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Everything posted by Mikky

  1. Hugo asking Caldwell about Speed at FT :-(
  2. Fuckn hell Spain arent even starting with Fabregas, Mata, Munien, Navas, Llorente, Torres, Tiago, Soldado, Pique, Albiol, Javi Martinez just to name a few
  3. Junior Hoillet: very impressed with him: can play RM and CF
  4. Dont let him take corners! leave that to Raylor
  5. Raylor deserves his place. His crossing is invaluable and gives Jonas cover for him to attack
  6. He did ok last night. Cut inside a lot and ran from the middle. An intelligent passer of the ball. For me he'll be better off having Santon behind him. We could cause team problems with him cutting in and Santon running out wide
  7. Mikky

    Danny Guthrie

    Yep i thought he was good aswell
  8. He'll do well: looks quality: i like how he runs at defenders
  9. On phone! His 1 to 1 defending is very good, attacks with pace, linked up well with Jonas: played RB in 2nd half and was solid again
  10. Good going forward and when defending: Just needs bulking up thats all
  11. Was good: very good in fact: Simpson is crap
  12. Cheers found it Love SJP when its loud like that (hair back of neck moment)
  13. Anyone got a link to the video vs Man U last season when Owen came on and got booed? Cheers
  14. Mikky

    U23s & Academy

    This is effectively our B team: full of the next lot of prospects: very pleasing that a lot of these have a bit of first team experience already. All the more impressive that the likes of Vuckic, Travenier are yet to come
  15. I hope we get an easy draw in the CL next year!
  16. Bayern and Napoli decent bets this year
  17. Is Shakiri playing? How has he played? Looks class (here's hoping Mr G Carr has seen him)
  18. Another deflected goal for Di Santo lol
  19. No point in making documentories if no one is named. Whats the point in calling them player A and player B ffs how do we know who they are. Waste of time these documentories are unless you have hard up evidence and can name someone without worrying about the legal bit
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