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Everything posted by GeordieDazzler

  1. More brilliant journalism from the UK media http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-1299899/Newcastle-target-Hatem-Ben-Arfa-wanted-Hoffenheim.html
  2. Brilliantly researched article from this is Nottingham... http://www.thisisnottingham.co.uk/nottsnews/Burns-Campbell-got-prove-Newcastle/article-2478313-detail/article.html
  3. That's a good point, you know. I don't know how this hasn't been picked up on before now. Chris was there '93-'07 and Sol '92 - '01 so they may know each other pretty well.
  4. Chris will have coached Sol at Spurs right? Could have been a factor in him signing.
  5. http://img175.imageshack.us/img175/9858/6461.jpg Uploaded with ImageShack.us
  6. They all seem pretty upset about him leaving. Good.
  7. On a Milan forum... The Daily Heil have picked up on it now and brought Everton into the fray aswell... http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-1297784/Everton-Newcastle-alert-Hatem-Ben-Arfa-ready-leave-Marseille.html
  8. When did Sunderland Sign Jonas? http://www.safc.com/javaImages/cb/1b/0,,10281~8920011,00.jpg
  9. http://www.redandwhitekop.com/forum/index.php?PHPSESSID=31145e8bfac2cae5365e6dfe61e8e653&topic=260776.msg7175203#new fuck me
  10. Twas fun while it lasted. No dismissal of the Kenny Miller rumour though No dismissal of the Flamini rumour either
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