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Everything posted by huss9

  1. huss9

    Graeme Jones

    the split striker shite is jones'.
  2. the bloke will never be sacked. he'll be tasked with trying to get us out of the championship. the only way he leaves is when his contract ryns out or if he decides to forgo his payout and resigns.
  3. huss9

    Graeme Jones

    so who's idea is it not to play with any strikers?
  4. huss9

    Graeme Jones

    how can you play split strikers, without having any strikers in the team to split???????
  5. you've said this with absolute certainty 3 or 4 times now tonight? what or who do you know Ben?
  6. sack him and get absolutely anyone in. cant believe im saying this but if nigel pearson had been available i'd have loved to have gotten him in. just some fucker who would get them in every day. if the "scientists" dont think they should train then at least drum some tactics into them.
  7. wonder if he'll even bother releasing an apology this time when we get relegated. don't think we'll hear a word and Bruce will carry on.
  8. huss9

    Isaac Hayden

    absolutely. brighton players more bothered than any of ours. they've all given in man. and yeah, hayden hasnt been great this season, but at least we;ve seen some glimmer of effort from him.
  9. huss9

    Jeff Hendrick

    so this lad is a better option in midfield than anderson, ritchie, longstaff s, longstaff m, saivet, or even a fucking mannequin???
  10. we looked like a fucking team that trains twice a week, and is coached by a load of clueless frauds.
  11. shite again today. for fuck sakes, at one point he was standing at RB whilst the centre half was advancing and looking for a pass in midfield.
  12. Rob Lee seems to think our setup has Jones' fingerprints all over it apparently. Jones ditched his son at Luton - He's biased on this. True Faith interviewed a Luton fan who said this mad split strikers thing was a Jones obsession. yeah. i think Rob Lee was slagging it off too today. his kid played under jones at luton.
  13. every fucking team has injuries. every fucking team. thats no excuse. hendrick, joelinton, shelvey.... the dont pick themselves. if bruce is pissed off with the Longstaff family, even matt ritchie would do a better job in midfield than hendrick. and you have a manager who seems to big up every fucking team we play even if they're stranded at the bottom f the table and odd on to go down. that kind of negativity transmits it self to the players. this and brentford have to be the 2 shittest performances of the season.
  14. if rafa had found himself in this situation he would have still put across to the team how important goal difference. this cunt has no intention of trying to push us to score. the fucker's given in.
  15. soccer saturday has a decent host but has the worst punditry of any sports show out there, not just football.
  16. Fake Geordie bastard would be better. poifeck!!!!
  17. nah. would sing sad geordie basatard instead.
  18. huss9

    In memoriam

    that goal at the 74 world cup!
  19. fuck me that would be wonderful.
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