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Everything posted by GeordieDazzler

  1. Williams just nearly killed Pickford, fucking hell
  2. Would be Zizou's heaviest defeat as a manager. Wow.
  3. Tell you what, we couldn't half do with Facundo Ferreya these days
  4. Aye. Half owned by City and half owned by Peps brother according To Wiki
  5. Catalonia beating Spain 2-1 now Girona are a Man City B team aren't they?
  6. and Zaza as an absolute goal machine
  7. Has there ever been a season where all three promoted clubs survived?
  8. That's Cabaye's thing though, he did it every time for us. Put in an awful challenge then pretends he's really sorry. Depressing to see the ref fall for it really.
  9. Players just don't get sent off against us. Seems ridiculous, Bradley Johnson last player to get sent off against us in the Prem. That Cabaye tackle was a nailed on red. Scissor challenge. Knew it was nasty even from level 7 because he did nasty tackles like that all the time for us.
  10. Can't believe what I'm hearing "Ashley has SportsDirect plastered all over the stadium. He deserves it - he saved this club" the fuck Poor misunderstood Mike Ashley
  11. Insigne. Iñaki Williams and his €50m release clause Cavani to hand in transfer request to force move.
  12. Anyone listening to total sport just there? I've heard some Ashley apologists in my time but that guy takes the biscuit
  13. Looks like Dietmar Hamman and with good sense of humour to boot http://nypost.com/2017/07/20/a-rare-peek-at-the-surprisingly-funny-nets-billionaire-owner/ Saw that when it aired, the guys an absolute mad cunt
  14. Basically, we'll believe it when we see it.
  15. They don't, that's TotalSport fishing for replies in outrage. Yeah their next move will be to tell us that we should be grateful for Ashley. Talksport actually has some decent stuff on these days but their bread and butter is to wind people up so they ring in.
  16. The Scum trying to link him with Everton today, nee quotes or absolutely anything of substance, just shit stirring from that vile rag.
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