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Posts posted by KaKa


    Tbh our whole midfield has been poor this season. Maybe bar Reading and a glimpse of quality from Guthrie against Leicester. It's a joke really, and if we go up we need major investment in that midfield as it would get torn apart in the Premier League.


    Nolan's looked horrendously unfit, Barton looks like he couldn't be f***ed, Smith's done his job, and Guthrie's not had much of a chance.


    Smith and Guthrie central and Barton behind the front man is how this midfield three should be, but it's so impossibly obvious Hughton can't see it. Might as well make it all too difficult for no reason.

    He's making it difficult because we have no wingers and he has to compensate for this.


    The fact is he just doesn't want to drop Nolan and now he won't be able to bring himself to drop Butt. The likes of Lua Lua could easily be put out on that wing and his pace and unpredictability would be a breath of fresh air and would at the very least give us another gear out there.


    I really like Hughton but he is bottling it. Huge shame.

    whenever lua lua has came on for the first team he's looked lost with lots of running going nowhere. i'd probably rather have geremi in away games.


    Very good point about Geremi. Can you believe that as bad as our midfield is he doesn't even get a look in. How can you justify playing Butt or Nolan ahead of him?


    But hey Geremi seems like a pretty cheerful bloke that won't complain too much or make too much of a fuss if he gets shafted, so yeah let's stick him on the bench why don't we.


    Very weak from Hughton really.

  2. To the kneejerkers: we lost, get over it. We will win on Saturday.

    Were you lot screaming "Keegan out" when we lost to Grimsby in 1992?


    Yeah I chanted it from within the womb.


    Then listen to the voice of experience


    The voice of experience is the reason Butt is out there right now. Do anything but listen to the voice of experience. Experience is a word I have come to despise because of this team of ours. Butt, Nolan, etc. Yeah they'll do a job with all that experience won't they. Nonsense.


    Tbh our whole midfield has been poor this season. Maybe bar Reading and a glimpse of quality from Guthrie against Leicester. It's a joke really, and if we go up we need major investment in that midfield as it would get torn apart in the Premier League.


    Nolan's looked horrendously unfit, Barton looks like he couldn't be f***ed, Smith's done his job, and Guthrie's not had much of a chance.


    Smith and Guthrie central and Barton behind the front man is how this midfield three should be, but it's so impossibly obvious Hughton can't see it. Might as well make it all too difficult for no reason.

    He's making it difficult because we have no wingers and he has to compensate for this.


    The fact is he just doesn't want to drop Nolan and now he won't be able to bring himself to drop Butt. The likes of Lua Lua could easily be put out on that wing and his pace and unpredictability would be a breath of fresh air and would at the very least give us another gear out there.


    I really like Hughton but he is bottling it. Huge shame.


    Tbh our whole midfield has been poor this season. Maybe bar Reading and a glimpse of quality from Guthrie against Leicester. It's a joke really, and if we go up we need major investment in that midfield as it would get torn apart in the Premier League.


    Nolan's looked horrendously unfit, Barton looks like he couldn't be f***ed, Smith's done his job, and Guthrie's not had much of a chance.


    Smith and Guthrie central and Barton behind the front man is how this midfield three should be, but it's so impossibly obvious Hughton can't see it. Might as well make it all too difficult for no reason.

  5. Im gonna keep hammering away at this point


    But if Hughton puts two upfront tonight, we dont lose whether Butts playing or not. Butt isnt the reason we lost tonight atall.


    This might actually be the ultimate nightmare scenario as it will likely mean a midfield duo of Butt and Smith. Do you actually want us to go down another league? Do you understand that any midfield duo that includes Butt is doomed to eternal failure. Yes, even Butt and Gerrard. You would seriously sign off on a midfield duo that includes Butt? You scare me.

  6. Whether he played respectively tonight or not means nothing. We have all seen more than enough evidence to suggest he really is utterly useless.


    this thread wouldn't even be happening if we'd won tonight but the idiots on here have to find a scapegoat and seeing that Butt's came in and we've lost its all his fault!!!


    Don't get me wrong i wouldn't have him in the team if i was picking it but the reaction to Butt on here is just mental and completely OTT.


    Well now he's back you will be swiftly reminded of the player he is. I'm sure Hughton will put him staright back in there no questions asked.


    I guarantee you'll be crying your eyes out about this in a couple of weeks. You just wait.

  7. To those blaming Butt - there were 4 other midfielders playing tonight who didn't do their job. Butt isn't the player he was, but it dosen't mean he deserves to be make into a scapegoat. Remember, he was one of the few players who actually gave a **** throughout last season.


    Okay, it appears everyone has quickly forgotten how inept this guy is. We'll give it another couple of weeks. After we've all had a chanceto watch his useless performances then we'll see where your affection for hm is at then.


    I have no doubt whatsoever what is going to happen now he is back and straight into the team though. I watched enough of this guy last season to know that as long as he is in the team the losses will pile up.


    We shall see.



  8. lucky to win against Leicester, Sheff Wed and Cardiff. Our attacking play is bloody woeful man


    Our attacking play hasn't been great but we have looked solid, organised and very difficult to break down. We're not lighting it up but we've been grinding out results this way, which is an achievement considering the loss of Shola and Jonas and having to play such young and inexperienced players alone upfront.


    Here comes Butt though! Just in time to remind everyone how horrible everything really is. 

  9. The thing is not just that we lost, but by all accounts we got dominated ... by Blackpool. Butt comes back and all of a sudden we are being dominated by Blackpool. We've been coasting against everyone this season. The return of the Butt face quickly put an end to it though. Here we freakin' go again!




    I can't recall a game where we haven't been the better team so far and now we're getting the run around by Blackpool. This Butt thing isn't funny anymore. I don't think people realise the negative effect he has on the team.



  10. Really really happy for Kevin Prince Boateng. Masssive talent as a youngster who I really liked when I saw him represent Germany in youth tournaments when he was younger. Really think Tottenham made a mistake not giving him more opportunities. Hope he really kicks on at Pompey.

  11. Cousin is the much better player. He isn't lazy at all, but boy does he moan when things aren't going well. They're both very physical players and will put themselves about that's for sure. Folan should look a lot better at this level too.


    He is. All I heard last season was Hull fans moaning about him and having seen him several times myself, I can see why.


    I wouldn't say he's lazy myself. The thing is he's the sort that will stop making the effort when he isn't getting the ball when he makes a run etc. He really does like to have a good sulk. The way we have been playing though, he will get chances for us in the championship and ultimately I think he would score more goals than Folan.

  12. Cousin is the much better player. He isn't lazy at all, but boy does he moan when things aren't going well. They're both very physical players and will put themselves about that's for sure. Folan should look a lot better at this level too.

  13. Can't believe the racist undertones in the opening post tbh.


    What just because a black guy is named Cort he has to be a striker?!




    that was a genuine mistake, as I thought that he was a striker and I thought the first priority in the squad is to get another fit striker in




    Was just messing about mate. Sorry, should have had a smiley in there somewhere.



  14. Basically he has most likely only been offered pay as you play deals and he is unwilling to sign them because he wants to have the luxury of guaranteed money while bumming around the place due to one injury or the other.


    Fat lazy pig tbh.

  15. Very experienced at the championship level and was pretty good when I saw him play for Palace. Pretty quick and athletic from what I remember. Very, very poor and wretched man's Distin.


    What the hell? Do you want to make up your mind? :facepalm:




    He's a Distin type i.e. quick and athletic sort but a lower standard of player is what I meant. This is not necessarily a bad thing as Distin is a very good player. Basically, he's not going to stand out at premiership level but is a good to very good defender in the championship.

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