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Everything posted by GeordieDazzler

  1. Was it the Leicester away game on Prime where they asked if he any questions for Eddie and he said he wanted to give him a hug
  2. ‘it’s the money’ I assume that statue outside their stadium was just for a really good academy coach then
  3. GeordieDazzler

    Dan Burn

    Ultrabeat going to see a Gala-esque jump in royalties (although it’s a cover isn’t it?)
  4. Assume he’ll be the halftime hero tonight
  5. They are basically taking Felix away until Simeone leaves at the end of the season so then he can come back and be the main man? It no secret Felix and Simeone don’t get on
  6. So the best case scenario for Chelsea is that Felix has a stonking 20 games and as they have no options to buy Atleti hold them to ransom for £140m or something. Galaxy brain shit from Todd.
  7. Arsenal bringing the game into disrepute again. Hope they get another FA charge. Begging for a pen Vs Oxford man
  8. Saka slowing down the game faking an injury. Hope the ref has his stop watch.
  9. Wasn’t Konur exposed as just being a click bait rumour account the other week? People just take what he says as gospel due to the Blue Tick
  10. Got sold to Burnley in part as he refused to get Vaxxed no? And as the different areas of Germany had different rules they had no idea when he could or couldn’t play.
  11. He’s pretty much our only saleable asset that you could countenance selling.
  12. This would be appropriate considering our recent heel turn
  13. Most embarrassing tweet since Sol Campbell’s honours pitch
  14. Quotes in the press from Shaktar that they consider him a much better player than Antony and that his price will reflect that. The inflation that Man U and Chelsea have caused in the transfer market is criminal like.
  15. I’m going Edson Alvarez signed out the blue. Sombreros in the crowd at Fulham home.
  16. Eddies quotes in the press conference were specifically that any transfer activity would be injury based and he specifically mentioned Shelvey’s injury. If you look at our two big injuries it’s him and Krafth. The noises from the local press are that we want a number 6 and a back up RB which is consistent with what Eddie has said. The local journos seemed to be briefed on the overall strategy but not on targets. Most of our transfer breaks come from the selling club/journos.
  17. If we aren’t going to do a great deal of business in this window it does make sense not to weaken a shallow squad further.
  18. They are giving out 7 year contracts too?
  19. Not a massive amount of difference across the board then. Context is everything.
  20. Hearts seems ideal - esp with the other Aussie players there too.
  21. ‘Tipped to sign’ = ex player with zero input on transfers suggests him on talksport
  22. First time two manager have faced each other in La Liga and the Prem in the same season.
  23. Because players know many decisions are still very subjective and if they can force a VAR review there’s a chance it may be given. Also the space on the island of relevancy for the top clubs is shrinking so maybe a bit of pressure just manifesting itself.
  24. That was due to Willock having bad cramp and us defending a man down. He was preventing the quick throw from Arsenal. 100% the right thing to do even if it was a bit blatant.
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