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Everything posted by GeordieDazzler

  1. they've worked some really nice openings, hope they can keep this up.
  2. L'Equipe sums up the french farce perfectly... L’Equipe: “A rebellion? No, a caprice. A strike? No, cowardliness. Don’t deceive yourself. The republican solidarity that our players showed the world yesterday is an illusion. The [soccer federation] has created a farce; its froth is is just a stink bomb that keeps on exploding. Patrice Evra has once and for all shown that he has muddled up the role of captain with that of a gang leader. Raymond Domenech, by lending a hand to this masquerade and reading out himself the players’ statement, has missed his final opportunity to show some style and courage.”
  3. Joined... I'm "2 Girls 1 World Cup" http://img444.imageshack.us/img444/2119/myteam.jpg
  4. Fucking awful tackle that. Allez Lyon!
  5. Only 3 threads about us on SMB, dissapointed
  6. Tozer was worse than awful on wednesday.
  7. I'm pretty sure that she lurks here already.
  8. Did anyone see Newswipe the other month with the bit about anon sourcing being the main problem in British jouranlism as it basically allows them to print shit. Bit hypocritical to slam Villa talk for making stuff up.
  9. How English would Arsenal have been? Not a dig on Bayern, they do what almost all big clubs do. Just thought that SAF dissing them as "Typical German" when more than half the side isn't German to begin with, and with a Dutch manager, was pretty funny. I seem to remember alot of people spouting the 'Typical Italian' line when Inter sent Chelsea crashing, despite Materazzi being the only Italian player on the pitch, and he came on in stoppage time.
  10. Anyone watch the ITV Highlights programme? They were going on about how Man U would be dissapointed becasue 'you'd think' it would be a pretty straight forward semi Vs Lyon and then later said that they didnt think Bayern would have much problem getting past Lyon. Do they not even do the most basic of research before they go on air? This apparently wank Lyon team showed Ronaldo, Kaka & Co the exit... ITV commentry tonight was shocking as per.
  11. http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2009/08/10/article-0-0024C4A000000258-236_468x470.jpg
  12. “To hear them sing my name is amazing. “It just makes you want to win every game for them, every tackle and get every pass right. “My aim is to stay at the club and help us climb up the Premier League next season, even if there are a going to be some tough battles ahead.”
  13. that thread is class.... http://img339.imageshack.us/img339/4633/magthreads.jpg
  14. Cracking match that, really enjoyed it. Think Barwell may have won if they hadn't had that lad sent off - mind you he deserved to go. Bays second was a corker.
  15. Not saying he's the best player in the world, but Higuain's goal ratio this season is pretty damn good. Games Goals Assists 21 20 3
  16. That's the way Italy became World Champion 2006. Mind you there wasnt a single Italian on the pitch until Materrazzi came on and he played all of 60 seconds.
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