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Everything posted by Ronaldo

  1. Two seasons, man. They signed Robinho nearly 4 years ago.
  2. It just reminds me of a conversation I had with a bloke in NYC who argued that Mike Tyson was the best HW ever because men 'in all 50 states' had Tyson tattoos, not to mention the fact the British Embassy let him into this country to fight without hesitation in spite of his conviction for rape. I think we as a society generally overlook actual achievments in favour of the intangibles when evaluating sporting greats. It makes no difference to these people that Tyson lost badly to the only great fighters he fought, or that in this case Pele or Messi's record stand up far better to scrutiny.
  3. Ronaldo

    Rangers Newco

    Can't these arseholes just get liquidated already?
  4. We may aswell just play Beckham Scholes Lampard Gerrard in midfield. We never seem to learn anyways. Get them all in. They used to be world class and they are the best we have to offer still. Golden Generation, one final hurrah.... The other three were never as good as Scholes. I do agree that Terry, Lampard, Gerrard etc should be nowhere near the England squad but i'd have Scholes in. I assume Wilshere won't make it? What a ludicrous post.
  5. Ronaldo

    Leon Best

    His fitness record isn't good enough for him to be a reliable backup. Neither's Marveaux's (his is worse), but how many times have I seen you banging on about him?
  6. Who gives a shit about any of it? Bad footballer than won't amount to anything. I'll have a beer when's he replaced by someone average or better.
  7. Ronaldo

    Leon Best

    Thing is, if (God forbid) anything happened to Papiss, he's the ideal player to come in and get Ba scoring again.
  8. So are you. To be honest, I barely care anyway.
  9. Hart Walker Rio Cahill Cole Walcott Parker Scholes Young Lampard Rooney
  10. Something I think you'd appreciate http://bigyellowtaxi.files.wordpress.com/2009/11/lampard.jpg Lampard's such a god.
  11. You have Scholes (and Gerrard) instead of Lampard because that'd mean a lack of pace? Right.
  12. 5th f***ing place at least, man. I feel like I've taken a year's supply of crazy pills.
  13. If we're 1-0 up with the other 2 losing/drawing with 5 minutes to go I'll genuinely have a heart attack.
  14. He never looks like he knows what he's doing at CB.
  15. Height, intelligence?
  16. I do. He's not very good there.
  17. Yeah. That's about what we paid for him.
  18. I can't believe some of these teams. Jones and The Ox in midfield, for crying out loud.
  19. Ronaldo

    Alan Pardew

    Good luck from good deeds.
  20. Hang on. Are you actually saying you'd happily play Barry and Cleverley but not Lampard and Parker?
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