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Everything posted by GeordieDazzler

  1. My fantasy footy team for this... http://img443.imageshack.us/img443/2430/myteamui1.png
  2. Taylor is suspended for the first game He's the joint top scorer out of the current players at U21 level.
  3. Remember that article last summer, "Aye, I think Roeder should go for Torres lad, he looks canny"
  4. Chant I've been sent... You are an Aussie My Mark Viduka You left the smoggies Cos their sky is grey You'll never know Mark How much we love you For tossing those peados away!
  5. Was never a corner in the first place tbh
  6. http://images.skysports.com/images/playerpics06_07/Premiership/Newcastle/barton_allardyce.jpg
  7. only 24,000 a week? thats a refreshing change.
  8. No he didn't. Oh, I guess your 1 of like 50 people that believe what the scuzzball says as to what he said. Quite funny really. Too bad reality doesnt back it. You've totally contradicted your own point mate, you should know the circumstance of what happened, shouldnt you? You've made an assumption that he called called them terrorists, which Zidane has never confirmed. Anyway every one wasnt going on about what a POS Zidane was, it was more people desperately trying to justify the fact that Zizou had just nutted someone in the World Cup final.
  9. That story was complete bollocks lifted from a forum. This one seems silly as well but if they really do want to pay £15-18m for Johnson then more fool them. I'd snap their hands off. He's good but certainly not great. We could get Fernandes and Nugent or a good foreign striker for that money. 1878, how do rate Fernandes? Is he worth the quoted £12m? He seems like a player that nufc should be targeting when the takeover goes through.
  10. Considering he'd be from Liverpool, he already is.
  11. Pearce is hardly the epitomie of how to keep you temper.
  12. Platini a Juve player at Hysel wasnt he?
  13. Tuncay is also on a free.
  14. Its scary how goods Evertons CM's are and Cahill and Arteta only cost a total of £3.5m.
  15. My midfield would outclass that midfield over a season imo But mine would only cost around £5m Who's the holding player? Teams would just walk straight through the center.
  16. Mint player, only cost Everton like £2m aswell.
  17. Where else are the fuckers going to get thier cut price trackie bottoms from?
  18. Oh the irony of seeing that set of fans with Justice for the 96 t-shirts charging the gate at the CL final...
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