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Everything posted by GeordieDazzler

  1. Miggy must have jumped a good couple of feet off the ground celebrating from the bench too
  2. Forgot about this until you mentioned it. Was when Pope went down so Bruno could get seen I think. Both managers doing team talks at the side of the pitch. Just stood in the huddle for ages listening to everything. Then went straight over to Howe after they clocked him
  3. Angers are having a nightmare season and other clubs are unsure on a player based on a handful of WC performances?
  4. That Edwards article states that they need to cut players ahead of their CL last 16 tie since the arrival of Felix, Mudryk and Ballishide. Are the first two not cup tied? Or is that not a thing in the CL anymore?
  5. Fulham are the biggest shithousers in the league…49 yellows (and one red)!
  6. I think we may not get an update before the next game, even if it is good news.
  7. They’ll still probably be paying the original transfer fee for a lot of these players once their sold. esp with the ridiculous contract lengths.
  8. I would say it was him introducing a second ball to the pitch at the pen to hold things up was a clever thinking. Despite people thinking we are the English Atleti we are firmly mid table on the fair play league with beyond reproach Arsenal just a point ahead of us.
  9. Unlucky with that chance before half time. The take and turn were exceptional. Felt he should have just laced the finish.
  10. When he tried to announce the sub on the penalty
  11. So players on 4 are now free to to shithouse until they reach ten!
  12. I must say it was probably the worst atmosphere this season until the pen.
  13. Lad at the match was saying today was the cut off for accumulating yellows? That right?
  14. GeordieDazzler

    Jacob Murphy

    That but at the end where he went to pick the ball up and kicked it out of his own hands was world class shithousing couldn’t have executed it better
  15. It’s needless inflation of the market, Todd thinks he’s Cornelius fucking Van Der Bilt. As mentioned before I get that the 7 year deals are to try and spread out the amortisation on the players but don’t they risk just creating the Bale situation on steroids? (minus all the CL wins). ‘oh you’ve bought another 25 midfielders Todd? Fuck you pay me, six years left’
  16. Probably been covered a million times but why is there seemingly no obstacle (work permits) in signing players direct from Brazil - Scarpa, Danilo, Gomes, Santos etc?
  17. Not sure why people are interrogating bus timetables. 90% of the players live in Ponteland I’m sure he can grab a lift.
  18. I think Poch will take the Atleti job at he the end of the season if Simeone leaves.
  19. I legit think they might try and get Tuchel back
  20. He’ll probably do well there, but how the might have fallen.
  21. They bought him in the summer for like 12m or something and then Chelsea tried to bid 50m for him in the same window
  22. Is there a clip of this?
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