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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. The description of Jonas Gutierrez's playing style reminds me about Florent Malouda - hard running, hard working ultra fit winger who puts good crosses in.


    Malouda failed, I hope Gutierrez won't.


    Ridiculous statement.


    Malouda was never hard running or hard working. Always been work shy and doesn't have any of the size, strength or enginge that Gutierrez appears to have.


    Besides it's such a random comparison. Malouda is a smallish left footed winger from the French league while Gutierrez is a big right footed winger from the Spanish league. Why the heck did you go with that comparison?

  2. Why on earth would we want Anton Ferdinand?


    I'll get shot down for this Dave but i actually believe he will be a very good centre half when he gets a bit older. However, i don't believe he is the player for us.


    We need someone in the peak of their career.


    I won't shut you down because I agree.


    His only problem right now is one of maturity and focus which I believe will come as he gets older and he gets the young, rich and famous out of his system. His first season at West ham in the prem he was very good and then the hype came along and he got carried away with all that.


    Get him away from London and at a more disciplined and structured club and he will certainly improve as a player, and even moreso as he gets older.


    Unless he does a Bramble.


    Bramble to me was just never there mentally. He never was strong enough mentally to get through a game of football without losing it completely.


    The thing about Bramble was that he lacked so much confidence and so even when he wasn't making mistakes he always looked unsure of himself and very vulnerable and this gave the strikers playing against him an immense boost of confidence which is not good. Despite his physical attributes he never really intimidated the strikers he went up against.


    A lot of defenders make mistakes and are nowhere near as talented as Bramble but still they are far more intimidating and difficult to play against.


    This was always Brambles biggest problem to me. If anything Ferdinand is too confident in himself. He will not be Bramblesque. At the very worst he would be a solid backup but under the right conditions I think he could be near the level of his brother someday.

  3. Why on earth would we want Anton Ferdinand?


    I'll get shot down for this Dave but i actually believe he will be a very good centre half when he gets a bit older. However, i don't believe he is the player for us.


    We need someone in the peak of their career.


    I won't shut you down because I agree.


    His only problem right now is one of maturity and focus which I believe will come as he gets older and he gets the young, rich and famous out of his system. His first season at West ham in the prem he was very good and then the hype came along and he got carried away with all that.


    Get him away from London and at a more disciplined and structured club and he will certainly improve as a player, and even moreso as he gets older.

  4. Another thing is that Redknapp is exactly the type of manager that will get the best out of Crouch. He does tend to give guys like Defoe, Crouch and even Glenn Johnson that extra bit of confidence that makes them much more consistent and effective than they typically are. He won't have to worry about losing his first team place anymore either, as was the case at Liverpool.

  5. This Arshavin hype is getting crazy.


    He was only quoted as being £6 million when we were first linked at the end of last year and now £25 million!!!


    Don't want anything to do with him at that price.

  6. If that comes true then two of the most hated posters in this forum's history will have been right, and I just can't handle that.


    Young man, if I am right will you go die? Iif so I will certainly come to your funeral and remember you for who you are, a true gentleman.  R.I.P Duff11 A.KA Woodgate27 (On Howaythetoon), Bellamy10, Parker17 and soon Owen10.


    You are a newcastle fan though right? When you said we are closing you do mean NUFC?


    Yeh. Aimar deal is said to be £7million whilst De la Red is around £9million.


    Aimar for £7 million ... I think your covers just been blown mate.


    No way he costs that much at his age and with his recent play. Besides we wouldn't pay that much for him anyway.

  7. With the number of changes he has made since aquiring the team, particularly at board room level, I just find it hard to believe he is planning on selling anytime soon; and therefore having everyone he's just brought in on their way out already. He also genuinely seems to enjoy himself supporting and owning the club.


    It looks to much like a long term move and these crap stories are just boring.


    It's Kenny and Freddy I tell you.


    alternatively you don't run a business into the ground and make it LESS professional if you ever intend to sell it for a profit do you?


    Think this guy made my point a bit better ...


    Just look at his appointments so far at a director (various) level.


    All people either known to Ashley or recommended to him by friends.


    Look at the strategy he has for taking the club forward. Its a long term project.


    Any mong with half a brain cell can see this, its not the type of structure you put in place to make a quick sale. Signing Henry, Ronaldinho and Deco would be.



  8. With the number of changes he has made since aquiring the team, particularly at board room level, I just find it hard to believe he is planning on selling anytime soon; and therefore having everyone he's just brought in on their way out already. He also genuinely seems to enjoy himself supporting and owning the club.


    It looks to much like a long term move and these crap stories are just boring.


    It's Kenny and Freddy I tell you.

  9. Basically, Majorca have screwed up by trying to get too much money for the guy everytime a club showed interest. The player has taken matters into his hand and taken advantage of the Webster ruling, which Majorca clearly weren't well versed on, in order to get out.


    Now Gutierrez former club who should have been receiving some money for any transfer are also screwed because he wasn't sold, but bought his contract out. I reckon they fully expected Gutierrez to be sold by Majorca and were waiting for their cut of the cash, however Majorca simply messed up.


    I reckon we don't have a thing to worry about. We will likely pay some compensation but it will be nowhere near what they are asking for.

  10. Tottenham bid for Roman Pavlyuchenko snubbed

    By John Cross  4/07/2008




    Tottenham chairman Daniel Levy has had a £10million offer for Russia striker Roman Pavlyuchenko knocked back by Spartak Moscow.


    Pavlyuchenko was one of the stars of Euro 2008 and Spurs, whose players returned to pre-season training yesterday, were keen - but Spartak insist they will not sell to a club who are not in the Champions League and do not represent a step up.


    Spartak general director Sergei Shavlo declared:"We have received two offers. One of them is from an English team.


    "Since it's not a team playing in European Champions League we are more likely than not to reject their offer."




  11. fucks sake, i'll give it ten minutes in the pub tonight before someone goes 'you seen ashley's trying to sell the toon again?'. i'm so sick of this s***.


    Mate I've just nearly decapitated some goon in the office for saying that. Turns out he's a toon fan that only reads the sun, no other publications, just the sun. Says it all really. His card is marked.


    They must have found that their paper is quite popular with the people of Newcastle hence all this nonsense, so guys stop buying the newspaper!

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