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Everything posted by huss9

  1. but, but we have to be at our very best to beat this exellent sheffield utd team
  2. he might just nudge the hierarchy and say he's happy here and ask them what they're doing to match his ambitions.
  3. only one defeat in four, man. give the guy a break.
  4. we need to bring in at least 2 players, not to make the team better, but just to give us options from the bench. otherwise its relying on fraser, murphy, longstaff, anderson or wood to come on and change the game
  5. think late on, Eddie had settled for what he thought would be a good away point hence why this lad never came on.
  6. huss9


    just another display of the shit level of officiating in this league. should have also let wilson score then use var if neccessary.
  7. put in the best cross of the game but none of our midfielders had gambled or been bright enough to attack the box in his absence.
  8. I reckon 4 nowt to us including a Chris Wood hatrick. Elliot Anderson to get the other.
  9. They were my second team late 70s early 80s when we were in the old div 2.
  10. We watched the game in a bar in spain. Kids were initially gutted our hols clashed with game. Anyway, great atmosphere in the bar. But we had 2 piece band on that night, we a cracking young guitar player who happened to be called Bruno. The bemused and then chuffed look on his face at the chants of BRUNOOOO! after each song was amazing.
  11. This kind of thing is exactly why I hate the personal shit certain players get on here. Yeah, Ritchie's way past his best but he's been an essential part of our rise both on and off the pitch.
  12. just goes to show how most clubs are going to suffer with the new 5 subs rule. bigger teams just bring on a load of fresh top class internationals on in the second half and blow the opposition away.
  13. its shite. was clear from the first replay he wasnt off. why the bloody delay. i think var should have a 20 or 30 sec0nd limit. if its not obvious enough then go for the on field decision.
  14. huss9

    Sven Botman

    a young jonny woodgate in terms of composure and anticipation.... all from a couple of friendlies though! but looks the real deal.
  15. if our opening bid was £40m, shows we surely value him closer to £50m.
  16. yeah but he's a club ledge, and i'm glad people still remember and acknowledge that. plus i bet he wasnt getting many requests whilst ashley was here.
  17. ritchie wasnt great but it a fantastic touch from him to put CW9 in for the first goal.
  18. North Shields couple forked out more than £130 for Newcastle home shirts and they didn't turn up Lisa and John Brodie ordered the tops in June and were expecting them at the beginning of July nechronicle Newcastle United fans John and Lisa Brodie (Image: Newcastle Chronicle) A couple were left furious when they forked out more than £130 to pre-order two Newcastle United shirts and never received them. Season ticket holders Lisa Brodie and her husband John paid £136.50 for a woman's top and a man's top from the NUFC website back on June 8. They expected the black and white home shirts, produced by sportswear brand Castore, to arrive at the beginning of July. However they did not turn up and the pair, from Preston Grange area of North Shields, have spent the last two weeks repeatedly contacting Castore and getting no response. Read more: Co-owner of Gateshead pub slams Network Rail for blocking their entrance with metal fencing Lisa, 55, said: "I'm frustrated and I'm annoyed. When you pre-order them you expect to receive them straight away. It's just so frustrating knowing I can walk into the store and buy them but I haven't got a spare £136.50. "It's a real let down because there's such a great atmosphere and a great buzz about the club now. This has put a dampener on the whole thing." The couple pre-ordered their new tops back in June (Image: Newcastle Chronicle) Lisa and John, 62, who works as a piping engineer, have seats in the Leazes Sports Bar at St James' Park. They are looking forward to the new season and had pre-ordered a 2022/23 home shirt each so they could wear them to matches. Lisa said that she received confirmation of her order which said the expected approximate date for dispatch would be July 4. She said that on June 27 she received another email saying her order was being prepared to be dispatched by June 29. She said that when their tops failed to arrive on July 4 she waited a few days before initially getting in touch with Castore. She said she then resorted to emailing them on a daily basis after failing to get a response. Lisa also went into the Newcastle United club shop and they only had the same email address for the company. She said she thought about buying them in the shop instead but she was unable to cancel their order. Lisa and John are season ticket holders at St James' Park (Image: Newcastle Chronicle) She said: "I think the first email I sent was on the 10th July. I then gave it until the 17th July and from then I have been emailing them daily. There's no acknowledgement. There's no email an acknowledgement to say 'we have got your email'. It's a disgrace." Lisa said she has noticed other people on social media who seem to have had a similar experience with Castore. She said they want to be able to wear their new tops to the friendly games against Atalanta and Athletic Bilbao next weekend. After Chronicle Live became involved, Lisa received an email back from Castore. She said the company told her they were having a delay in getting the women's shirts but they could send John's shirt out straight away. Lisa said she asked them to give her a refund for the women's top and send out John's shirt. She said Castore apologised, authorised a refund for her women's shirt and gave her a £25 gift card. Lisa said the company has now also issued a refund for the male shirt as they cannot guarantee a delivery date. She said: "I will go to the shop to buy one. I will never ever pre-order again!" Chronicle Live has contacted Castore and Newcastle United for a comment.
  19. huss9

    Miguel Almirón

    that smile. he's our new jonas. not the best, but simply unable to dislike the guy.
  20. wonder if this was being shown in brazil. benfica are massive there. could explain the absolute shite for brains actions at times from Big Jow and Bruno.
  21. lying self-pitying human.
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