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Everything posted by GeordieDazzler

  1. If the ball does not cross the line, a goal cannot be awarded. Simple as. Keep the rule as they are, controversy just makes it all the more fun.
  2. Was Henry banned for the handball Vs the Irish? Was Solskjær banned further when he chopped down Rob Lee?
  3. Would be an absolute joke if they ban him past the one game for a red card. Fifa should only be dishing out further bans for cases of violent conduct. Are we going to started handing out bans for every cynical/tactical foul? IMO its all it the game, its what makes football so interesting, its may not be fair but life isnt fair. Ghana missed thier pen, tough shit.
  4. I know this has been covered in previous seasons but it actually possible to buy a FC Fossombrone top? Cant find them anywhere!
  5. If Honda scores he'll be the all-time goal scorer among players who share a last name with cars eclipsing Ferrari in 1934.
  6. fuck off ITV.com second game I've watched, second time you've cut my stream to adverts after a few minutes. cunts.
  7. How many of Liverpools "superstars" will be there next season?
  8. I've said Argentina all along, but I must admit that Brazil are looking formidable.
  9. Benagilo Maicon - Lucio - Pique - Coentrao Schweinsteiger - Merelies - Sniedjer - Honda Higuain - Suarez
  10. Same here, Stekelenburg and Van Der Weil havent done me any damage either. Whoops.
  11. Same here, Stekelenburg and Van Der Weil havent done me any damage either.
  12. Nice goalkeeping from Stekelenburg
  13. Robben is a different gravy like.
  14. Good little bit of play from the Slovaks there, shoulda worked the keeper tho.
  15. Got two of their back 3 out n all. (Ponce and Gary Medel) Medel is arguably thier best defender and Ponce has looked good aswell, they may cause Brazil some problems up front but can't see anything other than a Brazil win here due to thier fragility at the back. May be a lot of goals in this one mind, have left Sanchez in my fantasy football team just in case.
  16. VIDEO TECHNOLOGY CONFIRMS ENGLAND ARE VERY BAD AT FOOTBALL http://www.thedailymash.co.uk/sport/sport-headlines/video-technology-confirms-england-are-very-bad-at-football-201006282855/
  17. Why are the Us team pretending to be the human centipede?
  18. I've enjoyed this so far, the BBC pundits bitch and moan because there hasn't been 4 overhead backheels scored. Cheer the fuck up man.
  19. Fucking great call from the ref there!
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