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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. "We didn't really need to recreate my prison shower drama in this much detail"
  2. "If you're scared of Torres, just hide behind me."
  3. If only this blasted "Gettyimages" sign wasn't in the way we could chase after him and get the ball.
  4. "Just look at his arse Joey, you know you want to." "I was never confused"
  5. "You can't pick it up you blert! Le'me at him laaa"
  6. And I like it, I like it, I like it, I like it, I la la la like it, la la la like, he're we go-o, rockin all over the world.
  7. "Shit players, do the conga, good players grab yourself a ball"
  8. you like that don'tcha bitch!
  9. Bring your Diatta, Bring your Diatta, To the Slaaaaaaaaughter. Let him go, Let him go, Let him go.
  10. Another shit result for Ramos. 2 canny league cup shows and people are spunking their backs up over him. Jenas fucked too
  11. Keegan has made bad teams better throughout his career. Souness has only ever made good teams worse. Pretty broad generalisation, i mean, i suppose the question is do you think that Keegan could recreate what Souness did in the same stuation? Im not sure he could. Has Keegan left any club worse off than he found it? Has Souness. Pretty accurate generalisation I'd say.
  12. Keegan has made bad teams better throughout his career. Souness has only ever made good teams worse.
  13. http://genchem.chem.wisc.edu/demonstrations/Movies/drinkbirdsm.gif
  14. Wenger win ratio - 53.2% Fergie win ratio - 58.3% Fergie wins. Next.
  15. What a beauty. I'd buy that for a dollar.
  16. I reckon we'll end up 1 point better off than last season.
  17. Saw this earlier. Hence <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Keegan = legend.
  18. Bent hardly gets a game at Spurs Ashton hardly starts at West Ham Young could turn out canny. All mini Shola's if you ask me.
  19. I thought he was worth that in the Championship last season, now they are in the prem, in the winter window £4m is nowt. What English talent with potential can you get for £4m? Prices are crazy these days, £4m is nothing really, couldn't even pay Owen for a year. Broken a foot since then and only started 11 games this season. Wouldn't be so much against a pay as you play deal like. We've been a real soft touch on transfers though.
  20. Nice to have someone on the bench? Like i said, Barnes is being used as an example as we know it was close to happening as it went public. I could pick random names out of the hat but that would be a bit pointless. So you agree, no-one we could've realistically signed would have improved the team in the immediate future.
  21. Is Barnes worth £4M like? I'd raise an eyebrow at giving them £2M.
  22. Seems to me people want to whine about the situation for the sake of whining. Since Keegan arrived there's been a drastic improvement in tactics, performances and passion. People whining have no suggestions who we should have signed . The people we approached goes to show how loathe players are to come. If you blame Keegan and the fortnight he had with an open window when he arrived for our current position rather than Allardyce and the 8 months he took to build the most tepid team I've seen at St James', you're a moron. I'm not though am i? You are one fuked up muppet today. erm, yeah, you are.... I'm not blaming KK for the current situation of the club, i'm asking why no one was signed to help stay away from a relegation fight. We are in a relegation fight, we didn't sign anyone to help us out, if we did we would stand a better chance, unless we simply cannot trust KK to find quality players that is. I do think there has been marginal improvements no matter what the stats say, but those games at home against beatable teams could have turned into wins with new players as we know its going to be tough with the current crop. Even KK himself said the club needed a boost from signing a player or two, his words not mine, i agree with them, you don't. We'll have to agree to disagree. Our record of signing players is so bad that people on here advocate selling every memeber of the squad and starting from scratch. I think we've done exactly the right thing (the only option left open really) taking an enforced step back, given that the quality players we were chasing turned us down. Take stock of who fights to get us out of this and who doesn't step up, then rebuild on that next season. You don't blame Keegan but ask why no-one was signed. It's simply that the players he went after wouldn't come. Can't we accept that and move on?
  23. Seems to me people want to whine about the situation for the sake of whining. Since Keegan arrived there's been a drastic improvement in tactics, performances and passion. People whining have no suggestions who we should have signed . The people we approached goes to show how loathe players are to come. If you blame Keegan and the fortnight he had with an open window when he arrived for our current position rather than Allardyce and the 8 months he took to build the most tepid team I've seen at St James', you're a moron. I'm not though am i? You are one fuked up muppet today. erm, yeah, you are....
  24. We had more about us on Saturday than in any other game I've seen this season. Players were in their own positions for a start. Boro and Bolton were more cagey and we had nowt incisive to cut them open with.
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