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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Really amazed at how badly Tottenham handle all these young players they bring in.


    Bale, Boateng and Dos Santos are three youngsters who had massive potential coming in and they have all been ruinedit seems. I would take all three tbh.

  2. Nicky Butt is probably the single biggest reason we are in this league now and here he is back again to mess everything up. It's so depressing just thinking about him returning to the team. It's literally got me in tears. Of course he will be giving the captains armband too and will most likely keep Guthrie on the bench to boot. It's just disgusting really. Absolutely horrific player. Very worried about every team sheet going forward now this wally is fit.


    Was really enjoying this season so far too  :(


    Absolutely ludicrous. And I think he's s****.


    Just my opinion I guess, but my reasoning for this is that he was the biggest constant in the team all season. Don't think he was ever left out of the team despite some truly abject performances. Secondly, playing in the centre of midfield he negatively affected both our attack, with his wretched passing, and our defence, with his woeful tackling and positioning. This is truly how I feel about it. My opinion like I said.


    I'm really really worried about what role he is going to begin to play in this team, especially as he will no doubt be keeping out a better player.

  3. Nicky Butt is probably the single biggest reason we are in this league now and here he is back again to mess everything up. It's so depressing just thinking about him returning to the team. It's literally got me in tears. Of course he will be giving the captains armband too and will most likely keep Guthrie on the bench to boot. It's just disgusting really. Absolutely horrific player. Very worried about every team sheet going forward now this wally is fit.


    Was really enjoying this season so far too  :(

  4. Craig just been on SSN


    I caught the end


    what was said?


    Something about the Nigerian consortium being back in the running with Rashidi Yekini as powerful shooting coach, Jay Jay Okocha as executive director of dribbling and Taribo West as manager of defence.

  5. I have missed a fair bit. Am I right by saying that this Sheard bloke isn't buying the club but has introduced people who might be, and these people have the necessary funds to do so?


    Nah, the Sheard bloke is buying the club for people who won't be buying it in order to introduce them to it, so the funds they have are unnecessary. No fair bit is missing.

  6. Looks like the Sneijder deal is over, he requested some superstar wages it is said.

    Inter looking at Baptista for €9m + Suazo as a backup solution.


    Is Mourinho still playing that diamond sort of formation at Inter? I presume he was looking to put Sneijder in just behind the front two where Stankovic was last year.


    If he plays Baptista in that position he'll do well there. Not as tidy and neat a player, but a great athlete (Mourinho likes that!) that will cause problems playing off the front two with his pace power and shooting. I could see Mourinho really getting something out of Baptista. Would be a solid move I think.

  7. I always wondered about the whole "final say" thing.


    Was it that Wise would produce a bunch of realistic options for the position we were targeting and Keegan would then have the final say?




    Was it that Keegan would decide on exactly who he wanted and request that player even if the player wasn't necessarily a realistic option?


    Somewhere in the midst of these two scenarios lies the problem I think.

  8. The link to Schweinstiger ... which woul dhave probably left us with the following team.


    Beye Coloccini Bassong Enrique


         Schwein Barton Jonas


             Viduka        Martins


    Aaaah well.



  9. I see HTT is back  :laugh:


    I do think it is likely that the selling of a few more players is necessary to tie things up with Barclays. I think this has probably been the case for a good while.



  10. Why would Barca want Jonas when they already have Hleb??


    Hleb is a million miles better.


    If Jonas was at Arsenal and Hleb had come to Newcastle I doubt you would make that statement. Ironically, Hleb was allergic to crossing and shooting also, but is far weaker and has far less workrate. If Jonas had the luxury of being surrounded by the types of players Hleb was at Arsenal it wouldn't be a contest imo. There is a reason Hleb flopped so monumentally at Barcelona and is now back at Stuttgart.

  11. There must be some other decent short-arse quick strikers around that we could snap up. I know he might have the ability to do a decent job but I would hate to see Earnshaw playing for us - he's about as Championship as it gets.

    I'd much rather we signed someone younger who has the potential to develop into a Premier League player.



  12. I'm just happy with how well Hughton has started because if the worse case scenario occurs and Ashley decides to keep the club then I think he would keep Hughton in charge if only because it would be so cheap to do so. Although this probably isn't ideal, I would much rather have him over the likes of Kinnear, O'Leary et al. Lets see what happens.

  13. This seems promising I think, as it appears that Ashley is indeed done with the club and genuinely wants out. It also seems as though things are very close with Moat also. Regarding new players we can only hope that Shearer has been told to look into things and have players lined up to be brought in as soon as this goes through.

  14. O'Neill can't be right upstairs. God help Villa if he gets Taylor. I still think there is hope for Taylor but he needs to be alongside someone very good to be effective at CB in the prem. They already have Davies and Cuellar who look like they need to be alongside someone more dominant already! If Villa have all this money why doesn't he put a bid in for Hangelaand??? If he wants to spend less even Wheater would make more sense as he is more dominant and agressive than Taylor is, and is more what they need.


    O'Neill is really looking ridiculous right now. Started off so well too. Don't think he'll still be htere in a years time at this rate. This guy has hardly bought anyone the whole summer and for no absolute reason. What a weird little fellow.

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