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Everything posted by Mikky

  1. Fantastic read. Thanks for posting it.
  2. Is he any good? Most talented youngster outside of the premiership IMO (correction alongside Will Hughes)
  3. Yep; stood out from everyone when I watched England U19s a month or two back: reminded me a bit of Barkley Seriously talented
  4. Mikky

    John Carver

    Yep I agree; and you could see that come across the interview
  5. Mikky

    John Carver

    Couldn't agree more!
  6. Gerry Francis lol Looks a right tosser
  7. Me: I'm struggling to make it work - want to keep Costa as well. Probably going to have to lose Silva and downgrade Zabaleta (who has been useless since I brought him in). But I dare not bring him in - looks like he might rise again before a ball has even been kicked. I'd only have 1 striker at that price and rotate on a week to week basis; ideally you want a squad of 15 of which you can call upon everyone My bench this week is Mingolet Austin Clyne Williams ATM Team is Robles Zabaleta Moreno Terry Silva Sissoko Chadli Hzard Sterling Aguero Kane
  8. Just listened to TS Great call from our NO member! And Wallace WTF was one of the hosts on about re ASSE, small club? they're one if the biggest teams in France; rich in history
  9. I have no idea lol Trapped wind?
  10. Personally I think he may be in the running for the Barca job at the end if the season
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