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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. What positions is he capable of playing exactly?


    Centrally I think. What's that website that tracks where players started in each game and gives an average position?

    Right wing too.


    If he can do both he will work in our 3 man midfield then, in the sort of position Geremi played.


    Dave let me know what that website is if you remember. Cheers.

  2. Use the PM function please, both of you.


    Not necessary. It really wasn't that exciting anyway and I'm done with this thread for now. See if I can get some info on my boy Guthrie.


    I'm out like Ledley Kings knees ... peace.

  3. If you read the liverpool forum there are a lot of fans who'd have preferred to keep Guthrie even though he' only be on the bench. But that's behind gerrrard and mascherano rather than geremi and butt. May be a good deal especially if it's a replacement for Geremi.


    Their view doesn't count though remember, because it doesn't tie into the negative one we prefer.


    The Bolton fans view does though, so lets use that one instead!

  4. Jol I thought Bentley was signing for you bums yesterday?!


    Why do you insist on embarrassing yourself this way?


    Bentley will sign for Villa shortly.


    Says the guy that constantly claimed that Kewell would sign for us.


    This is a bit rich coming from you isn't it?  :lol:


    You and your serial transfer window bunglers.


    Why didn't Bentley sign yesterday? Capel? Eto'o? Dunne? Poulsen? Where are they?


    Get real. You and your sorry non DM having club. Your pants.


    Sorry can you tell me one time i said a player will sign for us or when i ever claimed to be itk? stop making things up please.


    Weren't you the one on here posting some random info about Bentley's flight details via Manchester?


    How weird was that? I mean that's just not your regular everyday itk nonsense! That is some next level unhealthy obsession stuff!




    Oh you meant the post where i made it pefectly clear that David Bentleys mate over at GG posted that Bentley was in Manchester airport. You obsession with us is rather weird and pathetic tbh (in future i'd prefer you stick to the truth to back up your point rather then twist things or flat out lie).



    I'm obsessed?


    You are on a Newcastle message board posting David Bentley's flight plan which you allegedly got from Bentleys "mate" on another messageboard.


    I'm not the one acting obsessive or weird here pal, I'm really not. If anyone needs to get a grip it isn't me.



  5. Liverpool Fan here: Danny Guthrie is a decent player. I am not saying he will develop into a Michael Essien or anything. But he will be a good player to have in your squad. He has a good attitude, he is a neat and clean passer, comfortable in possession. Let me put it this way : Almost all the coaches who have worked with him are sure that he will have a career in the premier league.


    Only reason liverpool have sold him is that he faces competition from Steven Gerrard, Mascher, Alonso( or Barry) and Lucas Leiva all of whom are better than him. Moreover couple of other lads from the academy are showing good potential: Plessis and Spearing. Plessis started against Arsenal away last season and was very good.


    Another piece of info from some of the "reported insiders" on Liverpool boards. Our academy and youth team has been doing very well in the last 2 years: 2 youth fa cup win and the reserves league winner last year. Keegan has been enquiring about young players from our academy for the last 6 months. There was a report in the liverpool echo about him asking about emiliano insua ( an argentinian LB - our most promising player) which was rebuffed. I would not be surprised if a couple of more lads made the move.


    All the best for the new season  :thup: and hope the keegan era brings you the success you crave.




    A breath of fresh air amongst the foul odour of discontent.


    Thanks for providing us with some useful and insightful info my friend. Good to hear from you.


    We look forward to having him here as a member of our squad. We are hoping he makes a good contribution and maybe even pushes on to become something more.



  6. Get on msn together boys  :shepherd:


    No need.


    So Ash ... do you think these Spurs fans have just happened to forget that their new hero Bentley was raised at Arsenal? Must be nice to know they are so eager to make a nice little contribution to your funds this summer eh?


    Shame he will go to Villa though.



  7. Jol I thought Bentley was signing for you bums yesterday?!


    Why do you insist on embarrassing yourself this way?


    Bentley will sign for Villa shortly.


    Says the guy that constantly claimed that Kewell would sign for us.


    This is a bit rich coming from you isn't it?  :lol:


    You and your serial transfer window bunglers.


    Why didn't Bentley sign yesterday? Capel? Eto'o? Dunne? Poulsen? Where are they?


    Get real. You and your sorry non DM having club. Your pants.


    Sorry can you tell me one time i said a player will sign for us or when i ever claimed to be itk? stop making things up please.


    Weren't you the one on here posting some random info about Bentley's flight details via Manchester?


    How weird was that? I mean that's just not your regular everyday itk nonsense! That is some next level unhealthy obsession stuff!



  8. Where were you when we signed Gutierrez, NE5?


    At a quick guess you were keeping quiet until it came out we'd not paid £10m for him.


    Do you honestly believe this is the end of our summer activity?


    I don't know where you get this idea that I don't want the club to sign good players Dave. Having watched the club buy mostly s*** players, bargains, cheap squad players and fuelling false optimism among supporters, for 30 years, i reckon I know more than most about going down that particular road.


    This argie may be good, he fills a position we need. Keegan will do a good job, but at the moment my instinct is he will do a good job in spite of the restrictions placed on him, and won't get anywhere near what he did the first time, which is a bit of a damning indictment that you can try and defend if you like.



    You are such a fraud. You're just trying to cover all the bases! Now your talking about how keegan will do well despite the restrictions placed on him, but will never do as well as he did the first time around!


    So no matter what happens next season you can continue to peddle your cynical point of view, knowing very well in today's climate Keegan can't really come close to what he did first time around unless we go all Chelsea this summer, which were never going to do anyway.





  9. It will be a hell of a thing if after signing these players it all comes together and we have a storming season. I wonder how those who are so convinced we will be crap will react then?


    The same thing keeps being said over and over again with no one knowing what the plans for the upcoming season are and how it will all play out. Your pessimistic points have been made a million times over and we have all heard enough. Now it is time to sit tight and let things play out.


    It is time we created a thread strictly for whinging about Ashley and the club so that those who are suicidal can inspire eacho ther there. I'm tired of opening every thread expecting some interesting news, only to find another repetitive post from Daetihs and his crew.



  10. Jol I thought Bentley was signing for you bums yesterday?!


    Why do you insist on embarrassing yourself this way?


    Bentley will sign for Villa shortly.


    Says the guy that constantly claimed that Kewell would sign for us.


    This is a bit rich coming from you isn't it?  :lol:


    You and your serial transfer window bunglers.


    Why didn't Bentley sign yesterday? Capel? Eto'o? Dunne? Poulsen? Where are they?


    Get real. You and your sorry non DM having club. Your pants.

  11. It looks to me like the Liverpool fans believe him to be a good back up to their first team. Which is decent considering they have Gerrard, Alonso, Mascherano. They are even debating whether he's better than Lucas.


    If we were to sign him around the 2m mark it would be brilliant buisness in my eyes. Seems to me like the club is going out of the way to boost the squad before splashing the cash on the stars, which for one reason or another don't seem to be available at this stage of the window.


    I imagine later on in this window, you will see bigger figures moving for players all around the country.


    Probably better to pad up the squad before going for the big money players as at least it means we don't look as desperate for players and so cannot be exploited.

  12. The thing is we're all being a bit quick to judge - just because he isn't some foreign superstar for a stupid transfer fee doesn't mean he can't do a job and potentially be a very good player for us. We all know Keegan can make players play with that little bit extra.


    Imagine what the boards would have been like if they'd been like this when Keegan signed Rob Lee.


    I agree. It's just the way the premiership has become. It's more and more rare for teams of our stature to sign these relative unknowns.


    I will always give every player a chance though, as it is only fair. As someone mentioned earlier Keegan has good contacts in Liverpool and could have heard great things about the guy.


    As things stand he is a football player that our staff feel is worthy of signing and that is good enough for me.



  13. Would hope he isnt first choice if he does sign would rather keep Geremi in there


    Geremi's got the mobility of my great great grandmother and she is no longer with us.


    If this kids limbs ar eactually in working order I would rather we gave him a chance before writing him off.


    Just my opinion but I imagine Guthrie would be one of the youngsters who we bring off the bench who should get the odd number of games for us as he continues to develop.


    Lets not forget we have extra subs this season so we really need to get some subs in too.

  14. Between today and Sunday I'm expecting at least two signings.


    Big Mike is just toying with our emotions he's a tease. He said those things yesterday knowing people would be a bit worried and then he will surprise us with a couple of signings.


    The Barry transfer is holding everything else up this summer I feel. As soon as that goes through, along with Bentley's move then things will certainly start happening.


    Rangers also need to sign a centre back so Cuellar can finally complete his move also.


    I was going to start a baseless positivity thread, but looking at that it'd be better coming from you. :razz:


    Big Mike is a world class WUM. We'll start rolling in the players shortly.

  15. Well he won't get more games at Arsenal thats for sure. Would be one of the carling cup crew at the most.


    Swap deal for Alexandre Song and I'd be ecstatic.


    swap deal for bendter so we have the attack sorted.. then i would be ecstatic

    Bendtner is very overrated imo.


    And Alexandre Song hugely underrated ...


    We need a young DM to eventually take over from Butt, plus Song can also play at centre back.



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