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Everything posted by huss9

  1. huss9

    Kevin Keegan

    omg! he's gonna come, he's gonna come!!!!!!!!
  2. huss9


    like a post match analysis of the MLF's performance.
  3. from the league's best ref too. ridiculous. should have mitro getting the red.
  4. huss9

    Sven Botman

    we now have brazil and holland as back up options for when england get knocked out.
  5. huss9

    Kevin Keegan

    @Heronemail the king and get him on board - just as a on-off to stay thank you.
  6. should we rest them for spurs then and bring them back for villa at home? then a sneaky yellow in the game after and use the cup game as a suspension.
  7. not a single mention about the wages liverpool have paid over the years, and how they are still paying massive weekly amounts. cant see our max weekly wage being much more than 100k. and liverpool have been able to spend massivley obver the years when others including ourselves coundnt. record fee for Dalglish in the seventies, then over over £2m for Beardsley in the 80's, then that ridiculous £35m for Carroll
  8. lampards done more with less at everton.
  9. huss9

    Nick Pope

    yeah his kickings not great but he is fucking class. we all got blinded by some of Dubs' reflex saves. this guy is the real deal. to think most of us were a bit confused as to why we would be spending £10m of our budget on a keeper so soon! trust Eddie. he knows everything.
  10. huss9

    Epic NUFC photos

    was just gonna put that up. needs to be a massive print of that at the training ground or even in the stadium. lets make a banner out if it.
  11. huss9

    Fabian Schär

    or his forwards runs to get into a fight if someone gets radge with one of his teamates. he went nuts after that gordon nudge in the box and got himself booked. love to see it but it could end up cosing us. needs to just glide over a wag his finger and return to his position.
  12. looked like he got chucked out. unless they let him back in without the dinosaur suit. twats.
  13. aye. absolutely pathetic behaviour from both sets of fans.
  14. @Heroncan't we do a Niall Quinn one, just for the bants.
  15. @Froggy just out of interest, how did u end up on this board? always interested when other clubs fans become such regular (and decent) posters. you didnt initially "come in peace" did you?
  16. think we're overdue a couple of SBR and KK banners - add a third one for Eddie if needs be.
  17. some decent shit-housing at old trafford from him. good lad.
  18. get them wheelie bins filled with ice cubes, and let them do their magic.
  19. just nice to be a little disappointed having played manu, man city, liverpool and thinking we could have won them all. a complete change from a year ago.
  20. huss9

    Fabian Schär

    he should by now have a face like Brewcy's, not that of an Armani model.
  21. or we could have if Maxi or Isak were involved.
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