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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Between today and Sunday I'm expecting at least two signings.


    Big Mike is just toying with our emotions he's a tease. He said those things yesterday knowing people would be a bit worried and then he will surprise us with a couple of signings.


    The Barry transfer is holding everything else up this summer I feel. As soon as that goes through, along with Bentley's move then things will certainly start happening.


    Rangers also need to sign a centre back so Cuellar can finally complete his move also.

  2. I love Baptista.


    Keegan will turn him into the next Les Ferdinand.


    Would take him anyday. I know he failed somehow at Arsenal, but I still think he's made for EPL...


    He's got most of the core attributes, Stength, Pace as well as a good ability on the ball and for at least a season a good eye for goal.


    However, i would never play him as a striker, he simply is never going to be prolific enough. I think he would make a craking attacking midfielder though, chipping in with enough goals to satisfy the position.


    You know what though if we play the formation of last season with Baptista and Martins upfront with Owen just behind, then Baptista won't have to be super prolific. The three combined would get enough goals for sure.


    Baptista also scored 50 goals over two seasons at Seville at one point so he's got it in him to score a lot of goals.

  3. Jamie O'Hara may be going on a season long loan to Fulham.




    fascinating ...


    it is the 'other clubs transfers thread' tbf.


    nee need for the dig





    Just having a bit of fun.


    It's just that from someone who gives us "itk" information about Villa and Eto'o going to Spurs I was quite dissapointed that the only thing he could tell us about today was O'Hara.


    Huge letdown.



  4. This might depend on whether we decide to keep Barton at the club or not. If it did come down to it I would much rather have Larsson who is a better and more skilled attacking player.


    When are the talks taking place regarding Barton's situation anyway? I think I'm leaning towards a clean break from Barton.

  5. Pleased with this as our first signing. He's a good player who will get better under MON, and the price is not too bad either. Gives us another midfield option and adds more strength in depth.


    He's not a Barry replacement, though, I've a feeling we'd probably have signed him had Barry been staying.


    Sidwell is a tidy and sturdy player who will keep the ball moving forward with positive distribution. He was raised at Arsenal overall. He didn't fit into the Chelsea workhorse style. Sidwell is a good midfielder who works well in a 4-4-2, couldn't really see where he could have fit into our new system though so not too upset at losing out on him.


    I'm pulling for you guys to land Bentley over Tottenham and I think your in with a good chance of doing so. You just need to let Barry go pronto so you can use that money on Bentley while Spurs keep offering their second hand rejects and multi year payment plans. Freakin' con artists.

  6. 1st Chelsea press conference, makes you sick how much the media are dying to climb up his arse, laughing wildly like starstruck schoolgirls at his lame, unfunny jokes, hanging off his every word like dirty scummy twats they truly are.


    Makes me sick.






    Build them up and then knock them down ...


    The media's speciality.

  7. Look ... yes everyone is entitled to their view but not every second of everyday where every thread is hijacked by the Ashley bashers and every ridiculous Sunday paper rumour is used as a stick to flog the owner to death. That is my point. As has been said a million times, your point has been made so wait till the end of the window then we can all look back over things and make a fairer assessment.


    Don't come crawling out of your holes everytime the Bin Laden boys supposedly show more interest or some American tycoons or Saudia Arabia billionaires supposedly turn down Ashleys pleas to take the club off his hands. This causes you all to start wringing your hands and crying your eyes out over our useless cheapskate owner. Very boring and extremely irritating. Howmany times day after day after day ...


    No Arshavin! The owner sucks. No Turan! The owner sucks! No Gomis! The owner sucks! No Gomez! The owner sucks! Jonas Gutierrez on a free! The owner sucks! Gutierrez only two international caps! The owner sucks! Sidwell to Villa! Why aren't we in for him! Owner sucks! Sidwell to Newcastle! Not good enough! Owner sucks!


    Then when the more sane amongst us try to calm down this onslaught of repetitive crap they are hailed as the blindly optimistic Ashleyites. What a nerve.



  8. There are basically just a bunch of Arsenal groupies on here who think they support Newcastle. They think Dennis Wise is the new Arsene Wenger who will  come in and start signing loads of teenagers who will all become world superstars.


    They go on about cutting the wage bill while conveniently ignoring the fact that the club they love which is run on a shoestring has almost double the average premiership wage bill.

    They go on about how having a debt means you're destined for administration while conveniently ignoring the fact that the majority of teams in the premiership have the same or greater non-stadium related debts than we did.

    They go on about patience and short termism when the same people were demanding a change in ownership while we were still regularly getting into Europe. They offer up as examples of models to follow either teams who have only recently started to act as ambitiously as we used to, or teams who are notoriously yo-yo teams (Everton: 15,7,17,4,11,6,5 under the same board and manager. This is the consistency we should be aiming for apparently).

    They talk about massive changes behind the scenes as if we never had an academy or scouting network before, conveniently ignoring the fact that Taylor and N'Zogbia have been regular first teamers for years, and there was a time not so long ago when we signed the European young player of the year.  No-one even really knows what is going on behind the scenes, who is in charge of what, what the transfer policy is, or what the ambitions of the club actually are, but they simply base their unquestioning knowledge on their own hopes and on the scraps of PR occasionally thrown out to the eagerly waiting acolytes.

    They go on about a brave new world where we no longer sign mercenaries, yet the first transfer this Summer is a bloke who has reneged on his 5 year contract with his previous club doing them out of a transfer fee; no more last minute panic buys, yet 2 of the best of last years signings were signed on the last day of the window; no more overpaid average players yet the owner sports a shirt with Smith on the back; no more interference with transfer policy, yet the manager now has to go through someone else to get the player he wants even onto the list of transfer possibilities.


    Anyone who doesn't sign up unreservedly to the new blind faith agenda will be labelled stupid, impatient, or even a non-supporter by the radical Ashleyites. Praise be to Our Saviour! Burn the unbelievers!


    Very cute. But exceedingly stupid.




    Bloody good impression of you, then.  :aww:


    If you've nothing to add then shut up. Take your corny punchlines somewhere else.



  9. Why, he dribbles, he shoots, hes got a decent cross, quite flamboyant, but defends. Im sick of people having a go at him hes had his fair whack of s**** from oru club just like Milner.


    from the dvd i watched, he run with ball but rarely beats his men so dribbling is not his forte. he just runs with ball when there is space in front. he is a typical grafter not the flair type of player we need. also notice he is not exactly comfortable and quick with his feet like most wingers. typical souness type of right side/left side midfielder. as i said, he seems to have less skills than Milner. Very Emerton or Geremi, typical utility player.


    Maybe you need to upgrade your shitty DVD player.

  10. There are basically just a bunch of Arsenal groupies on here who think they support Newcastle. They think Dennis Wise is the new Arsene Wenger who will  come in and start signing loads of teenagers who will all become world superstars.


    They go on about cutting the wage bill while conveniently ignoring the fact that the club they love which is run on a shoestring has almost double the average premiership wage bill.

    They go on about how having a debt means you're destined for administration while conveniently ignoring the fact that the majority of teams in the premiership have the same or greater non-stadium related debts than we did.

    They go on about patience and short termism when the same people were demanding a change in ownership while we were still regularly getting into Europe. They offer up as examples of models to follow either teams who have only recently started to act as ambitiously as we used to, or teams who are notoriously yo-yo teams (Everton: 15,7,17,4,11,6,5 under the same board and manager. This is the consistency we should be aiming for apparently).

    They talk about massive changes behind the scenes as if we never had an academy or scouting network before, conveniently ignoring the fact that Taylor and N'Zogbia have been regular first teamers for years, and there was a time not so long ago when we signed the European young player of the year.  No-one even really knows what is going on behind the scenes, who is in charge of what, what the transfer policy is, or what the ambitions of the club actually are, but they simply base their unquestioning knowledge on their own hopes and on the scraps of PR occasionally thrown out to the eagerly waiting acolytes.

    They go on about a brave new world where we no longer sign mercenaries, yet the first transfer this Summer is a bloke who has reneged on his 5 year contract with his previous club doing them out of a transfer fee; no more last minute panic buys, yet 2 of the best of last years signings were signed on the last day of the window; no more overpaid average players yet the owner sports a shirt with Smith on the back; no more interference with transfer policy, yet the manager now has to go through someone else to get the player he wants even onto the list of transfer possibilities.


    Anyone who doesn't sign up unreservedly to the new blind faith agenda will be labelled stupid, impatient, or even a non-supporter by the radical Ashleyites. Praise be to Our Saviour! Burn the unbelievers!


    Very cute. But exceedingly stupid.


    No one is asking anybody to sign up to anything. Just stop making a new thread every five minutes moaning about the same shit time and time again when we are at the start of the summer and the owner has stated his plans which he is currently trying to implement.


    The only time the "radical Ashleyites" are ever heard from is when they are trying to shut up the suicidal doom monger's bitching 24-7 about the same bollocks.


    Also love the way Dennis Wise is claimed to be the director of football whenever anyone wants to critisize the club. Bloody hilarious that.



  11. Hleb has such an annoying face. I'll bet the Reading lad Murty has sleepless nights trying to deal with the fact that such a snivelly faced little rodent actually had the audacity to throw a slap at him.


    Very good player though tbh, but the fact that he never has a go at goal is what stops him being really top class for me, making his little outburst against Fabregas quite ironic.


    Pretty much any player worth their balls will have a go at goal when the opportunity presents itself, not Hleb though. I think he bottles it as much as anything, which is why he has less than 10 goals in 3 years at Arsenal.


    Never shoots and never crosses. I don't think those spindly little legs of his are able to generate the necessary power to do so.

  12. Arsenal midfielder Alexander Hleb has launched an astonishing attack on manager Arsene Wenger and team-mate Cesc Fabregas, as he attempts to engineer a move to Barcelona.


    The Belarus international has been seemingly on the brink of a £15 million move to Serie A or La Liga all summer, but has yet to actually leave the Emirates Stadium.


    However, Hleb has made his position practically untenable in north London after revealing a rift with both Wenger and team-mate Fabregas.


    The 27-year-old said: "My view of how I should be playing didn't coincide with the manager's.


    "I raised the subject of leaving with Wenger twice before the end of the season.


    "I think he was quite upset about it. But ask him. It may turn out he's happy to see me go.


    "I don't know where I'll be next season but I'd prefer Barcelona. It is being negotiated and, hopefully, will be decided soon."


    Wenger has already lost Mathieu Flamini to AC Milan, while Emmanuel Adebayor has been linked with a move to the Rossoneri and Barcelona.


    It had been thought Arsenal's £35m valuation of the Togo striker had priced Milan out of the market, but the club's technical director Leonardo said: "It's no secret we're interested in signing a forward and we are looking for candidates.


    "Didier Drogba is a fine player and I really like Adebayor. We are waiting for the right time to make a move."


    To offset the potential loss of Hleb, Wenger is on the verge of signing Marseille playmaker Samir Nasri for £13m, while the uncertainty surrounding Adebayor has prompted speculation that Arsenal will make a move for Blackburn forward Roque Santa Cruz.


    There is, though, still a strong possibility Adebayor will remain at the Emirates next season. Hleb, on the other hand, seems destined to leave, especially after criticising Fabregas, accusing the Spaniard of being one of the key reasons why he has not fulfilled his potential at the club.


    Hleb said: "With scoring opportunities he is even more selfish than I am. Given the chance to shoot he always goes for it, unlike me."




    Fabregas selfish?  :lol:


    Now I have heard it all.


    Hleb is such an idiot.

  13. There are basically just a bunch of Chelsea groupies on here who think they support Newcastle. They just want someone to come in and start throwing absurd amounts of money around like a madman.


    Personally I find the Chelsea model repulsive and I more than happy with what I have seen done so far and I see no sense in getting upset when we are basically at the start of summer and the new owner has done absolutely nothing wrong.


    People are always gushing with admiration for Everton who are consistently finishing 5th nowadays, but who has spent less money than them!!! The only big money signing they have had recently is Yakubu and this was just last summer. If we had bought a Lescott, Jagielka or Phil Neville, idiots would have been moaning about not enough ambition being shown and never getting into Europe and all that crap. Well guess what Everton have been kicking our arses now for a good while and these are the sorts they have been bringing in.


    People need to grow up and just think about things logically for once, they really do.


    and how do you feel about the current man u model that was employed to regain their title from chelski and hold onto it?


    is that repulsive?


    Man U's success and revenue has been built up over time. They have consistently been in ithe Champions league and at the top of the table for a good while now and are enjoying the benefits of this. I have no problem with their spending which is still only a fraction of Chelsea's. Not to mention Man United's initial success was all built off of mostly their youngsters who cost them nought. When we are in the champions league year in year out then we can start spending like those guys.


    Way to completely miss the point by the way. Why don't you comment on what I had to say about Everton then?

  14. There are basically just a bunch of Chelsea groupies on here who think they support Newcastle. They just want someone to come in and start throwing absurd amounts of money around like a madman.


    Personally I find the Chelsea model repulsive and I more than happy with what I have seen done so far and I see no sense in getting upset when we are basically at the start of summer and the new owner has done absolutely nothing wrong.


    People are always gushing with admiration for Everton who are consistently finishing 5th nowadays, but who has spent less money than them!!! The only big money signing they have had recently is Yakubu and this was just last summer. If we had bought a Lescott, Jagielka or Phil Neville, idiots would have been moaning about not enough ambition being shown and never getting into Europe and all that crap. Well guess what Everton have been kicking our arses now for a good while and these are the sorts they have been bringing in.


    People need to grow up and just think about things logically for once, they really do.

  15. Tin hat on, but I wouldn't have a problem paying him £8m a year as long as the fee wasn't much higher than £12m. I think Barca will be back in sooner or later.


    Sorry mate but you are bloody desperate and quite frankly out of your mind. What on Earth has this idiot done to deserve £150,000 a week from Newcastle United? ARE YOU FREAKIN' KIDDING ME!!!


    You are happy to make this guy who is obviously some sort of egotistical maniac and one of the most probable mercenaries if ever I saw one, one of the highest paid players in the premiership?!


    I'm sorry but this statement of yours is both infuriating and bewildering. This is real life and not a video game. You pay the top players in the world this sort of money. Players who are guaranteed to produce and who do so game in and game out wherever and whenever. You can in no way justify this s**** and I find this sort of neediness disgusting.


    Just go and support Chelsea why don't you. I'm sick and tired of your sort waiting for these senseless and grossly irresponsible signings and whinging about Ashley because he isn't doing an Abramovich. Just clear off. Thank God he has more sense than the lot of you combined.


    he already said he was talking about Barcelona, not Newastle


    bloody hell :D


    Oh ... apologies if so, but man a red mist just descended upon me after I read that and I was vexed.


    I'm just sick of all the moaning Chelsea wannabes. It's embarrassing. Support Chelsea and the problem is solved right?


    Bunch of f***ing losers on here I tell you.


    In my view we have a very sensible owner who genuinely seems to have what looks like a bloody impressive vision for the club. So far he has done nothing wrong and hasn't even had one season with his own manager and players at the club and all this complaining. Does my head in. At least wait till he fails, which I doubt will happen.



  16. Tin hat on, but I wouldn't have a problem paying him £8m a year as long as the fee wasn't much higher than £12m. I think Barca will be back in sooner or later.


    Sorry mate but you are bloody desperate and quite frankly out of your mind. What on Earth has this idiot done to deserve £150,000 a week from Newcastle United? ARE YOU FREAKIN' KIDDING ME!!!


    You are happy to make this guy who is obviously some sort of egotistical maniac and one of the most probable mercenaries if ever I saw one, one of the highest paid players in the premiership?!


    I'm sorry but this statement of yours is both infuriating and bewildering. This is real life and not a video game. You pay the top players in the world this sort of money. Players who are guaranteed to produce and who do so game in and game out wherever and whenever. You can in no way justify this shite and I find this sort of neediness disgusting.


    Just go and support Chelsea why don't you. I'm sick and tired of your sort waiting for these senseless and grossly irresponsible signings and whinging about Ashley because he isn't doing an Abramovich. Just clear off. Thank God he has more sense than the lot of you combined.

  17. I wonder what all these Spurs fans will do when Bentley signs for Villa to replace Barry ...


    Yeh beacuse replacing Barry with Bentley is like for like.


    FFS when are we getting a Dm.


    Yep like for like ... one expensive England international midfielder for another. Using the Barry money to fund the deal while Spurs fumble around trying to pay off the fee in installments.


    Bentley on the right and then Sidwell in later to play in the middle with Reo-Coker.


    Then what Spurs? Then what?

  18. Ah! Forgot Harpers contract was almost up. He might well be the one leaving then.


    Andujar is a younger keeper with more experience who could take over from Given either this season or the next as Given is getting up there in age and his injuries are piling up.


    Krul and the others won't quite be ready for a little while as they are all quite inexperienced.

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