frequents this board has claimed Dunne is the worst defender in the premiership. Absolutely laughable really. Not to mention this same person has claimed Darren Bent was incapable of playing upfront with a strike partner and he could only play alone upfront ... I'm not even sure what that is supposed to mean.


    Also, Milner is still unspeakably average. I mean seriously ... the guy is almost painful to watch the majority of the time.


    Agree with all of that. Only thing I'd add is that Milner is EPL average. He hasn't risen to the next level of superstar winger like some hoped, but he's definitely still solidly the quality of a starter as a winger in the EPL.


    Like I always say about Milner ... what does he actually do well. The only thing I honestly feel he provides that is good is an outstanding workrate, which is valuable of course, but my goodness his crossing is below good at this point, his dribbling is clumsy a lot of the time and his passing is just about okay. He can shoot pretty well actually, but is not in decent positions often enough to exploit this.

  5. So I'm sitting here watching this match and finding it hard to believe that someone who frequents this board has claimed Dunne is the worst defender in the premiership. Absolutely laughable really. Not to mention this same person has claimed Darren Bent was incapable of playing upfront with a strike partner and he could only play alone upfront ... I'm not even sure what that is supposed to mean.


    Also, Milner is still unspeakably average. I mean seriously ... the guy is almost painful to watch the majority of the time.

  6. Just came in guys. The starting lineup looks good. Surprised we haven't scored! Are we at least playing well?!


    Did NOTHING in the first half, but have been knocking on the door in the second. Officials have been s**** by all accounts.

    Just came in guys. The starting lineup looks good. Surprised we haven't scored! Are we at least playing well?!


    First half - rubbish. A bit better in the second.


    Thanks guys. Very surprising. Really like Loven and Harewood upfront with Butt on the bench and Guthrie and Jonas on the pitch. Can't believe we haven't put in at least three!!! Hope Hughton at least gives this lineup a chance to gel. Could be really good I reckon.

  7. Just read the document. Just unfreakinbelievable. Mike Ashley and his boys were so out of their freakin' depth it is unreal. They have no idea of what they are doing. I cannot believe that they would have even ever imagined Keegan would stand by and accept the way they were doing things given his history. Absolute dumb motherfunkers.


    Can't believe this all came down to Nacho too! Poor Xisco :lol: was mistakenly involved in all this for no reason at all it seems.

  8. Out for two to three weeks apparently.This guy is a complete shambles. Just a complete joke. Yet he will be trying to convince people he isn't injury prone with his corny brochures. He isn't even playing week in and week out and still with the injuries. Always missing two weeks here and the three weeks there inbetween the major injuries he suffers. Crazy signing by Man U. If one of Berbatov or Rooney get injured they're screwed this season because Owen can never be relied on.

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