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Everything posted by GeordieDazzler

  1. Com'n then people, hit me with your best Yanga Mbiwa songs...
  2. Shit the fucking bed. The Mayans were a month out.
  3. GeordieDazzler

    Loïc Remy

    tbf of all outlets, TalkShite have just been going on about it Was just about to post this. tbh Keyes and Gray are a decent listen they aren't out to wind people up like most of the DJ's.
  4. Butland article says he's 6'5, sign him up and play him as a a target man. Sorted.
  5. Pretty sure I seen him score two headed goals from corners in one match this season, I think our players refuse to believe its possible to score one.
  6. GeordieDazzler

    Loïc Remy

    If you gave him 80k a week surely you'd get a whole load of players in the squad wanting the same?
  7. GeordieDazzler

    Loïc Remy

    I read earlier QPR's wages to turnover is 183% how can that be allowed man, fucking hell.
  8. GeordieDazzler

    Loïc Remy

    What are the ramifications of failing to comply with FFP? Just exclusion from UEFA competitions?
  9. What a people's opinions on Jores Okoro? Seen him linked a few times.
  10. GeordieDazzler

    Loïc Remy

    Allez Nouveauchâteau Unis!
  11. "Pass to Debuchy on the right hand side" would be the obvious one.
  12. GeordieDazzler

    Loïc Remy

    Selling Ba for 7.5m and getting Abamuyang for 6m would be pretty incredible business, can't see it though.
  13. People wonder why we have so many injuries... (Sorry if Giggs)
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