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Everything posted by GeordieDazzler

  1. Fender clearly gonna be wearing one tonight I reckon
  2. The local press were pretty reliable under Ashley but now they clearly no longer get briefed by the club. Only way to get clicks for them now is to post random speculative information like we’ve seen from Hope and Edwards in the past day. Like with Isak we’ll probably see a number of other clubs journalists report a deal as imminent all at once then the locals will report second hand.
  3. I think this talk do 50m valuations on these players is just a negotiation tactic, we’ll increase our off any they’ll lower their valuation.
  4. Edwards has just seen that transfer fever is just below fever pitch and has decided to stir the pot. He knows nowt man. Just speculate then spin as he always does.
  5. He could do pretty well with them but that might equate to 6th or 7th and I’m not sure that would be seen as a success.
  6. I agree, although I think it may become English dominated to the point it may lose some lustre. Villa or Juve should win it next year, Juve only in due to their points deduction. Typically the English team will be the favourite for every game they play including the final. 7th in the Prem Will pretty much always be better than the respective side in the other league. Good for West Ham to win it early!
  7. Just switched the coverage on and absolutely delighted to see no Rio Ferdinand. Great start. (watch him be on comms)
  8. If the Qataris are clearing the debt and updating the stadium the total cost to them could be much higher? As said before it costs them nothing and pays them a handsome return. They’ve set a price that is basically unrealistic to anyone, even a Petrostate which is quite and achievement
  9. The Glazers are still asking for a ridiculous valuation aren’t they?
  10. That’s gonna be on commentary bingo next year. It will be mentioned every damn match.
  11. No but I’m trying to will it into existence
  12. had never seen this before
  13. Because it’s always been a marketing thing along side a bit of a proxy war. PL is the worlds biggest billboard. They don’t care about making people in the west think they are wonderful.
  14. Alcaraz created their goal against us iirc (Sulemana may have got the assist but he instigated the move)
  15. It’s a pretty make or break transfer window this for Liverpool. They can’t really afford to get it wrong. It’s helped that they are only having to focus on one area of the team too. You look at their business under Klopp and there is very few misses and those that have been are more unlucky AOC with injuries etc.
  16. Seems mad that Chelsea could sell all their players who are anything approaching a leadership figure. They are like some weird experiment of squad building from scratch.
  17. Trips looks normal Bruno looks AI generated
  18. wasn’t saying one should go there just that their ambition is likely curtailed without one
  19. Didn’t need to revamp the training ground did we
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