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Everything posted by huss9

  1. charnley has no power at all and does not make a simple important decision at this club. he is told what to do by ashley and his chief crony.
  2. i think Vlad was saying ashley and his crew, not caulkin/waugh think that bruce is the right man.
  3. how many automatic promotions and how many playoff successes out of interest?
  4. it really means they arent going to pay him off with millions, and they feel that they'll not be able to get anyone in better without another payoff. so instead of spending over £5m trying to change manager they'll let the useless twat get on with it. its purely finanancial. i'm sure they've realised Bruce is clueless but wtf....
  5. glad that alex exploded the myth that we've been shit due to injuries. plenty of shit games when ASM and Wilson have been playing. how many has Wilson cored in his last 10 games?
  6. and would you risk your helicopter trying to carry him across the pennines??????
  7. yeah but i've changed my mind about him staying in the championship. surely he'll either resign or take a reduced pay-off eg 500k or so. but there'll be no way he'll be sacked.
  8. would love the squad just to turn up and train anyway. even if it is just with jones.
  9. stan collymore..... "He exudes misery... talking up average opposition, moaning about injuries, and talking in meaningless generalities.. while rival coaches give insightful detailed answers."
  10. public pressure cranking up. he's being humiliated and he knows it. his family have to pull him aside and tell him its not worth the aggro. but he wants his payoff. shameless.
  11. well said bonny lad. and calmly done without an insult in sight. hopefully Bruce or one his cronies was listening. hopefully we'll also get comments from bbc "experts" Savage and Sutton about this fan's unlrealistic expectations.
  12. Craig Hope has never lied (knowingly) in any of his articles.
  13. huss9

    Isaac Hayden

    he plays for clueless dinosaur in team that has no shape or tactics, alongside the dynamic hendrick/shelvey. compare that to the player under rafa.
  14. good shout. something i'd never considered. be strange not have clauses in the players contracts though.
  15. controversial one, but i would say craig bellamy.
  16. just wish at least one of the media would ask him his thinking about playing with no strikers when we are desperate for goals.
  17. wow. that needs to be sent to sky, motd, radio5, talksports.....
  18. thats my £600+ down the drain. thought it was a good idea at the time not to get refunded as i wouldnt have to pay next season.
  19. i honestly dont think its on purpose. i just think ashley is making a £4m gamble. (i know, i know, it doesnt make sense).
  20. remember the old days on here when we gave a shit? the analysis and individual player ratings after a game?
  21. huss9

    Graeme Jones

    the split striker shite is jones'. Then why is Bruce pretending to be manager? fuck knows. jones has probabaly blinded him with science. "its technical".
  22. sky sports must have the worst set of post match interviewers anywhere in the world, i always switch over after tv games involving other teams. do the interviewers go as easy on other managers? it beggars belief the way they interview bruce.
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