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Everything posted by huss9

  1. huss9


    howay man, this is genius! not enough love.
  2. "what do you expect him to do?" is this guy for real. he should have been apologising on behalf of his son. there's no coming back after that. he's a dead man walking. likely stand-off with the owner over a pay off. lets see who blinks first. WBA fans that suffer in the end. Toon fans are due a lot if fucking apologies.
  3. Stop trying to put us off the scent, man. We know what ur up to ?
  4. huss9

    Jacob Murphy

    Aye hate the personal abuse of our players. Criticism of their performances us valid without having to get nasty.
  5. huss9


    Like us under Ashley. Publishing tickets sold rather than who turned up. Still a poor turn out by NETG standards.
  6. Played a blinder. Got his son a job knowing that they'd both be getting paid off within 18 months. Nice work if you can get it. Oh and love that guardian piece ?
  7. watched the whole of that with a stupid grin on me face.
  8. That's the wonder of Howwwwwe!!!!!
  9. huss9

    On this day...

    greatest front 3 ever.
  10. great news. his family were coming up over the summer to move here but i think there were a few issues finding somewhere they liked. at least with a long term contract, they should all be settled knowing he's gonna be here hopefully another 2-3 years.
  11. thats a good base to start from.
  12. huss9

    Sven Botman

    was actually a great save from the keeper to tip it onto the post.
  13. nah, he's played us before and not got into bother. its not his first match against us since he left.
  14. in the mirror also. i dont really see anything corrupt in there at all tbf. just 2 parties trying to find a solution. no dirty tricks. Damning messages revealed that confirm Tory lies over Newcastle United's Saudi takeover Documents show Lord Gerry Grimstone, a former Barclays chairman, spoke with the league's then chairman on several occasions - despite Boris Johnson saying on record that government had no role in controversial Saudi takeover ( Image: Getty Images) NEWS POLITICS FOOTBALL CELEBS TV Alan SmithFootball News Reporter 16:39, 26 Sep 2022 UPDATED16:51, 26 Sep 2022 | COMMENTS The takeover of Newcastle United by Saudi Arabia's Public Investment Fund was assisted by an intervention from a Tory minister who spoke directly to the Premier League's then chair Gary Hoffman, according to a Freedom of Information act requested by Open Democracy. A series of now public messages from Lord Gerry Grimstone included asking, in August 2020, for the Premier League's stance on a "way forward" with the deal to purchase the club from Mike Ashley stalled. On another occasion he wrote in a memo about finding a "solution" to the impasse over the piracy issues relating to streaming service BeoutQ which threatened to derail a takeover. The revelation comes despite former prime minister Boris Johnson insisting that his government had no role in the deal. Johnson appointed Grimstone as minister for investment in March 2020. An internal memo composed by Grimstone on 22 August 2020, which copied in British ambassador in Saudi Arabia Neil Crompton, referred to a communication he had with Hoffman in which they agreed on the piracy issue being solved before talks around a takeover of the club would restart. Hoffman stepped down from his role at the beginning of this year. “Gary said the EPL would like to find a solution and he is very sensitive to the wider considerations surrounding all this in respect of relationships with KSA. We agreed that any process should not restart until a clear way through is on the table as any new 'failure' would be highly embarrassing.” Later that day Grimstone, who is a previous chairman of Barclays bank, sent Hoffman a WhatsApp which read: “I think for all our sakes we need to try and bring this matter to a conclusion as quickly as possible. "As discussed it would be helpful for you and I to have a view from your QC as to what in his opinion it would take to achieve this. I can then confirm from the highest levels of the Saudi Government whether this is deliverable and we all will then know where this stands.” Boris Johnson had previously claimed the Conservative Government had no involvement in the takeover ( Another memo sent by Grimstone 11 days previous, again with Crompton copied, said that he held a 45-minute conversation with Hoffman. “We established clearly at the beginning of the call that my only role was to facilitate the passing of ideas between the EPL and PIF and that in no way prejudiced the EPL’s complete autonomy in this matter," Grimstone wrote. In response to a parliamentary question from Newcastle Central MP Chi Onwurah in April, Johnson said : “These are commercial matters for the parties concerned. The Government was not involved at any point in the takeover talks on the sale of Newcastle United.” Since the takeover was completed on October 7 last year, Newcastle United and the Premier League have maintained an insistence that the PIF is separate to the Saudi state.
  15. huss9


    we were a lot closer to winning it than that if he had grown a pair of balls and been more pro-active with his subs.
  16. huss9

    Nick Pope

    needs to work on his kicking.
  17. huss9


    playing players that are out of form. playing players who arent match fit due to lack of game time for their clubs. playing players out of position. and just being fucking negative in general. should have got rid after that abomination of a managerial performance in the euros final.
  18. and that Eddie isnt stupid.
  19. i'm sure Eddie and his team will be looking at this just as we are.
  20. huss9

    Alexander Isak

    not a pelanty box predator. number of times he got dragged out towards the wide man rather than racing into the box.
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