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Everything posted by GeordieDazzler

  1. They’ve bid 25m, Soton want 40m Sounds like temperatures are rising at West Ham, Moyes wants PL experience but everyone knows they have the Rice money
  2. Reliable goal scorers are very thin on the ground, would be mental to lose him.
  3. Wonder how much he’s rinsed them for in wages
  4. Helps our siege mentality I suppose
  5. Brighton are currently winning the game of chicken on Caicedo so trying to buy another player of them should be equally entertaining
  6. RE the stopclock debate I think there’s a player welfare issue here too. Say in a match where there is little time wasting and minimal incident there will still be inactive time of about 20min (which is being extremely conservative). Top players will play around 50 or so games a season (purely at club level). So at a minimum your adding a further 1000 minutes of play - equivalent to another 11 games worth. Most top players are already playing far too much football - I think we saw last season when teams like Liverpool we’re just physically spent. I know they get paid a fortune and the clubs have the best conditioning coaches they can get but they are still just humans, burnout happens. God knows how many more ACLs we’ll see if the WSL decided to copy if it was brought in. I also actually think you’d end up with a much slower less intense and consequently more boring game as if it’s all going in at the end why rush. You’d be diluting the product yet further in the vain pursuit of some perfect idea of ‘fairness’.
  7. Would be pretty harsh on Diaby like
  8. Don’t get me started on the stopclock brigade. Folk who want the clock to pause at any ‘non active’ play. Footballs always been about 60 odd mins of in play time. It’s fine.
  9. Calling it now that it won’t be applied evenly. Folk have such a hard on for this stuff that they’ll happily run the players into the ground to achieve it. There’s already too much football, no need to make it even longer.
  10. If he wins the Balon D’or at Palace? Or will Palace have to stump up money if he wins it later in his career? Absolutely pointless clause.
  11. https://www.thesun.co.uk/sport/23246367/spurs-hidden-transfer-clause-ashley-phillips-blackburn-exclusive/ Article is about Spurs but our name is credited with interest
  12. Bighton signing player I didn’t know existed 101
  13. Absolutely no talk about this (an injury) on the Southampton boards
  14. Honestly think there’s a challenge/ bet in the media team about how many times St James Park can be mentioned in a short interview. Speaks well though.
  15. I thought that was Maddison on the left for a moment Anderson looks strong as an Ox doesn’t he.
  16. Yeah I don’t think Southampton are trying to ‘rinse’ us, they are reluctant sellers - lad isn’t on exorbitant wages for the Champo and is clearly seen as a future star. Southampton bought in a way that sort of meant they hoped to keep most of their assets in the event of a relegation. I think we are persistent when we really like a player. I hope we get it done.
  17. If Napoli or Milan had offered us 30-40m we’d have taken that, they didn’t.
  18. Juve it’s just had their season wrecked by inflating transfer fees. I get players like Malcom went for €60m but at the end of the day they are being bought from clubs who aren’t owned by PIF. Regardless of whether it’s his true market value, if their interest is genuine and not just a favour to us, because of who our majority shareholder is there will always be questions of conflict of interests. The club has worked extremely hard to rebuild itself and has achieved great things in a short space of time. They do not want the shine taken off that by an investigation or punishment.
  19. I’m getting a bit sick of Romano 750 updates a day on this deal with zero new information
  20. I think the Brighton position is we’ll agree a price when you agree to sell us Colwill. They have little need to sell.
  21. Watching some interviews from his time at Everton he’s always seemed to be pretty articulate and mature. He just seemed to get this opinion formed around him because of his niggly approach on the pitch at times and the fact he looks a little bit of a scally. He seems aware of his potential and determined to try and achieve it and obviously realised that the Everton situation could wreck his career before it began.
  22. Another Albatross contract for a declining player off the books. This has been such a get out jail free card for the clubs most responsible for the insane transfer inflation we’ve seen. Will they learn their lesson? Will they fuck.
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