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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Gibson from Man Utd is class player, but he's a CM, which is maybe the one player we don't need to sign!


    Could mean that players will be leaving.


    Would love it to be Butt, Geremi


    Would not like it to be it to be Nolan, Smith


    Would hate it to be Guthrie, Barton


    If we could land Gibson I actually wouldn't mind Nolan leaving along with Butt.


    Smith and Gibson would be a really good partnership in midfield and Barton could then play in the more advanced position Nolan has been played in this season, as he would do a much better job there than Nolan has.


    So bring in a loan player and get rid of 2 players we own from the thread bare squad  :mackems:


    Nicky Butt does not qualify as a player.


    We are also well stocked in midfield.

  2. Gibson from Man Utd is class player, but he's a CM, which is maybe the one player we don't need to sign!


    Could mean that players will be leaving.


    Would love it to be Butt, Geremi


    Would not like it to be it to be Nolan, Smith


    Would hate it to be Guthrie, Barton


    If we could land Gibson I actually wouldn't mind Nolan leaving along with Butt.


    Smith and Gibson would be a really good partnership in midfield and Barton could then play in the more advanced position Nolan has been played in this season, as he would do a much better job there than Nolan has.

  3. If the Americans did fly in for a meeting with SP it would suggest something is imminent, pretty sure businessmen at that level don't fly halfway round the world to discuss minor details that need ironing out, or at least not without the view that they CAN be ironed out and progress rapidly from there. So I'm a little excited, but I swear it's the last time I'll ever get excited if it comes to nowt!


    Wasn't there an article about some other group flying in not too long ago. I don't think we've heard about them again since. No telling what in the world is happening.

  4. Pompey have picked up some very athletic players who can play a little bit too.


    Van den Borre, Piquionne, Boateng, Dindane (did they sign him yet) and also I think they signed M'Bami too. Mix these in with Kranjcar, Belhadj and Bouba Diop and they should at least stay up. Looking very scary at centre back for them though.

  5. This is what dreams are made of!




    I hate being so harsh about Butt because he does seem to be a pro and does give it his all, but my goodness is he a bad player. It is so painful watching him continuously mistime tackles and give away penalties and freekicks in horrible areas and then that long looping cross field pass he makes to no one time and time again is just ...


    Anyway, I just hope this is true.

  6. Spurs fans can not only predict players future, they can also predict TEAMS futures  :iamatwat:


    I don't like to boast but the predictions i've made on here have always come off....


    1) I remember way before Berbatov left. I predicted we'd get over £27 mill and was laughed at. You yourself said we'd get no more then £20m....


    2) I remember when Villa were looking the business and most thought they would pip Arsenal for 4th. I said i'm 100% sure Everton will finish above them (Everton were not even on the radar when i first said that)


    3) I remember when Richard Dunne was linked with us. I said he's a calamity centre back and i would be hugely dissapointed if we signed him Most posters thought it was a ridiculous statement and informed me of this in a not so nice way (i specifically remember Kaka being one of them.) What happens? Dunne proceeds to have a nighmare season and is seen as the laughing stock i always knew he was.


    These are the ones i remember and i'm sure there's more.






    How about your claims Darren Bent couldn't play with another striker and is only capable of playing upfront on his own? Have you seen how well he's linking up with Kenwyne? FAIL!!!


    How about you wanting Robbie Keane out because he can't play with Defoe. FAIL!!!


    By the way Dunne has his bad moments but he is a decent defender more often than not. He's better than anything we have at the back that's for damn sure. I actually think he'll do well for O'Neill. Guess we'll have to wait and see.

  7. They've got 4 full-backs of the same standard, yet not one of them who'll help them kick on to push for a top 5 place.


    We've been f***ed for full backs for a while now, but with Warnock and Shorey on one side and Beye or Young on the other, were finally covered.


    Our issue is that we need a creative spark in midfield, and possibly something else up front.


    What's happened to Bouma?

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