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Everything posted by GeordieDazzler

  1. Reckon we could have our strongest XI back in tIme for the Man United game
  2. Mourinho live streaming himself from the team bus during the Inter game (he’d been banned) then celebrating with the bus drivers He’s definitely likeable again.
  3. 6 appearances 125 mins in total, no goals. It would probably have been better for him in the short term to come here as would get a lot of high level game time. Although learning from Neymar, Messi etc has to be tempting. Isak looks a similar player in many aspects of his game and is much further along his development curve. Don’t think we’ll be back.
  4. Did you see the Burceball vs Gerrardball thread
  5. Was saying earlier he makes a lot of the other attackers in the team better when he plays, plus he’s a constant goal threat. Think he’s got one eye on a coaching career too.
  6. Shabab Al Alhi is Dubai, he’ll have a pretty cushy lifestyle. Depressing waste of talent mind.
  7. Sweden failed to qualify for the WC and he’s guaranteed to get it the squad most likely. I think he wants to ensure that he’s adapting to the team.
  8. Gerrards looked shite pretty much the entire time he’s been at Villa and has spent a bomb and they look no better. Lampard inherited a team in freefall. He’s slowly improved them and they look a solid enough outfit this season.
  9. Lampard is the best out of the new PFM crowd. Sort of helps that he failed as Chelsea as that link won’t constantly hang over him. He’s signed well and has calmed some of the turbulence there. They look competent, although lack of firepower will be their big issue. He’s probably not going to be an elite manager but he’s miles ahead of Gerrard, Bruce and co.
  10. Bayern lost. Their worst start in forever.
  11. toonjam said earlier he was injured most reliable itk in years!
  12. look out for Liam Henderson playing for Empoli the most Scottish looking kid ever.
  13. It’s the perfect con WBA a large enough club that the money will be decent but low enough profile that he barely gets any heat on a national level. Get outside the Black Country the reaction will probably just be ‘oh is that where he is now’.
  14. Surely it’s understandable why people get uncomfortable with what can feel like enforced patriotism? I think a minutes silence is perfectly adequate.
  15. Don’t know if I’ve misremembered this but when we went down the first time weren’t WBA seen as a sort of model of how to run a football club? Would be around the time that Ashworth and Eales where there. Now they’re a Sherwood away from completing PFM bingo.
  16. Meat Stack ridiculously good. Just reminded me I’m up to my free burger on the loyalty card #fatbastard
  17. Allegri must be close to the sack. They look devoid of ideas.
  18. So was that goal disallowed for the keeper being off the line? That seems ridiculous
  19. Costa is a weird one didn’t really do too much, had a five year purple patch then faded away. Will be interesting to see how he gets on I suppose. 33 seems quite young to be washed up these days.
  20. Glad we don’t have his YouTube circus tbh
  21. Wonder if they’ll stick in house and appoint Carsley. Or even Boothroyd - although seen he just left for the Indian league.
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